Nagel420 - Third Times A Charm!

had you seeing the devil like Lee


That seed separator is awesome man! You gonna have one fore sale soon? :wink: Serious.

Interested in that terp slurped!



I see you got some new toys!
That seed sorter is cool! Great job on that! :v::green_heart:


Dude you can make a bazillion dollarbucks with this seed sorting device thing. Thatā€™s really cool. How long did it all take to print? Looks hefty, but I dunno a thing about 3-D printers, or how slow/fast they are

Bravo Mr. Nags!
You have so many projects going on at once and yet you keep hitting home runs, one after another.

It must be fun being you! :clap: :star_struck:

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@Nagel420 nice dyi iv seen these before do they use some sort of forced air ?

Great job bro

So when are you coming down to help me with my new tent

Party at

Only kidding not about the party just kidding about the building the tent thingie


Thereā€™s a shop vac attached to the top center (I have a valve / relocator thingy attached at the top, and the vacuum hose is behind it all).

Iā€™d be happy to pop down anytime my friend! Even if ya need help with the tent and associated setupā€¦

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Iā€™ll get but it may be a bit till I can get to it but Iā€™ll need to get it done in like 4 weeks so I got time

Just being a Bit lazy

Well, itā€™s January, @Slick1 seems to be out of excusesā€¦ and almost out of January for that matter. :stuck_out_tongue: If thereā€™s room, we could all get together at your place instead and just try to play ā€œwho can smoke the most dab hits while simultaneously balancing a tent on his nose,ā€ two birds with one stone kinda thing. Or at least two birds with four stonersā€¦


So after all the shit Iā€™ve done in my life thatā€™s how I meet my end huh? Tent pole through the skull dabbed out of my mind?

I have already slowed down and donā€™t see me getting much done in the very near future. Blowing leaves out of a frozen ground isnā€™t a good time. So yes the ā€œexcusesā€ are dwindling :laughing:


Well it will be fun but I could tell you no good will come from that the tent would be made upside down
And most likely suspended from the ceiling will do a whole new way to grow like they do with the tomatoes hanging upside down and growing downward dish definitely would be fun

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Vertical gardening is the hot new thing anyway. :wink: Thereā€™s actually a company that sells shipping containers to commercial growers, fully equipped with a just-add-water vertical garden insideā€¦ of course, theyā€™re so expensive they refuse to even list their prices, and donā€™t work with small fish like us. Pretty crazy yields though, I think it was in the tons per month per container. Hopefully after theyā€™ve sold enough of them, Scutari will be able to retire to his own private superyacht and let the rest of us garden in peace.


Did he buy Epsteinā€™s island


Not yet. Thatā€™s why he just needs a little more time before they think about actually passing any of the two? or three fully-written homegrowing laws that are in committee, all modeled after other states that have successfully integrated medical markets and homegrowing. That, and because itā€™s just too complicated and they donā€™t know how to do it right, of courseā€¦


I love how they insisted the entire time up until it passed that this was about ā€œsocial equity and absolutely not driven by revenueā€. Now it gets passed an they spin it to ā€œlet businesses get established first but this whole thing is definitely not about revenueā€.


I canā€™t wait to see the new 60 minute special Scutari island Instead of him being in bed with young women itā€™s him all the businessman from big Canna industries

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ā€œunlimited number of licenses for micro businesses and micro cultivatorsā€

then POOF!

37 max across the boardā€¦


plus demand is there, its not like business will have a hard time establishing themselves. Its not like this is some brand new invention that you have to convince people to buyā€¦


At one time I was really interested in opening up a craft store ,smoke lounge of short but the way the laws fashion and the amount of money itā€™s going to cost is absolutely absurd It should be really easy apply for a permit pay a small fee opened up your shop sell your whereā€™s whatā€™s the problem people even want to pay taxes on it wow win-win for government


It started out with promises of affordable licenses for micro businesses, which is what the majority of us would be. Iā€™m talking, all in of about $5k for everything from background checks, state license, town permit / resolution, (It costs more for my township than the state believe it or not!).

Then the day Pfizer announces they are jumping in the cannabis game just happens to be the same day license applications go online. And MANY of us had issues even applyingā€¦ I still donā€™t have a login TO apply despite a few emailsā€¦

Typical NJ politician fashion. Promise you one thing, intend something else, and screw ya over for their own benefit. I worked for a politician for years, if anything opens your eyes to how disgusting the political system in this state is, its working for oneā€¦


Iā€™ve partied in that castle!

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