Soma seeds- The Seed cellar

Ahoy folks!
New here, and have been truly loving this beautiful bazaar.

I’ve been trying to get my hands on some of Soma’s Amnesia Haze, but living in the states made that a tad harder than I expected. All I was finding for reputable sellers was overseas.

I searched the forums and wasn’t able to find anything other than some lineage and 1 grow diary.

After some digging I finally found a bank here in the USA.
Received my order from them today and nothing seems off. if anyone else is curious. They’re supposedly the largest brick and mortar Seedbank here in the States; Michigan.
Couldn’t find anything about them on here, and wanted to drop some love.

I hope this helps anyone looking and if anyone has any other info on getting his stuff in the States, do share!


I meant to note that they only have some of his fems

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Glad you got your beans. Personally, ill never order from them again. They had some really rare ugorg genetics in stock. Ordered all they have left and every seed was crushed to a pulp. Emailed them to see if maby i could get a discount on a future order and they didnt seem to care one bit about the issue. No help at all.


Why to this day Seed banks and seed breeders Dont have thier seeds in mail safe packaging is beyond me.That graphics sticker you spent all that money on wont do anything package Everyone on OG figured out the Coin flip and washer thing years ago when the old server got hijacked hell they even used metal washers back then when it was affordable to mail shit.Those tube vials dont do much under a roller machine.If i ever get my bean company off the ground every bean i ever make will be packaged in a coin flip and washer in a mylar package.Seeds here now has Soma gear from time to time and Hemp depot may have some old stuff but i dont cop off them anymore i had Terrible germ rates if there even up and running anymore


LoL yea i even reached out to the breeder about their cheap cardboard packaging and basically got laughed at. O well. Soo many killer seedbanks and breeders out there ill gladly take my money to


I know a very old breeder that still uses card board.Classics seeds were in a plastic dimebag and a handdrawn Classic seeds logo on white paper lol some of the best seeds around .Bhodis come in a plastic bag and a gold sticker lol


Very nice! Good luck and we’d love to see pics of the grow here, of course.

I’ve been looking for the same. A Humboldt county breeder just released Amnesia Haze as a feminized auto flower… if anyone is interested.

Easy purchase and it’s US based. Just arrived in the mail yesterday. Growing a lot of his stuff on my outdoors thread.



may have it

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Nice man! I’ll be following along for sure. I have 2 fems late in flower right now (~week 12) check my log if you want some pics. They were very easy to grow (new grower) and one has a really nice candy smell to it and is fading really nicely. Other one is staying green all the way through and a little more metallic haze smell. Both had double serrated leaves and the green one stacked really nicely for me. Good luck!! :peace_symbol:


That’s really shitty to hear… I will say that my package came in a paper envelope with no bubble wrap. Thankfully Soma puts his seeds in a tin. Thanks for sharing man, sorry you got burnt like that.

Need to make an edit on this:
I was wrong, my order did actually come in a #0 mailer, which had a paper bag inside with my seeds.
I confused the two.
My apologies. Thanks to @blowdout2269 for asking the proper follow up.


Thanks for the heads up with seeds here, will keep checking in with them.
I hope you do get around to getting something going.

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@AMunkFromCupertino Thank you, brother! That’s amazing they brought it down to 7 weeks. Cut the flowering time in half.

@FishWhistler Thank you for all this info, brother! How late do you think they’ll go for flower, 13. 14 weeks? Definitely going to peep your log. Would love to hear your smoke report when the time comes.

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Out of curiosity…
What was said postage on that parcel?

Surely it wasnt just stamps on an envelope, was it?

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@blowdout2269 Yup, I made a mistake… long days and late tokes :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

What happened was they put my seeds in a paper bag in this #0 mailer.

Will update my previous comment. Thank you for double checking!


Ok, bubble mailer. Got it. Much better.
No rollers! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I’ve sent small bubble mailers like that with 20+ vials of seeds/pollen before. The postage was only five or six bucks. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I can attest to that fact @blowdout2269, because I received one! :joy::joy::joy: :ok_hand::facepunch::+1::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

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Yup, and I’m still a loser that hasn’t sent @NDNCHILD a special package. Poor guys waited so long. :roll_eyes:
I’m guessing his postage will cost a little more :wink:
I ain’t forgot about ya brotha!

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Now I don’t feel so bad :joy::joy::joy: about being so far behind. I really need to sit down :chair: and mail some stuff out. I got a few new guitars :guitar: that I just can’t put down long enough to get anything done. I feel like a kid on Christmas :christmas_tree:! :ok_hand::facepunch::wink::+1::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Im somewhat new to OG, so bare with me. I am wondering if anyone has ever worked with the original Soma, or the Soma A+ , or the Soma RocBud?


Hey @SugarPine !
Welcome to OG brother!

Soma’s amnesia haze is the only cross of his I’ve grown so far(just hit week 2 in flower).

Because he doesn’t sell in US I found it quite hard to find his gear. The bank I made this thread about does carry some of his stuff,
Seed Cellar
But only a handful of crosses and only fems…

I will say that the amnesia haze is an absolute pleasure to grow.

Wish I could be of better help.

You can make a thread in the breeder category and see if you get any bites!
Best of luck brother and I hope you stick around. No better place for a ganja enthusiast than OG!
