Need advice/input for 2nd ever HARVEST!

Alright so I started from seed and I am currently on day 64 of flower and I looked at my journal and I was in vegetative stage for 64 days and I started on the end of daylight savings time and am finishing up on daylight savings time lol I just realized that kinda funny how I fell on those days since I was off track I am gonna be harvesting one plant and plan on hanging the whole plant si I understand the temperature and rh% but I just go by feel for when to jar it and I was reading about the branch check and to bend it and if it snaps jar it am if it bends let it go a bit longer?? Probably doesn’t make sense but I tried so basically looking for feedback and thanks…


Dry and cure is best when u aim for 60/60
Which is 60 degrees at 60% humidity for 7-9 days for the sweet spot should feel some crispness on the sugar leaves with the buds able to snap off the stems but the bigger main stems not quite snapping, that’s my method anyhow


Yup, you got itđź‘Ť Just use larger stems for the snap test, not the little ones.


What the people above mentioned and you should be good, just remember the hotter your dry room, the quicker it’ll dry out so be careful. Nobody likes a flash dry. I also do the branch snap method and it’s worked great for me. You could also get moisture probes for measuring the moisture in lumber, that can give you a numerical value to your touchy feely side of things


Dry mine in paper bags for 5 days then into a jar if I feel they need more drying I’ll take them out of the jar put them back in a paper bag


I’ve found that no watering for the last four days and a 24 hr dark period before the chop helps the drying process, also removing all the leaves, except tiny sugar leaves, before hanging branches helps


Yeah better that way than over drying, its a bugger having to rehydrate.

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Gonna have to second what jango said on the watering, chopping in dark hours right before sun comes up is gonna give u highest terps and flavors too


sorry forgot to put pictures on this is from today and I just don’t have a camera other than the phone so these aren’t up close but I have an old jewelry scope that u literally have to put on the bud and it’s just enough to see how cloudy they are and I don’t want to wait for amber to show because I think that is what I messed up to so I stopped watering 2 days ago and it’s just getting it’s last hours of darkness and I don’t turn on lights for 6-7 hours and is there any point of leaving the lights off longer for harvest like I said I’m getting better growing so far but I totally destroyed my first yield by over drying

80% are all cloudy and Turning white remember taken with cellphone camera at full shitty zoom


Like I tell most new excited growers, just leave it an extra week. But I’ll leave this here cuz it’s still good info, just depend on preference of the high your trying to achieve, when you harvest as far as trichomes go doesn’t make a difference for quality smoke, it’s not having all the residual nutes in there and giving it a nice proper flush at the end of nutes grow and last feed 2 weeks prior for organics and teas along with a proper dry and cure that’s gonna give u the smooth quality smoke ur after

As far as my preference I actually shoot for about 25% amber


Like this and that’s y I decided to chop was there swollen and cloudy plus the plants been grown without nutrients and fertilizers

Also being a small plant it changes fast which happened last time and it really got messed up and I am just nervous about hanging for several days and I might be jarring in 5 and recheck because it’s so dry in Colorado and furnace running but I’m just excited about it compared to last time also its hugging itself for the last week and leaves yellowing and dying off from bottom up and it’s also a few days old of the trichome pictures but the plant is from today

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You will get 100 different answers on how to dry and when to harvest.

It’s all done by feel and you will develop yours.

Best advice I have is to get those little humidity sensors for your jars so you know where you’re at.

For what it’s worth I dry with a humidifier and an inkbird set at 62%

All the best.


:+1::+1:I’ve said it before @Foreigner, everyone’s dry/cure is a little different. Like a family lasagna recipe :wink:
In time you develop your own feel for it.


Most people still are stuck in the old school way of thinking when it comes to flushing to increase smoking experience but all it does is save money on nutrients.


I let my pots go bone dry before the chop, less chance of mold the better lol


I never flush my plants ,don’t even give them water in between feds,just give them small amount of nutes the whole grow


When I first started growing I use to hang the plant in the cupboard it stank the place out then got talking to this old grower on another forum I was a member of he told me to fry it in paper bags

Give it a wet trim don’t put a shit load of weed in the bags usually takes 5 days to dry at my place

Shake the bag once a day,it’s handy for me since I don’t grow mass amounts of weed


U must not have smoked some bud that has had way to much nitrogen all the way till the end… That’s why they say u shouldn’t grow in miracle grow or any bag soil that “feeds for 6-9 months” to much nitrogen through the full cycle…

I’m organic soil grown with actively aerated compost tea feedings every two weeks, last two weeks is just straight water for me and my smoke has been nice and smooth and sticky


I must admit I like the idea of the paper bags, if I want to dry a bud quick to try I put it in a paper towel folded like a bag in a warm place and it works well.