My wife has liver failure,. I dont know what to do

I can not express not only Thanks to my AMAZING husband @Pawsfodocaws but all of you my life has been so crazy that i cannot keep up with this forum but my husband is always updating me! I can’t express the emotions these comments bring. I have been fighting for an answer my entire life! Unfortunately the medical system sucks as im pretty sure everyone on here has an example of that. I dont know what to say at this point other than currently printing almost 1000 page health summary just from 1 hospital system. All I know is that my liver has had problems over 20 years or more. It took myself this long to piece enough together and with the help of a life long friend we have finally made progress. The problem now is when did it really start? How bad is it since it took basic all systematic failures to indicate what the root cause may be. I am just praying the damage is reversible… although ive been having potential TIA’s since 1999 and this latest episode that got me enough to fight AGAIN for proper care. Im in such bad shape they assumed I was a meth addict this time and again the ER held me in phyc. Long enough to get me the answers or just a few tests that were the final thing I needed to gey proper medical attention. I dont remember all the details currently of my ECG but it was BAD… also my liver panels have I guess never really seem to be normal but not enough to waste drs time. But after a good 35 year fight of trying to get some dr. to believe me that something was physically wrong. Now that ot may be too late for much hope I don’t know. I am praying that there will be any option of extending life.

I just want to say that Mr.paws has his hands full! I was the one working to support the financial side of things but still barely make it. My family os a huge burden on Mr. PAWS! He is so amazing that no matter what comes our way he will take the best care of me possible. Currently my entire family is dying! Yes my side is very small but gma is 91 living through her 3rd heart surgery since it stopped 3 times last February, my dads fighting a hard battle hia second time with prostate cancer and my mother who was the only one to ever advocate for me has not even padt 65 yet and dying of early onset alzheimer’s! This is a horrible burden on mr.paws as is, for example he is usually the one to care for her when I am un available. For example tomorrow mr.paws has to deal with our daughter to and from school and care for my mother (who cannot do a single thing unassisted anymore) while my father goes for more extreme cancer treatment while i take my grandmother for 3 back to back appointments for next heart surgery which is a valve replacement. Now on top of this mess we had and me just having health issues that already made thongs worse that now… I just want time in life to care for my family, myself but mostly spend the rest of my hopefully many years next to my beautiful child and AMAZING HUSBAND! We plan to spen the rest of our days (hopefully many years) having the time of our lives… even if i have to watch from the sidelines sometimes! All I want is enough time to see my child not just hit double digits but adulthood and more hopefully!

I just want to say this platform saves my husband in so many ways! He doesn’t have ANYONE he can talk to and I am so glad he has this AMAZING family behind him! Please support @pawsfodacaws in anyway possible! He is a very strong man, but honestly I’m surprised he even shared this to all of you! That just tells me how much you all truly are his family! Just make sure for me that he has people who he can talk to because I doubt he will burden me with his feelings! I just dont want my best man to lose his mind because of keeping all his feelings inside! I know how much you all mention helping the family but please, please make sure my husband has friends through this because you guys and gals on here is all he has!
I pray that its not to late to fix things for me and we can spend many more happy years together as a family but this diagnosis is coming many years to late. So to end this message, I APPRECIATE ALL YOUR LOVE AND SUPPORT! YOU HAVE A LIFELONG FRIEND IN MY HUSBAND BUT I SEE HE HAS THAT TOO HERE! THANK YOU ALL FROM THE DEEPEST PART OF MY HEART! (and I say that from the not malfunctioning part of it!:face_with_hand_over_mouth:) this has been a LIFELONG journey for me. My husband still fell in love for this sick girl, but I mean I was his hott bud tender years ago when we met so… but no matter if I have gained 100 lbs literally or now lost now lost 120 since the heaviest he always loves me the same! I have not weighed this little since before I was 15 years old! I just want my husband to know he is my EVERYTHING! And I could not do life without you baby! If I was forced to due to circumstances like this I would never be the same. I have sadly known whatever was wrong might take my life before they figure it out, but never gave up… and now I am finally getting the answers I needed. If im unable you know how much you all are apriciated and paws will keep you updated as we know more! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: gentle hugs to all of you!


I’m sorry to hear about this! I’m sending hope, thoughts and wishes. Life is definitely not fair, because good peeps like you suffer so much. :heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart:

Keep strong and we will get through this together, the community is here for you!

Pz :v:t2:


Very touching post @Mrs.Paws! I feel for you and your family, and although I’m not one for praying, I will throw some in for your sake.
@Pawsfodocaws, good job staying strong and hoping for the best. I hope you keep the moral up the best you can. Hopefully this is just a large speed bump in your lives that will bring you all together more!


So sorry to hear this @Pawsfodocaws @Mrs.Paws :pensive:. Sending good vibes and all the positive energy your way and hoping for a bright spot for you folks asap! :green_heart:


Sorry to hear about your wife. Be strong both of you and don’t give up. You’ll get through this Mr. Paw and Mrs. Paw. Manifesting deep healing.


it’s very sad to read your wife is not well :frowning:
luckily in most cases the liver can recuperate, if treated well.

we are sending good vibes to @Pawsfodocaws and @Mrs.Paws
and hope she goes back to good health in no time. love and light


That sucks hard, I’m sending good vibes to you and your family! If Doug gets a fundraiser going I’ll happily donate sveral packs of shiva99, it’s not much but something.

All this medical issues lately… Man that sucks. :roll_eyes:


I’m sorry to hear this awful news brother, is she on a wait list for an appt. or do you guys already have one? I know it’s extremely difficult not to think the worst in these situations but try and stay positive.
Hopefully the specialist finds something that’s easily remedied and not as serious as it could be. Wish her the best from everyone on overgrow, and paws, a lot of members here have wide open mailboxes if you need to talk.


@DougDawson we have the go ahead from lemonade joe to do the fundraiser. @DGCloud thanks for contributing and anyone else that may do so.


Thank you all for the kind words. This is tough. But a ton better to have og by our side.


I just want to say I’m very sorry to hear about your family health issues. The only thing I can add to this is a recommendation to see an alternative medicine practitioner. Usually Chinese traditional medicine is the easiest to find. The liver is the only organ in the body that can regenerate itself. This would require a flush of toxins and herbal medicine to help damaged tissue. Also a complete change of diet and lifestyle would be needed. There is also lots of information online about alternative liver treatments.


Ok @Pawsfodocaws , I will need to get through the current JPS fundraiser first. That should wrap up in the 22nd. Then we can get this going for you.


Keeping your family in my thoughts bud


It is much appreciated @DougDawson .


No worries @Pawsfodocaws :v:


I recently found out I have ‘‘Familial non-alcoholic liver disease’’.
Just went through a lot of info on it and what lifestyle changes, meds etc… might be warranted.
Make sure the doctor gets her in with a nutritionist… sometimes the right diet and meds work really well until she can get a transplant (if needed)
Luckily, liver transplants are highly successful- and happen more frequently than kidney/heart transplants…
I know it is hard, but try to stay optimistic- positivity actually helps healing!!
Huggz!! :heart:


One Mom to another…and a wife in the position of being disabled yet having to work to support the family due to hubby’s neck injury and stroke–
Hang in there hun. It’s easy to say- but near impossible to do in times like this- but try to stay optimistic. you are in for a lot of steroids and meds, a huge diet change, and (hopefully not) a transplant.
Good thing is- as has been mentioned- the liver can heal, and transplants are more common because people can donate a part of their liver- and it regenerates once transplanted.
It’s even scarier when you have a little one… but you may find that she will often be the one encouraging YOU to be brave, and positive. Kids are tougher than we are!
Hang in there hun… you have many people here and throughout your friends and family pulling for you!! :blush: :heart:


Thank you for the kind words to my wife lady z. They mean alot.


You are both tough people. That was rough reading, my heart is with you. Positive and healing energy is sent to you and your family. I wish I could do more.


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