Neo's Sad Grow Log

Yeah, dude, I believe you haha.

I noticed that, especially in that first closeup. I don’t remember how long greenhighlander’s took, but I think they were all like in the eight-to-nine week range, which surprised me. Thought they would take longer. Anyway, yeah, if you’re worried about mold and all, seems like the sooner they finish the better.


Knew I’d have botrytis again with these massive nugs and fans not mounted on the wall. Pretty disappointed after all that effort/ waiting months. Hoping i can at least salvage part of em. I’ve already lost a ton so far. I have the dehumidifier set at 45 for the first few days to hopefully get rid of some moisture from the middle of the big nugs then maybe up to 60. Guess the yield for this grow gonna be horrible lol. Already messed up the g13hp and got next to nothing too.

These are the mold nugs I’ve cut off the blavender glue so far and into garbage. Wouldn’t be surprised if I lost 3/4 of these. Sucks because they’re the biggest plants. I wanted to go another week too but after seeing another nug affected i said fuck it and took the whole thing down while raging haha. Not easy to chop big plants and hang em by myself.


That’s shitty been there got the tee shirt.


My nicest plant with the biggest buds had bud rot on 1 cola that i could visibly see. Tough call but similar situation like u said tough to hang big plants by them self. Ended up making hash with the whole thing other than 1 branch.


Don’t beat yourself up too much bro, shit happens. On the plus side, the buds this grow look great :star_struck: It’s not your fault on the botrytis, you can’t help but grow big nugs :joy: you need some next level airflow though. Tornado/hurricane type shit that blows girls clothes right off if they open the door :rofl: Gotta be a keeper to even see the room though, lol.

I hope the rest is almost done so you can chop everything before any more get infected. Wish I could be there to help, but I’m still recovering from chopping my plants. Still feels like my hands got kicked in the nuts…


Schafer 12” fan is what you need to blow off clothes . Lol


@ShiskaberrySavior that, or some really big speakers


Sorry to hear
Last grow I lost 4 major mains

Seems the bigger we push them we bring on issues


@Oldtimerunderground @ShiskaberrySavior I found the perfect fan for my small grow room. 18600cfm should be good enough for the job? :rofl:

@Neb Yeah it’s some bs lol. I already have a growing collection of material I’m supposed to turn into hash but I don’t even own any bags yet :stuck_out_tongue: I have 9lb of airy buds and trim/shake in the freezer and I’m sure I’ll end up with more scraggly shit to add to it if I don’t lose 3/4 of my plants which I might.

@Oldtimerunderground I actually already harvested the entire room. I was tired of seeing fucked up nugs. I also went to go check on the densest buds of the deadband and they’re fucked too so I’m pretty annoyed. Guess I’ll have to wait a few weeks till it’s time to trim to see how much I get to lose vs keep. Hoping for at least a few lb but not holding my breath at this point. I would have liked to take em a bit longer too but not at this point.

I’m not starting a grow until I clean the shit out of this current one and change some things around. I need to get an intake fan and I don’t think it’d hurt to put a hepa filter on it. Maybe an air purifyer down the road for the room. Pretty guilty of going down there with my outside shoes when I’m lazy so after everything is clean I’m gonna be more careful about being a lazy ass.

Already got 4 things lined up for next grow got some things from san and I’m popping them all. Sorry @Oldtimerunderground I was gonna pop those black garlic x jamaican puna but I got a care package I couldn’t resist haha.

berry nice plants x sanfune
oaxacan bx x chewie (stardawg x sour d)
chocolate kush i think (tk x choc diesel) x chewie
choc trip x lemon thai

Hopefully I can make a few changes to my room before I start this next grow so I can deal with less of the annoying issues at this past one. I still think I might be packing them a bit too tight. Going to have to mount all my 8 circulator fans on the walls. Will def help with the heat stress from the lights. They have been on the floor for the past 2 grows. Intake fan with filter and clean the fuck outta the whole area. The grow room floors are pvc fiberglass panels so it will be easy to just spray with solution but I’m not sure about cleaning my lines and pump. I’ve had no luck finding sanidate in Canada and not sure what I can use. I can’t remember the second one I’ve heard a few people using but I couldn’t find that last I looked too.

@Papalag Sad times for sure. Pretty much every grow when I see big buds I know there will be heartbreak down the road :stuck_out_tongue: I’m just crossing my fingers at this point that not as much is affected but I already tossed a ton of blavender glue and a couple massive nugs of the deadband. I don’t wanna dry em too fast so they’ll taste bad but I’m also paranoid, I hope that keeping the humidity around 40 for the first few days will help it not spread as much and then I can turn the humidity back up to 55-60 and dry slower if I’m brave. I dried my g13 hp in 40 the whole time and I ended up over drying them by accident and they lost a ton of smell/taste. A bunch went to the hash pile. It looked nice but I took it too early and they were way too small.


Damn :frowning:

FWIW, those are some beautiful nugs… Bud rot is a bitch for sure…

My condolences…


Yeah, that blows. Sorry, dude. I’ve never had to deal with botrytis, so I dunno if this would work, but couldn’t you just cut out the affected parts of the buds and then dry as you normally would? Or is this a case of “once it’s there, it’s pretty much everywhere”-type thing?


the Blavender looks great :+1:…Sorry for the Mold!!


It starts from the inside of the bud so usually by the time I notice it’s pretty much too late. I’m guessing I have some issues with my room/grow so hopefully the changes I plan on making will help because although I’ve dealt with a bit here and there each grow this was by far the worst affected I’ve ever been and the first time I had to cut nugs off during the actual grow. I’m guessing the plants had already had it for weeks before I noticed anything. Prob didn’t help that they were heat stressed a lot of the grow with little airflow at the canopy.

Really hoping there’s a decent amount salvageable since a lot of it looks and smells really nice to me but I wont really know for sure until it’s time to trim so it’s going to be a really stressful wait. As far as I know when the bud gets below a certain moisture level it wont spread anymore so I’m trying to quick dry it for the first couple of days to a week and then raise the humidity again so it doesn’t completely dry too quickly.

I just checked down there with a flashlight and noticed some more on some other big buds so it’s gonna be a rough time. With the buds I’m gonna have to toss I’m gonna have losses in the lbs unfortunately. I’m gonna let it all dry though and stop cutting big ass buds off and stressing myself out even more.

Wont be till xmas time or even new years till I start a new grow. Have lots of cleaning and changing things around to do.


Yeah, getting a few oscillating fans in there will definitely help. And you’re growing hydro, too, right? Or am I remembering incorrectly? I feel like botrytis is pretty common with both huge outdoor nugs and indoor hydro grows. Anyway, maybe the quick-dry method will help salvage some. If it affects the flavor, it affects the flavor. I’d rather have a larger portion of tasteless buds than a much smaller portion of buds that taste good but I had to throw most of it away. I think?


Didn’t do the blavender glue justice but I like the smell of all of them and the high is pretty nice too. I had a couple bananas on a lot of my plants this grow likely due to heat +water stress and possibly a few other things but I liked all of these plants more than I thought I would. They’re pretty ugly but they all smell pretty nice. Another fun strain from san fucked up by me :stuck_out_tongue:

Blavender glue 1. What I can only describe as “spicy thai” (bunch of shit mixed together, bit of wood,bit of dark berry, bit of licorice maybe a few other things) blueberry and a bit of fuel.

B;avender glue 2. This one is the hardest to describe. Spicy, savoury (bouillon??), garlic/ onion like, sotolon, slight fuel

Blavender glue 3. Spicy, berry, very heavy fuel

Blavender glue 4
nice blueberry smell, very slightly minty, bit of gas.

Blavender glue 5
similar to number 2 but with more gas.


Nice job. I don’t think those nugs are ugly at all. I forget, what’re the genetics of that Blavender Glue? Blueberry, Lavender and Gorilla Glue, I’m guessing? How’s the high?

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Thanks. The blavender glue is gg4 x blue lavender (eskobar strain) which is lavender x blueberry sativa.

I haven’t gotten to smoke much but I want to say the high is mostly pretty balanced with a few maybe leaning to the indica or sativa side a bit but not too much. They smell and taste dank though :stuck_out_tongue: I gave a bit to a buddy last night and he said him and his friends enjoyed it a lot which is good news for me, means I’m getting less shit :rofl:

I’ll have to do more smoke testing over the next while to be really sure. Maybe I’ll have a winner between them all after awhile. Sometimes I find myself building a tolerance or getting sick of certain ones quicker than others. Some also end up smelling better/slightly different after a longer cure so we’ll see.


pretty nice nuggs there…all i grew out from SAN was great!!
looks yummy,enjoy!


I like everything I’ve grown by him too. Even the stuff that I majorly fucked up (basically all of it :p) I still liked. Can’t wait to start my next grow it will be all sangear. I just gotta do a crazy cleanup before I put myself through that stress again (lost like 1.5lbs of all the nicest buds to botrytis). Thinking about getting a hepa filter for the intake for the room.

Next I’ll be starting:
Berry nice plants x sanfune
oaxacan bx x chewie (stardawg x sour d)
choco trip x lemon thai
chocolate kush (tk x choc diesel) x chewie

Some more exciting flavours. Already can’t wait to see what they will all look and smell like.


That one sounds really good. I’ve got some Choco Trip seeds; I’ve got some Lemon Thai seeds. Hmmm…