Mystery Seeds I wonder what strain it is

I found this seed in my seed box said NSA on the little baggy lol I’ve decided to pop it see what it is

Have another mystery seed growing at the minute it’s almost out grown my tent lol it’s a photo it’s a strange looking plant as well

It’s towering over the rest of the autos


Good luck, hope it is a superstar! :star2:

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Here’s the other mystery plant lol I just flipped this plant to 12-12 lighting
Very strange looking plant,it got a bit of a burn the soil I had it in was a bit hot,but she’s doing a lot better now after adjusting the ph


Wicked colors on that plant, is that the burn? Whatever it is I think it’s cool, if its a sign of illness well then that’s another story.

It got a wicket burn when it was a smaller plant,I didn’t check the run off in the soil when I did it was like 8.9
I cut the soil with black gold and the problem was fixed

So now it’s over 4ft tall I only have a 6ft high grow tent lol,I’ll have to bend it if she gets any bigger

Plant stinks as well had to turn on the carbon filter take the smell out of the house,

It’s been over a year since I grew any photos been just growing autos,I popped another seed tonight,I think I’m going to grow 3 photos


The look like a quite inbred version of northern lights #5 or definitely something with nl5 in it. Are you able to get a picture of the full plant irish rocker please.

I’ll take some pics when the wife wakes up she’s just home from night shift she’s passed out in bed the big tent is in the bedroom lol it’s towering over the autos maybe it’s northern snow,I was checking online for nsa strain,


Its revegging, looks like it is getting more than 12 hours of light and is a photo

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I just flipped it,it’s on 12 hours now it’s a photo,should of been an auto it came in a trade with other autos see how it does over the next week or two,it’s getting moved into my smaller tent soon as the wife wakes up

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Thanks Irishrocker, she looks very unique, quite a interesting structure to it. Could be one to watch out for. Usually those mutant types can be very potent. Good luck with it mate, keep us all updated on how your getting on with her please.
Also it might be a good idea to take a cutting of that just incase it turns out very very good as thats all crystals forming on the fan leaves.

Looks like NSA wants to come to the party opened in 24 hours


I’m going to pop purple poison and 2 ylly
Plus the nsa and the big unknown plant
So that’s my photo grow

Whats Purple poison genitcs all about?

I got them from misterbee in trade
Purple Poison X Flaming Cookies,

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