My wife has liver failure,. I dont know what to do

Thanks bud.


Hey mate just read about all this nowā€¦terrible to hear so sry for you guysā€¦all the best for Mrs Paws. Donā€™t hesitate to reach out for any assistance I can provide bud :green_heart:


This is great!!! Im so glad its working out for you as well with the fundraiser!!!

I hope things start to turn around for you and her even moreā€¦ its gotta start somewhereā€¦ and it looks like its going to start at OG!!

Hopefully once the ball is rolling in a positive directionā€¦ it keeps rolling in that directionā€¦ inertia is real!


Thanks everyone. We appreciate you.


Stay positive my friend :green_heart: :potted_plant: :seedling: :herb: :deciduous_tree:


How are things today? Hopefully better


My wife will be updating you all later. Things are looking better but she will be on a heart monitoring system for the next couple or so weeks


Glad to hear she is recovering and working on it, having a true diagnostic and starting to monitorize itā€™s the first step for a recovery, keep us posted ā€¦ :pray:


Sending some love from Colorado ā€” all my best to your wife and to you and yours.


Thank you guys! We appreciate you so much :heart:


Glad to hear she is doing better @Pawsfothecaws


Thanks friend. Alot better than where she was.

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Sending some love from the Netherlands :heart: wish you both the best!


Yes to much with what they spraying us with

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So so glad sheā€™s feeling better thank goodness GOD is great hope everyone has a BLESSED DAY


So why not a Go Fund Me Page? It would seem to fit all the criteria. An OG auction wonā€™t put a dent in the medical bills and lost wages. Have one of your friends or family members set up a Go Fund Me Page for you.


The reason being is we have watched them be done or experienced the go fund me type fundraisers and they take too large of a cut. I dont like how some keep a large portion for services. I know this wont put a dent in it. But it will help. I assume she will sometime be put on a disability program, being as young as she is and having these problems.
Later if anyone does want to donate, we will post a paypal address for any donations, not asking but this go fund me thing has been brought up i think twice. I hope you all understand my thinking on it.

Edit also no offense meant im reqlly stressed about this. She has more information on what is happening, a lot better understanding.

Edit I may be completely wrong about gofundme, we have had friends have a large portion of a fund site take from there donations.



Also no one has set one up, sorry i misread im pretty smoked up. This was our reasoning for not setting one up ourselves *


Thanks again everyone for being there for us while we go through this. We really love how much this community comes together for one another. Thank you all and thank you @DougDawson and everyone that has wished us well. We appreciate it.


Gosh!the support from this page is so sweet. I just donā€™t know what to say to all of you!

Im still not well, but I have been sick literally my entire life. There are so many details I donā€™t even know where to startā€¦ this is beyond a horrible strike of luck, but if I had family that cared more about my life not only qualify but length. My mother before her diagnosis or should I correctly say when I found out about her condition was the only one to believe my sickness was something real but yet no diagnosis was ever found. Throughout my entire relationship with Mr.paws about 11 yearsā€¦ he has been such an mazing support system! Even though it has been an issue with unknown health issues throughout our relationship, he never lets me down! He is the best friend I have ever had! I have had multiple health issues throughout the years but never did I think it would turn to this! I have gotten mystery migraines with signs leading to a TIA since at least 1999 after a fall and injury to the tailbone. After life of stomach and body pain, infections and ear, nose and throat issues there are soooo many factors at this point I have no idea what could be the root cause. It may be genetic, autoimmune, or even worse draw of luck! Well so for some details my mom used to say I grew up at the childrenā€™s hospital. Unfortunately it continued to almost all hospitals multiple specialist and yet, clearly not the correct specialists! By 20ā€™s they had no idea what could be causing all my issues and slapped fibromyalgia diagnosis at me to answer what the Drā€™s didnā€™t understand. I was not doing well and went through a long fighht for disability over some years before I met my now husband. After years fighting for an answer I was prepared for a different way of living, but never imagined it would get to this bad, this young! Loosing my lifelong best friend, teacher, counselor and every other title you can imagine, most of all the woman who was my EVERYTHING to alzheimerā€™s when I had just given birth to my one and only child was the hardest thing to deal with! (My mother is still alive but i lost her years ago!) My greatest fear is not only dying before my daughter hits double digits or more so adulthood, but having a condition similar or like my mother. Knowing how every aspect of her life would be changed in such a horrible way that can be patched but the wound never healsā€¦ this is different than end of life care to my grandfather who was my other biggest fan! He tought me everything I know, and to be everything I am! He was not just the backbone of the family but the glue that held it together more than I can begin to share. Due to my health issues i had to stop doing Almost everything I loved at such an early age for example i canā€™t walk through my house without great communication although 20 years ago at age 16 was my last real backpack trip with my dad and brotherā€¦ it was 38 miles round trip at least 4 high lakes, 6 days of bliss! There is nothing like the great outdoors! Iwas so extremely sick my the end of the trip that I never went again in fear that not only would I be the cause of ruining the trip but potentially needing to get airlifted. By age 17 or so I had to basically quit hunting, and most other activities that were so deep in my soul. I think this is why my husband won over my grandfather so easily! As he had told me my entire life no one would ever be good enough for me! Well Mr. Paws got his approval so easily when my grandfather got to dig out old fishing and hunting gear for mr.paws and I to go on Amazing Adventures and enjoy the great outdoors together like my grandmother and hanged in themselves! Anyways, the point is the back story I guess because mr.paws and I share alot of crazy history that we were never from the same city but frequented same locations growing up even got our first deer at age 13 in the same GMU youth hunt. Then his family eventually moved into my hometown and luckily he didnā€™t find anyone before i was able to ā€œhook, line and sinker him!ā€ Well so my migraines were undercontrol for many years or at least not as debilitating as the ones that kept me from attending school regularly by sophomore year of high school i had my first surgeryā€¦ nothing really came of itā€¦ so anyways back and forth through sickness and injuries while Mr. Paws and I were together. He never showed this deeply effecting him but probably has our entire relationship. The worst part is he was able to over the years get to know how amazing i used to be ( donā€™t get me wrong I will always be amazing at least to the people that matter like my AMAZING HUSBAND AND DAUGHTER!) but I know how much the latter part of our relationship took a toll on him! Becoming a parent is hard enough but with my health issues we had many scares with our daughter, she tried coming 2 months early then decided she was just giving mommy and dady a not so fun 3 day stay preparing for her early arrival 1 month later. We were so greatful our tiny doll size little girl made it and seemed to have no complications. 2 months old she was rushed into emergency surgery for double hernia. Her ovary entangled in the one. Ahe was not even 6lbs by this point. She made it through like a pro! By around a year we were made aware the drs thought our daughter was autistic, which they were clearly correct. But we dont love her any different, she is the most amazing person I have ever met! She was frequently sick also, even got parainfluenza at one point through our fight through covid. She was about 4 years old when she was safely walking between both mom and dad down the same staircase that landed me not only on the floor a few times at our old house but also the Emergency room! Sadly her one and only fall was worse than it appeared at the moment. Well i guess the little fighter has the pain tolerance as her mother and when she fell on the stairs she got right up ahe cried more than normal but not even 2 minutes then about half hour later I was rubbing her head running my hand through her hair while she was using the potty when I realized she had split open the back of her head oddly same spot as I did at age 10ā€¦ but when she got her 2 staples she didnā€™t get to meat rescue 911 show narrator William Shatner (didnā€™t look up his name until I was telling the story to Mr.paws! Anyways our little trooper got 2 staples in her head for a week and just thought the drs gave her a bad shot! We let her believe this only until they got pulled out then I told her how awesome she had done and what child doesnā€™t touch the staples in their head for an entire week well she did. We had covid well mr. Paws maybe once or twice and daughter probably the same but me i got lucky and had confirmed covid 5 times at least twice was coinfection with flu A. I got a rash that never went away about similar timing but again have had these same symptoms since birth. December 3rd last year I had a severe migraine that progressed to by the time Mr. Paws convinced me i needed medical attention, by the time we got one town over I could not form words and or follow thought, I temporarily lost my memory and ability to talk. Was admitted at a larger hospital for 24hr observation but released with migraine yet again. So brings us up to current situation. I really didnā€™t want to put up some sob story for all the sweet people on here that were already willing to help my family. But we have not had an easy go at things and Iā€™m sorry to all of you since this novel im writing is only a short summary! So last time i know I had covid was march this year! I was covid free by April but unfortunately never recovered. I was being seen by some horrible Drā€™s 3 actually have cases worth malpractice but would need a diagnosis, and an expert witness, which means another Dr. Same expertise to testify against them. I literally had to drive extra miles just 3 times since April to try and get medical care from Drā€™s that were not connected as I have definitely been in medical emergency each time they have discharged me as multiple complaints that eventually turned to manic bipolar each time. Due to the previous malpractice this just got worse along with my health over the months. I have always fluctuated in weight from age 15, 140-250lbsā€¦ but April I was at 189lbs. Yes my healthy weight loss goal at 250 was 100 lbs but this wasnā€™t first rodeo it does pack on overnight it wont fall off overnight, well so I thought.
I have had abdominal issues of all kinds, the rash from 2022, lack of appetite and much more. It progressively got worse since April 14th. Now I have lost total of 60 lbs recently declining faster and worse than ever before! I havenā€™t been this weight since age 13 and sadly I fit into my almost 6 year old daughterā€™s sweatshirt last week since Ive lost so much muscle I used to be like super woman but cannot e even cary a gallon of milk without pain! Although until just about 2 weeks ago I was still working my job that Iā€™ve loved for the last 7 years, but only 2 days a week. I would not stop for barely my 2, 10 minute breaks because they were paying me to work and i already had to do everyone elses work so why make more work for the next person by my slackingā€¦ oh that reminds me of husband, mom and boss making me take maternity early because i had lost 20 lbs when i definitely was pushing past my limits but they told me i could work hard for my daughter after i brought her life, so thatā€™s what Iā€™ve been doing! Providing for my family we have come so very far! Although for the first time in my life I dont know how to solve the problem! In a twisted way of thinking i am the problem in the equation. The solution is quality of life with and for my loved ones after I go! Although I am praying with the success the last few weeks putting together 36 years records and an impossible and complicated family medical history to the point i didnā€™t know until my pregnancy my correct blood type now to find out that its the rarest blood type in the world with only know 4% of population have it.

So after 6 months of getting steadily worse, Iā€™m at the point of unknown weight loss of 60lbs, systemic failure, where the most recent indicators of liver failure was the main problem according to the Drā€™s refusing to believe me of my pages of things i was progressively dealing with daily. My vision has slowly been going bad for many months, was perfect 20/20 thatā€™s why the men in my family continued to make me go hunting with them was, i was more successful hunting from (then finishing the hunt on foot to be clear to all that only leagal disabled hunters are allowed to shoot from a vehicle!) I was just not able to hike miles of mountain terrain in a day anymore! Although their push did get me one last quality deer tag to drop my personal best buck in 2017! The hint of a lifetime other than day 1 wore me down so bad my dad and brother forced me to pass on 20 bucks that would all have technically made my PB. Day 2 at daylight dropped a beautiful quality deer! But other than the pretty mount to remember how good i once was i remember 2 days of horrible pain and misery! This being the reason I continue to stay home other than to take care of everything thats needed is more than i can even handle. The 2 days i was recently working beccame too much where the leg cramping and debilitating other symptoms became so bad that i would end up barley pulling my part at home, and resting to go back to work or whatever/whoevers appointments that had to be taken care of and a few weeks ago I would say about 3 weeks i had another episode where the migraine issues didnā€™t stop or really start like the previous onesā€¦ i was pretty sure it must have been a TIA for real this time because it lingered for days! Usually were over and back to normal within max 6 hours before dec. 3rd episode that cost my memory and lasted through sometime during 24hr observation. Obviously a detail i dont have due to the cognitive decline. Literally walking off multiple cramps as we speak hoping to avoid the next episode. The other morning i was so hungry since i havenā€™t been able to eat meals since April and currently few bites of food is awful but SOOOO GOOD when I can! I tell you my husband eats well but alone almost every meal everyday, unless he takes his food to my family or his family stops by to visit him! It is such a tease to not just see his great food but smell it, well that is if its not making you sick like morning sickness or smelling cigarettes after successfully quittingā€¦ you know if you have been through either! So I have been feeling like fuzzing out as I put it until Monday night/Tuesday morning got up to make a small snack when another episode started but was different and worse thann ever this was also after 10 days before seen for same thing without the heart attack part! They said I was sinus tachycardia with abnormalities when i left but wasnā€™t told due to malpractice for 2 days after and changed time of the ekg by a different dr who must have caught the mistake. So definitely scared the crap out of me when i got so hott soaked like i got out of the shower and then mainly remember until coming out of it that I could barely walk and when hubby woke and got me to bed that i was completely numb paralysis both arm couldnā€™t feel or move them from around both elbows down. Recently if my heart or BP has been off it was both bradycardia and tachycardia with heart in 46 last episode but this time the lower numbers were the systolic and diastolic pressure witch last 2 weeks at least noticed the diastolic was running pretty low for some reason. Now after the most recent emergency visit i have ventricular bigeminy and for whatever reason the slightest movement sets off the abnormalitiesā€¦ I know the pulse and heart rate are not matching like they should and that my respiratory rate was also wacky for the first time and that goes with the now im tachy joke with my husband from the hospital (bad humor at inappropriate times!) I just know that every episode is worse to now a real heart attack yet minor it is only progressing. And other than taking my grandmother in for her heart surgery Monday as scheduled by fate today! lol! I now have multiple specialist in my future just only one i know os first will be a cardiologist for further monitoring than the personal equipment i have bought for myself out of pocket to monitor from thisā€¦ well now i am unable to fake it to make it! I am worse at night currently tingling and cramping continues but the symptoms cycle so often i can barely keep up myself. I dont know what else to say other than i have wanted to take the time to get on and update you all but itā€™s been rough clearlyā€¦ and now Im up middle of night again in so much discomfort i just dont know all the things i know as fact dont lead to multiple positive outcomes but unless they diagnose it as alzheimerā€™s i will make it through okayā€¦ well best im capable of. Although I can not imagine if they say its alzheimerā€™s lossing my mind is the worst thing to say but that to me is a fate worse than death! Especially to my husband and daughter!!! I really hope that the damage is not permanent or at least some is reversible and not progressive for long timeā€¦ cure has been out for years but answers, as much time and quality with loved ones being top priority of course but now I just have a feeling im putting together my own story a day late and dollar short to the people finally starting to help as i have been working for months to establish new health care team! Ugh sorry just donā€™t know when i will be updating next but Mr. Paws really needs friends to talk to through this more than the fundraising! That just shows the kindness surrounding him! But whats important to me is that he has the support he needs to walk through this horrible rough road he choses to walk with me everyday because that is what love is! To death do us part! I just pray it is sooo very many years from now! We are still soo young, although his only 3 years younger i feel like he will have many years on me in the end so please friends treat him well and you too will have a great friend for life!

Wow, now if anyone reads that and makes it all the way through can follow a thought and sentences smashed into that well, just wow you really are AMAZING! Im sure my husband will be on here every chance he has not like he wasnā€™t before all of this but i just couldnā€™t keep up before but especially nowā€¦