My wife has liver failure,. I dont know what to do

Wow what a write up, and a journey you have had @Mrs.Paws! I’m glad you have the strength of @Pawsfodocaws to help you through. If either of you need to talk I am here, message anytime.


Thanks all wow she really let loose on the post. :heart: and happiness :blush:


7.9% plus $.30 cents per donation is what GoFundMe gets. So for instance if you had 100 people donate $100.00 each that would be $10k. GFM s cut would be $790.00 + $30 leaving you with $9180.00

Hope this information is helpful.


Thank you i appreciate the information. :pray:

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Hard outta likes.

That’s really good information to know! Thank you, @LoveDaAutos! :+1:

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@mota thank you ever so kindly. Your donation is really going to go to good use.

@BudWhisperer we appreciate your donation as well. Thank you. It warms our hearts knowing we have the community behind us.


Summing it up, i had a minor heart attack. Now I am on blood pressure heart rate monitor, pulse/oxygen. Again extremely sorry for the lenghthy message. My adhd has me all over. I will answer any questions, so please ask me questions you may have. I appreciate it. Please tag me! :smiley:

Thank you all for taking the time to read about our situation.


Hard outta likes, as usual.

You are both so welcome. I have an admission, or maybe not really an admission to those who know me. I’m lazy. I’ve always been a person who prefers the easy way. And honestly, I’ve also been a lucky person. Helping you and others with a little donation is one of the ways I can treat others the way I would like to be treated if our positions were reversed.


I have some :heart: for you brother.


Hang in there @Pawsfodocaws and @Mrs.Paws. I’m glad your figuring things out but I am sorry your having to go through it. You both are amazing people and it hurts me to see you navigate the madness that is the American health care system. Know you have my empathy, sympathy and hippie prayers. I enjoyed reading your update blocks! Rambling adhd is something I am fluent in myself! :laughing:
It sucks having a litany of things wrong with you and to be told its all in your head or it doesn’t work like that, your not alone and I hope they actually listen. I was going to say something else but the ghost train haze is kicking in and I forgot. :v: :green_heart:

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Thanks bud, its hard sometimes but she has a ton of good info. She is going to start getting on her profile and using it more. She is going to learn how to navigate and use the site more than before. She wanted me to let you all know that @Mrs.Paws will be more active around here. Should be nice. Thanks for understanding the adhd stuff too, i try and i understand its fine. I just have to be patient. Also you relate which im sure many people do as well. Anywho thank you :blush:


I’m not a doctor, don’t claim to be or have medical experience but everything you have mentioned about your health issues sound extremely similar to my wife’s father, he’s had lifelong health issues, and every few years seam to change the diagnosis. He also had liver issues last summer and was hospitalized and had extreme weight/ muscle loss. It turns out he has a rare disease that’s why they had such a hard time figuring it out but said it’s called IGG4. He’s been treated for the last year and has definitely been making progress since then.
Hopefully they can give you a definite diagnose and get you on the road to recovery. We are all praying for you guys.