Need some help 2 plants in 4x4 one looks great the other not so much

From 1 George to another thanks for the charts. I usually go to the pulse site to check these but they are always trying to sell you something.


All good mate, now you’ve got 4 to choose from☺

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Oh man so many charts what should I choose? Lol thanks all appreciate the help.

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IM looking at the charts can some one explain…

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Ranges for a dialed in tent. Green good yellow ok red bad…… basically a guideline for perfect parameters for cannabis grows

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So I heeded the advice given here been paying a lot better attention on VPD purchased a humidifier and started to PH the water. It’s only between 9.7-10.5 out of my tap. This is a clone taken from the sickly plant on the left up above


Before anyone can really help, what type of soil re you using? what is your water/nutes pH going in? Runoff pH? Better pictures of the plant in question.