Need a new way to ingest! Any recommendations?

Update time

Im sold. Ive been wrecked all day so far. Especially right now lol. Going to buy everclear and whip up a batch following @ReikoX’s thread


Update on my journey

Yesterday i picked up some tincture. 53.5mg thc per ml
I took 2ml around 5pm and then another 1ml at 6pm.
By 7pm i was so totally stoned i got scared a little bit lol. Idk about you guys but when i get too high its not a good feeling anymore, back in the day when i was younger that was the goal. Now adays i like to have some personality left instead of so high im sittin here looking at my dog like what the fuck is even goin on here LOL
By 9pm i came down quite a bit and i hit the bong once and went off to bed. Mission complete. Gonna do it all over again today LOL


Pure THC without anything else can be more intense. I prefer no/low CBD as CBD fucks with me but I can see how some people would need it for their systems.

This is why I got away from distillates and into live resin/sauce/rosin. There’s also cured resin but I havent tried that yet.


This chemdog 91 x zkittlez live sauce cart I bought got me so high that I woke up high the next day and I only hit it twice. Then I bought an animal mintz and ive had to hit it about 15-20 times and it doesnt last long. I’ve found live resin to be the “cleanest” and best for my lungs though.

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My first instinct is to suggest reducing the amount of unnecessary plant material upon combustion, so if smoking use hash or a highly resinous cultivar that requires less puffs to achieve desired result. High ceiling type stuff. It should maximize the experience while minimizing combustible irritants.

An another train of thought, a fermentation approach to the flowers may be enjoyable. I haven’t tried it but read that the Tanga’s Malawi Cob Curing technique that’s evolved into a sort of sous vede (sp?) weed produces excellent results that are reported to be both smooth and strong when smoking and has the added benefit of being able to be infested orally as well. The thread is over on Icmag. An antiquated take on this plants medicinal usefulness that goes back to its more traditional origins when fermentation techniques seemed to be more often employed. Hope you find the relief and remedies that you’re seeking. Much love


this is why lots of people switched to nano syrup. you can sip it and figure out pretty much when youve hit your limit, like with beer or wine. regardless of the method youre going to wreck your tolerance if you go much further than 100mg at a time though. i make capsules at 25-35mg so 3x equals 100mg or 65-75mg but if i take 2 of the latter more than once or twice tolerance is gone. then its gonna get very expensive for you buying all of this.


Im not smoking all day. 5pm 100mg dose once a day. Hoping this dont spike my tolerance higher than it already is. I was thinking the same


pretty much any budtender you see thats real mellow is on a steady 100-150mg dose of edibles (usually either nano syrup or rosin gummies) now lol. that seems to be a really reliable number for a general max dose.
the tincture just processes different in your body (its a liquid sublingual and yadayada) versus the nano (straight to bloodstream) or edible/rso… its gonna whack you all at once if you drink it all at once. maybe dilute it a lot… also i had problems with suspension diluting it which is why the cannabis drink scene only really took off after nano tech came out.

I dont think the tolerance is like that if the person doesnt smoke or vape. Edibles only and 30-60 usually covers it for most people. I took 200-300mg and it did nothing for me but I was already high.

lol @ joe rogan tweets

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for sure… i make capsules at 2mg cbd + 2mg thc for someone who hasnt smoked in maybe a decade.
the original studies i saw for cbd were saying under 6-7mg was the max dose iirc. this was over a decade ago probably and we all know how studies are skewed. but ya id never give her over 10mg without the doctor saying so.
myself im taking one of the 25mg cbd + 25mg thc caps at waking and around 8 hrs later, each time with a hefty dab. this is how im titrating my dosage down from a few 100mg thc via rso caps all the way down so that when i make the next batch they have a nice kick.
next batch is gonna be with donny burger “feco” oil, its about 50% more expensive than rso but its the real deal shit. highly recommend if making gel caps.

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another thing that is maybe taboo to say here but a real 1:1 edible (and obviously my preference is toward not baked goods) has the psychoactive + body effect of norco/vicodin/hydrocodone. we can describe it as feeling centered, warm and cozy and slight rush of energy but the effect to me is virtually indistinguishable. if you know someone who is struggling with opiates or maybe trying to replace them with kratom extracts seriously take a look into 1:1 (preferably sativa leaner) rso etc. could save a life.

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What do you mean it fucks with you? Like all stoned and uncomfortable? I get a bit worked up and all tripped out when i get too high, it reminds me of a bad shroom high but much less intense and i can actually turn it around but a ton of anxiety. Like that kind of shit you cant look nobody in the eye and shit just feels different

I need strains with as little CBD as possible. It makes my joints hurt. I usually get .2% or less but sometimes slightly more. This seems to be the opposite of many people who feel better with CBD. CBD and THC battle on the same receptor so i’ll be less high with sore muscles/joints if I did a 1:1.

This is one I had some months ago and you can see low CBD

GMO x Sin Mint Cookies live resin

Even CBG is low so it cant be converted into CBD.

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Stains high in pinene are supposed to be bronchodilator.

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my stoned arse sitting here pondering this and i came up with one not mentioned yet, i think. anyone ever tried it up the bum? it’s the new thing (within 10 years for us older folks) that i’ve heard of with alcohol. just wondering if it’s been tried with rso or something. i figure tinctures could get lethal quickly.

oh, just one more thing…i would not recommend it, just wondering if anyone’s tried it or heard of it being tried. i love columbo…

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I’ve been trying to switch from smoking bongs all the time to vaping, and have been vaping flower in a dynavap. I kind of want to get one of those flower pot rigs but I haven’t been able to catch them when they have it in stock. My SIL got one a year ago and loves it.

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I seen that at my local dispensary. Im just trying to get high not shove nothing up my ass LOL. Thats fucking insane if you ask me :joy:


Whats a flower pot rig

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It’s essentially an e nail that’s set up to vape flower as well as concentrates. Fits right into a 14mm or 18mm bong and is the closest I’ve been to a combusting flower buzz. Made in Florida by a company called cannabis hardware.

But if a dynavap is scaring you, the flower pot is like a welding machine so maybe ignore me.

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Seems like it could be done for half the price and still make a good profit.

500-1000 :expressionless: Just a heater.


Same thing i was thinking when looking at the table top vaporizers insane price for an ez bake oven

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