My wife has liver failure,. I dont know what to do

Cool, invite sent.


@mndlss @BudWhisperer you guys wrote earlier you wanted to donate seeds to this, if still interested let doug know and im sure you could get an invite to the donation thread.


@DougDawson i’d like to donate something


Yes @DougDawson invite me to the donor pm


I’ll donate as well @DougDawson


Ok, invites sent.


Hi @DougDawson if you would please invite me also. Thank You!

1 Like

So sorry to hear about your wife’s liver issues.
Good news is a liver can be repaired. I myself was on the liver transplant list. I had a fabulous Dr. Who got me back to normal.
There are many great supplements, oils, tinctures to aid in repairing the liver and yes they DO work.
If interested give me a PM and i can send you a list of my protocols.
Doesn’t hurt…

@DougDawson add me to the list. I’m sure i have some goodies i can contribute. Harvesting now…


I saw where NBC News did a story on five people who were diagnosed with Covid-19 five times.


Its nuts isnt it.

1 Like

Hi @Pawsfodocaws and @Mrs.Paws - just a quick note to say how touched I was by this thread, Mrs Paws you are amazing, stay strong, we all are with you - Mr Paws, wow, so much strength - do you have a PP account? Please DM as I would like to send a small gift to help - much love


Dmed. Thank you kindly. We appreciate this so much.



Hey @DougDawson, I have a couple packs to donate as well if that’s not too few


Sure thing, I have invited you to the PM. :v:


@Kushking902 AGAIN! I am learning more each day and hospital trip! I also do not claim to be a Dr. Although I guarantee if not smarter would be a better dr. Than any I have seen in the last year plus until end of August/sept and then still current drs. And i cant explain how many times this IGG4 issue has now come up before and after you mentioned it! Just so you know there is IGG4 disease although there are different types and just getting done with research… you are closer than anyone doctor or not! (Other than myself😉) just want to say this is the reason i figured that giving more details was better at the time because i have excluded plenty and also have plenty of diferential dianosis possibilities. But because its soooo serious and advance just the last week i think that there will be a connection somewhere after diagnosis for me to explain if IGG4 os involved! Thanks again to ALL relevant opinions but please to others resding this know that there is sooo much more than liver failure here that that is currently not on my list of 1st priorities! Although solving all the different medical issues in a priority, it depends which current issues are life threatening
and on order of severity the priority list has been changing almost daily… since this post but definitely on the list after the heart and loss of oxygen are at least my first priorities until further facts but unless I get cancelation i see a new GI Dr to address the liver and much more in almost 2 weeks!


@Pawsfodocaws @Mrs.Paws
im so sorry to read this my friends, Only thing I can suggest, Honestly.

Fuck everything and spend time with her & your family! Cut stress completely out! Find reasons to laugh together :heart: Enjoy your time together & tell the people you love everything you have ever wanted to say or do for them!

I wish and pray I had something better to suggest! I will in fact pray for your family!


Thats all we have been trying to do. @CADMAN your good people.


Ok everyone, auction is live. :v:


I found this a few minutes ago.

I make a very simple cannabis infused olive oil, for a friend, a non smoker/ non cannabis user, then.
Her son, was 36 years old, when he perished about 7 years ago now, in a terrible manner.
In less than a year her health was in a tailspin, fighting suicide, not eating well, she stated with IBS, then her skin irritations, started to get itchy, she became dizzy, almost every time she stood up, lethargic, and the doctors started her off on prednisone and something else.

Then the face swelling started, and other issues, but not a speck of relief.
I made her a pint, of infused cannabis Olive Oil, the best OL quality I could afford. But not living in a free state, I only had material I grow for us.
I pulled lowers (buds) and some ok buds, from 5-6 different strains I had been saving in the freezer. I used a total of 10 grams, I pulverized the plant matter, heated the Olive oil to 90F and it did drift up to 130F during the hour of simmering.
Filtered it off, and I squeezed the plant pulp as hard as I could, as I wanted bits of it to be in the pint jar.
She called about 2-3 weeks later, as I started her off using a teaspoon full in the AM and PM every day.
She said she thought she was feeling better.
I said, honestly, I did not think you would feel anything in this short time, then she says, well I did stop the prednisone! MINDBLOW, for me.
Maybe a month later, she came by, we made a batch, so she can do for herself.
Then she asks, how she can grow weed for herself! Another, MINDBLOW!!
I helped her husband, get equipment, set them up with tents, gave them the basic crash course, but they are avid gardeners, so it was easy.
I gave them copies of every plant I was growing at the time.

She now, is doing much better, started meditation, counseling, best part, she started sprouting seeds, of rye, winter wheat, alfalfa, broccoli, clover, radish, fenugreek, and a few others.
When you consume, tiny sprouts, you are getting the whole power of the plant. A great way to boost your telomers also.

She has rebuilt a life for herself, still hard work for her, but it started with infused cannabis in Olive oil, those are her words.
I have struggled to post this up, as seems so simple, and maybe none it may help, as we all have different reactions to cannabis.
Infused olive oil for us, is just part of our life now. It does not get you high, but you will fail a piss test, and that can be a dark side to the use of it.
We so wish the best outcome for you and your family MsPaws!!
Sincerely webe


Can’t believe I’m just seeing this thread…

@Pawsfodocaws @Mrs.Paws - Incredibly sorry to hear all of this, and, as always, blown away by the compassionate reflexes of this awesome community.

@DougDawson - mind shooting me an invite to the donation thread? Thanks.