Need some help getting off the bottle?

I mix two clovers, a repens, and some creeping thyme. Most of which died off from being shaded by my girls. I’ve been researching different types of plants I can add. I’m gonna add in some lemon balm and some dwarf lavender. Even thought about adding some succulents as well. I’m looking to grow my IPM plants in the same pot so when I chop them back I’m boosting the overall containers immune system.


Clackamas grows all his plants in 3 gallon pots. The Tad with KIS organics channel on youtube has a two or three part interview with Clackamas about his techniques and how he grows himself. All his interviews he does are super informative, but the ones with clack would suit your no-till jr


Sure but thats not tilling your pot at all. We dont “scratch” in the topdresses we just leave it alone. No tilling in my pots forsure:)


Let’s put it this way you start off with good soil, make sure the aeration is good ,plant some 12 seed cover crop blend from Build a Soil, mix few nutes in ( rock dust, neem, alfalfa meal and crab meal ) and water I’v not even been doing this a year yet with the third crop done ! No defencies, no ph’ing no measuring this and that, seems pretty easy to me just water with an occasional compost/ worm tea! My plants have been healthy from day one!


Biomimicry. That’s a good one! Add that to the mix of growing styles. NoTill, DWC, ARPO, Organic, EbbFlow… Seriously, coin that one and put it on the list. LOL Only difference is you “scuff” your surface…

We have an influx of Mallow, Stinging Nettle, Clover and a few other small plants that look/act like cover crops growing in our yard. Nearby is a brackish pool and bird refuge where I can go get some Micos and beni’s. Should I be getting a seed pack for the cover crop is poaching from the state good?

Also, what about using native grasses? Or the same grasses that are used in building Mycorrizhae inoculants? The reason I’m thinking of grasses is that they will die back easily, but are also hardy and wouldn’t need replanting. Take some planning to get the correct type of grass, one that won’t turn your grow into a field of grass. Flexing the creative muscle.


Stinging Nettle is a big medicinal plant also, good for several different ailments


I shy away from using nettles, mints, comfrey, vetch and a couple other plants. They have a propensity to take over. By all means use grasses too.


Don’t let a chemical-freak-addicted-to-dutch-technics (joking ^^) be the only one to have throw pictures and theyr explanation on this thread … just my twos cents ^^


Grabbed all your lit off your book thread/link. Stoked! Thanks man, it’s a treasure trove of great info.

I know nettle is beneficial for various reason but my concern would be its vigor as well. My space is limited so I’ll be going for something, probably a creeping or low lying grass with some other short cover.


That’s cool bro. I need to add the excel document that has an extensive list of dynamic accumulators and what nutrients they provide.


it’s fun to grow different medical plants but you’d have to harvest the nettle and make tincture out of the roots and leaves to use it.

I’m taking some Herb Pharm stinging nettle tincture for allergies right now. They do such a great job, I’d love to see them make cannabis tinctures.

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Looking for medicinal cover crops - give Cilantro a try.
Package says: Is reputed to reduce aphids, spider mites, and carrot rust fly.
Who wouldn’t want some of that…

Chives too in my arsenal


Love me some cilantro! Had a mix of cilantro, alfalfa and clover in my BBK S1 pots.

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I have been using a few French Lentil seeds in my pots and like how low they stay while offering plenty of shade.


A good link I found on FB, you’ll need to sign in with name and email address a good vid of DR. Elaine Ingham!

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In the words of Master @lotus710. The only thing you need to restore soil is fermented sea water…

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I never said that though😂

But you would, that’s the idea bro…

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Noo no. Fermented seawater will help. But i would say “good compost is all you need to restore life to the soil” cuz really thats all you need. Good compost. Once you get good compost there goes all of your problems!


Follow the link on post # 115 to see what @lotus710 is talking about!

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