My Water Culture

Haha, we all are, some of us just think the plants talk to us through numbers, others through leaves and roots.

(And some of us listen for both!)

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yah, you’re right, it’s all about the leaves…and their shape and color! Even the texture! Sometimes, it’s about the growth rate as well.
When things go off the rails and I can’t figure it out - that’s when I reach for the meter(s). Once I have all measurements, EC, PH, temp, the solution is usually obvious. I’m looking at you, blueberries

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lol final step is encapsulate the solution and use it whenever you see things go wrong again. tosses sulfur dust into the berry patch

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Hey I run dwc myself and I’ve used hydrogen peroxide for root rot and other than that you can never go wrong with hydroguard

what kind of temperatures are you running in the nutrient solution?

Single bucket system and my res temp jobbers around 72 degrees

yah 72F/22C is a pretty good temperature, you definitely have to try and keep it below 24C/75F or else there could be problems if the temperature spikes/respiration increases.

my ph is like 6.2 so that’s not bad. The worst thing to have happen is the plant absorbs all the water and the bucket runs dry. All the nutrient solution crystallizes ugh and you have to change shit up. I let the ph drift and don’t pay too much attention to it. As long as it’s hovering around 6, it’s all good. Of course you don’t want the ph to rise by an entire point or go down an entire point. like going from 6-7 that gives em a bit of stress if you pound it back down to 5.5 a drop of 1.5 from 7. They like things more stable…trust me :wink: or the leaves get this twist to them. That’s why there is a ph range that they operate in instead of a solid number. I mean you can try and keep the number solid on the dial…but is the effort worth it? I kick back in my chair and relax while people are chasing .1’s around with nitric and phosphoric acid.


yet another power outage! yay! Then you call them and they say the power is on. Oh well! The protocol is to wait for the light to come on then turn the timer forward 2 hours. That ensures no edge cases. I hate mutating the plants by screwing up their photo period. Basic light poisoning.

another power outage! ohh my! I’ll have to check on things again.

Where do you live, India? LOL


Hahahaha, that is classic. I got a tattoo done by a mate in India. The tattoo was a 3 hour job but it took about 10 hours because the power kept going out :smile:
tattoo for 30 minutes, power goes out, migrate to back yard and smoke chillums for 2 hours till the power comes back on, rinse and repeat.


I spent a little time in India a while back, love the country. Infrastructure is a little shit though.


For sure. I love the place. Have spent about 3 months there over 4 visits. Goa is an absolute banging place.

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I wish I could blame it on…CANADA! Unfortunately I am living in canada but getting grid power from the USA. Living here might be peaceful but damn the power outages!

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Dang US can’t get its power shit together


yah it’s a series of crazy storms that are attacking the grid with natural disasters…aka downed trees. I don’t know how they cut the trees back from the lines, but it’s not enough. Mind you sometimes up here a tree will come down on the lines, but not like it does down there. Some kind of ancient grid power exchange the two countries had cooked up in the 70s. Power company probably doesn’t want to pony up the $$$ to complete the grid out here over questionable terrain. They classically skimped by using the USA grid to complete the last mile. JOYGASM!


lol my plants are doing good. I am discovering the secrets of the meat breath plant by using observation. I also on a whim gave one of the big buds a +1 dose, just to see what happens.


You don’t have a generator? If your power goes out that much you may want to invest.


It would probably pay for itself in retained product within a couple of grows. Every time that power goes out you lose a bit of weight while the plant gets it cycle back in wack. However it can also attract unwanted attention.

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