Homemade CO2, is it worth it?

Will this actually do anything in a 3x3 foot space that isn’t sealed?


Sorry but nope.

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Nope and the TnB Naturals bottles won’t help in an unsealed room either, unfortunately :upside_down_face:


Just sing to your plants.


We gone sing Set it Off by Lil Boosie.

If you are actively venting the space, which you should be, it will dissipate quickly. CO2 is for sealed environments, otherwise it’s wasted.

CO2 is also only effective if you don’t have other limiting factors (temps, light, nutrition, etc.)

It’s really a tool to use when you’re already pushing plants to their natural limit. You need higher temperatures to even take advantage of the extra CO2 supplementation.

1 gallon fermenter like that is going to produce a modest amount of CO2, irregularly. A lot at first, then taper off rapidly. Used that sized setup for CO2 supplementation on a 30g aquarium…it’s less CO2 than you think.


@Vernal strikes again! Great advice sir!

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Haven’t used them before but maybe try using the mushroom blocks sometimes sold at grow stores if ya read up on how to grow mushrooms you can make your own blocks Like said early fermentation usually goes pretty quick initially and tapers off drastically after 3-5 days or so .

Kind of pricey imo but may be worth it if ya can keep on propagating the mycelium

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All of what vernal said is completely correct.
But for fun, and about as much of a co2 as you sitting in your tent. Swap that little bottle out with 3-4 gallons of juice (sorbate and sulfite free) in a 5gal bucket, add a pound of sugar per gallon and an air lock. you’ll get a bit more co2, and a tasty drink after :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. Replace every week or so and siphon (rack) the wine into a carboy to clear and age.


Sounds like a much better idea :joy:

More than enough CO2 outside …just vent in some outdoor air bromigos…


I used to make 5 gallons of cider from 15 cans of apple juice concentrate, a kilo of sugar, and champagne yeast.

Dry but very good. Dirt cheap.

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Most indoor bedrooms get very high CO2 concentrations with a person in them, I definitely notice that the plants do better with me in the house breathing next to them all day. If someone is around indoors when your lights are on, they’re probably already giving them more than atmospheric levels.