Strains with names lost to time (Who are my parents!?)

I’ve had an idea kicking around and I’m curious to see if it catches on. With so many named strains out there, there seem to be plenty whose pedigree is a mystery. I’ve been trying to track down the parents of a strain called “Lime Vine” (pictured above) I’m wondering if the greater community might either know the name, or enjoy speculating based on the available evidence.

These are clones that were never supposed to make it. They made it through an ice storm and a few freezing nights. I will have to report back on the effect, as these lil nuggets are drying out now. Smell is fresh and kinda lime-tropical. Leaves were never so wide or skinny to be clearly sativa or indica. I’m interested to see what people have to say.


It’s probably a poppa Smurf cookie waffle X lemon gumdrop OG.

Impossible I’m afraid.


This ?


Limevine (Lime 1 x SkyJaro) x (Lime f2 x OG Sour x Grapefruit Purp) x (Lime f3 x Lime f2 x OG Sour x Grapefruit Purp) it a freeborn selections seedline. Might just be called the same thing though.


Bingo :point_up_2:


This was like in Glass Onion with the big setup and then Daniel Craig just solved the whole thing in 60 seconds.


and then there’s me who cant even tell the different between freakshow and supafreak.


LOL!!! 10 characters

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Legend. I knew if I yelled loud enough someone would know. I hope someone else come up with something, I might have 1 or 2 more. Otherwise looks like we can wrap this thread up and all go home :joy:

And @Mithridate that pic is actually spot frickin’ on so I doubt it’s just a naming coincidence.


Ok let’s see if you can go 2 for 2. I have some beans labeled “Scampi 7” anyone ever heard of that? The only thing I’ve seen is that it may be related to a Skunk no. 1 or a Super Skunk, but maybe they were just talking about blazing up and having shrimp pasta?


So one of the reasons that I was wanting to track down the parents of LimeVine and now Scampi, is that I am trying to avoid anything crazy smelly. I am going to be growing in a tent indoors and I am worried that even with the carbon filter things may get stinky. Maybe I’m wrong and the carbon filter can handle it, but all the same I’m trying to avoid finding out the hard way.

With that said, if you are able to identify the seeds I have named “Scampi 7” then I will send them to you and you can let me know just how skunky things get. The only mention of Scampi as a strain seems to be connecting it to Skunk No. 1, so if that’s true they are probably pretty odoriferous. Maybe no one wants them, but I am still curious as to what they are.

@Mithridate BTW I misread you name as “Mirthrate” as in: “the government is employing federally funded clowns to distribute balloon animals to the public in order to increase the Mirthrate”. I’m an idiot lol.


:joy: dig it.


Could it be “scampi skunk” by topdawg?

Chem sis x butter skunk

Oooh yeah I think you’re getting close. The bag said “Scampi 7” which may just mean a selection like NL No. 5? It’s pretty damn funny that it takes Butter Skunk to make Scampi Skunk, just like shrimp scampi requires butter. The seeds are a little light-colored, but otherwise look healthy and everything else this guy has sent has popped with enthusiasm. I’ve heard of cat-piss and burnt rubber terpenes, but seafood? Now I’m afraid you’ve lost me.


It is a possibility, I’ll keep digging but a 10 min search only yielded this one.

Hahaha, i didnt think weed could smell like lobster rolls either. in the same thread I quoted above, one guy says this.

The member that mentions his keeper, I think is the breeder. I’ll try to find if the keeper is named scampi 7, just in case :upside_down_face:

What?! You’re unstoppable. Hard pass on lobster-smelling nug. I mean… not for me. As I said, some folks go crazy for the cat-piss strains and God bless 'em. I am tempted to keep them just for the novelty, but they would honestly go to waste. I already have enough incredible strains that I have my hands full. I have a whopping 4 seeds, but just for inspiration, here are some incredible crosses you could make:

Scampi Skunk 7 x Dr. Grinspoon = Dr. Zoidberg
Scampi Skunk 7 x Bubba Kush = Bubba Gump Kush
Scampi Skunk 7 x (King Louis x Alaskan Thunderfuck) = Alaskan King Crab
Scampi Skunk 7 x (UK Cheese x Buttermilk Biscuits) = Lobster Roll
Scampi Skunk 7 x Snow Lotus = Snow Crab
Scampi Skunk 7 x Mimosa = Shrimp Cocktail
Scampi Skunk 7 x Kosher Kush = Excommunication Kush

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Theres a thread on the butter skunk male that was used to make scampi skunk from 2014

From what I understand, moneymike is close with JJ of topdawg and he’s the one that bred a bunch of skunk stuff for topdawg.

It’s somewhat documented on ic

The crosses you listed all sound like nice pairings :slightly_smiling_face: I’d hit my skunk cut with a male scampi and see if it can make it smell worse lol