Need a new way to ingest! Any recommendations?

Wow sorry to hear that brother. I don’t have copd thankfully but they did say it was asthma related and I have wheezing throughout the whole lung. I’m trying this distillate coconut oil tincture and it’s pretty cool I must say. I honestly lost count how many or how much ml I took it I only smoked one bowl throughout the entire day so far. I must admit I am definitely goin to take another tap on the bong before the night ends.


And I would say to that ! I definitely think you have the right attitude ! :clap:

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Wish you all the best in your travels and I really hope you get the upper hand on that copd. I had a great uncle who was on an oxygen tank and it was really rough to see.

Well I have a master plan don’t smoke cigarettes especially from the rez !


Thank you very much sir for your kind thoughts !

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Been there done that. Glad i quit. I knew i shouldnt be doing it when i was hiding it from all my good friends and smoking cigs with the shitty crowd. Then i made a promise i would smoke 3 cigs on a weekend, i smoked all 3 that friday night. I told myself i wont touch one until Wednesday to make up for not keeping my promise. By that wednesday i said what the hell lets go til Friday. Never smoked a cig again after that. I wish it was that easy for everyone


Sometimes the alcohol in tincture can burn under the tongue. I like to put a dropper in a shot glass of water and swish that around in my mouth as long as I can. I also like to put it in my morning coffee (with cream).

It hits oretty


I do mine in coffee in the morning as well, and Gatorade in the afternoon, you can hardly taste it but it really helps me get moving in the morning .

If your talking about cbd have you ever figured out the count like is it 1000 ml 2000 ml

Yeah, putting the tincture or RSO under your tongue will allow your body to access it faster.
Might I suggest looking into making Firecrackers aswell? Them have been known to hit me hard and fast! :wink:

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I grow for my mom, who is having the same struggle to care for her lungs better.

Good stuff here already, just adding a suggestion for the future if you do start growing. I’ve started washing all my bud even though I grow indoors, because it makes for far less coughing when smoked. I just hose it down with the detachable shower head, cool water & gentle spray.

I did a blind trial first, to see if it mattered. I chose two plants and when I harvested I washed half of each. Dried side by side, all else the same. Mom and a neighbor smoked it, I didn’t tell which was which. Tried each type at least twice. Averaged about 5 coughs per pipe bowl unwashed, and just one for washed. So now I wash it.


Mixed up some 1:1 caps this morning, ezpz. I’d say I get an effect almost immediately like @MissinBissin is saying, when they hit the gut I feel a lil something then it builds and within 20-30mins I’m feeling enough effects to carry on.

Also i can then take these and dilute them when dosing them for others, which this batch will be for.
If you need CBD for medicine and have to go to the dispo you gotta be real selective to find stuff that’s not just made with commercial hemp extract.
Safe travels.


Those are useful links - thanks for posting. I’ve been playing around with decarbing by boiling in a ziplock bag and those times are going to be helpful.

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it really is just that easy for everyone. the problem is that everyone can’t just ignore the withdrawal (doesn’t look spelled right but the browser says it is) from it.

Update time
Woke up this morning and took 4ml-80mg thcthen took another 2ml- 40mg thc and walked my dog, so a total of 120mg thc ingest within a 30 minute window.

I must say this stuff works but almost not enough with how im dosing. Im thinking maybe i should try something crazy like 10ml on the wake up. This stuff definitely keeps the monkey on my back ALMOST at bay. That fucker still gets what he wants… he just isnt demanding as much these last 2 days… tincture must tickle his scratch quite a bit

Just took 2 bong taps from a half smoked bowl and i am super ripped now

Edit: i got extra strength tinture that is 53mg thc per ml. If i took 10 ml of that id have a fucking panic attack. 3ml of this for a total of 109mg thc and i was on edge of having an anxiety attack but i was wrecked once the intial onset edge wore off it was a good time


That’s the thing I don’t like about edibles - getting the dose right. Though I’m learning that too much is way ok. :rofl:


I get this stuff that 6000 ml in 30m bottle it takes me three to 4 to get off the floor every morning to walk me dogs so I relate to your issuses

What are firecracker ?

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We had some bud floating around back in the day we all were smoking when a bad cold got passed around the neighborhood. We started calling it Flonase and the slang caught on for a while lol.

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