Natural gas heaters and Co2

I was wondering if My pool heater is throwing off Co2 and if anyone thinks that would effect plant growth as a Enhancer?I can feel the exhaust when im in the garden sometimes that pool heater is a monster has a very strong exhaust comes out slightly warm not hot and has been going since June to keep pool at 80 degrees consistently.The two Backpacks next to the heater are Twice the size of everything else and they get that blowing on them all the time.


I can watch my co2 rise really fast using the stove/oven on natural gas, so I’m sure it is doing the same for you. But outside even with a slight breeze I think that would be neglegable.


Its not like blowing Directly blasting them so i feel way better now I just get like these little jets off them.the way they keep going like that and how they are reminded me of a real old barn grow i saw where the old guy was using propane generators.I never saw them drop out of a 45 degrees prayer ever.


Yeah don’t worry about it at all, added co2 is beneficial not harmful. Just not sure you will actually see a difference outside with any breeze.


Co2 is epic for plants! I’m sure they are loving it, honestly you can use it right from seedling to flower just slowly ramp up. I like to keep even Veg around 1000ppm personally. It drastically increases so much. We did a side by side with bags (big difference) and canisters (real co2) HUGE DIFFERENCE! Since then I’ve been telling everyone if possible use additional co2 the difference is huge!