Need name suggestions?

So I had a big strong beautiful Cheesequake male. I collected pollen, and crossed it with, Shaman, Sunny Days, Putang, Superbud, and Superskunk.
Any thoughts on names? Rookie breeder here, so is there a technical way to do this?
All advice welcome.


It’s all up to you man. Quake bud cheese bud super quake cheese putang. All viable candidates.

Although cross #3 never hurt anyone either :+1:


One of two options:

#1 grow it & flower it out, and name it after what it expresses the most. Maybe it’s a skunky cheesecake? --CheeseSkunk SS. Maybe the end result is something new altogether, maybe it comes out like coffeebeans? --you can call it “Morning Java” or “House Blend” ?.

#2 namesake it. Pioneer SS? :man_shrugging:t2: Some variation of your username or “grower name” such as many of the famed forum cuts? Or refer to it as " the PioneerValley cut"?


Supercool input. I get confused when I see like
LA Affie S1#9 X Afghan Hash Plant F2 + LA Affie S1 #11 X Afghan Hash Plant F2
I’m like, huh? Can you tell me the difference between an F1, F2, S1 and other acronyms or identifying numbers, letters?
Btw, that’s budderton collection I took tag from.
And I also thank you for the advice, grow them first before I share them. :peace_symbol:


Curd Nerd Kush

Wait until you smoke the offspring. I had a plant name itself afterwards. As I grew my Thai x Gorilla Girl test plants. I was sky high with optimism and expectations. But the weed was not what I expected. It was pure fire but wreaked of gasoline. And it’s a Very High THCV and THC. But it stinks and Sativa Buzz. So it had to be called Super Diesel. And I have other stories about working hard to breed a Blueberry Strain that was only average. I dumped a pile of seeds. Average seed is bird food. No reason to name it.


that’s what i was thinking, just call it by its cross at first, grow it out and name based on aroma, flavor, effect and how it grows.

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Wisconsin Shaman, Cheesy Days, Is it suppose to smell like cheese, SuperQuake, SuperCheese.

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psst, @sativakid, Super Diesel is Hanging. Full report shortly

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I wonder what happened, figure it was Male. Hence you never mentioned it. Not the biggest plant or buds. Workout Weed!


Hey @MissinBissin how big? My guess 7 foot

My Friend grew it, 2 hours away. He’s a Bum for not sharing pics. He is a good Grower though, breath out SK

Cheesy Putang… nvm

Quaking Puntang… Ill let myself out.


Love it!!!
I was thinking Pioneer Butt Quake…

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Oh well. I didn’t figure it would fare well outside. If you remember me offering bx1 or bx2? Turns out bx1 is probably too bushy and not a huge plant. But I can’t wait for a tester, but it’s in the wrong line for flower. Besides the stinky male I killed from Thai x Red GSC has put all priorities on growing this one.

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How about Pioneer Butt Putang @Foreigner

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Well, if we want to be puritanical, they’re just F1’s so that should always be in the description! :wink:

But Bodhi is all about the F1s & usually scores when he shoots, so… :man_shrugging:

Shaman, Sunny Days, Putang, Superbud, and Superskunk. X Cheesequake

Dairy Doctor, Cheddar Star, Milkmaid, QuesoSupremo :tm:, and Staink

Hmmm tough ones :sweat_smile:

:evergreen_tree: hates the cheese

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Oh man, what a great response. So the F1 means basically I just made a First cross, right?
QuesoSupremo LOVE IT. So that’d be QuesoSupremo F1? = Cheesequake x SUPERBUD, or Cheesequake x Superskunk, or do I put the F1 in like Cheesequake x Superskunk F1?
Mold me I’m clay.

There’s just something about vibrating cheese that I can’t quite accept. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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there’s a great post or 2 around here on what F1 means. (first gen) “hybrid”



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i need some of that in my life lol