Neo's Sad Grow Log

Probably. I have some of those seeds in the fridge. Looks good. They all look good. Is that one Wolfpack f2 plant that you just topped the shit out of or is it multiple plants?

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It’s a couple plants in 1 gal containers. Around 5 or 6. Was planning on thinning the herd a bit more but I ended up getting more females with the g13hp and the wolfpack f2s so half the grow is a jungle compared to the rest. Hope I don’t get botrytis. I notice sometimes condensation on the leaves that are touching.

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Stick another fan in if you’ve got a extra.

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Finally managed to get a trellis up on the wolfpack so now it’s only the g13hp that are too short to reach. Trying to bend the tall blavender glue back a bit more into the light since they were kind of outta the range of good light.

I really never learn my lesson but I really gotta start putting up the trellis before there are plants there. Would make life a lot easier. I’m gonna make a lower one too so I have 2 next grow. One about a foot or 2 lower.


Finally got a new carbon filter so it doesn’t smell like weed since the exhaust is in my backyard. Also got a new pair of scissors to try out and so far they are really good. I spent hours trimming a bunch of lemon lotus that is STILL hanging in the basement after going on I think the 10th week now. All the plants didn’t respond very well to my shitty growing so they ended up super airy and weird so I ended up not bothering with trimming much until now. That long snake bud is from the top of one of the lemon lotus.

2 pics of the plants are the blavender glue.

I’ll get some pics of the rest tomorrow. The g13hp are in the worst shape starting to get deficiencies already. Probably going to increase the feed next rez fill. The rest are doing alright so far we’ll see how they are in the coming weeks.


g13hp f2 from @Barefrog. These ones are starting to show some deficiencies but hopefully the raised feed will help. I get this pretty much every time at varying degrees during flower. Been like 30 days since flip don’t seem too far along but I’m guessing the plants could have stalled for like a week before starting to show buds.

deadband f2

Blavender glue from @santero are giants

wolfpack f2 from the seedrun here.

Group shot showing size diff. Ceilings are over 7ft and the lights are basically right at the top. Blavender glue are the tallest, g13 hp are the shortest.


Out of likes for the moment, but those are some beautiful bud shots bro :heart_eyes:


Thanks. I must be an asshole, in the years I’ve been here I’ve never run out of likes :joy: :weary:

This entire grow gonna yield what one one branch on one of your plants will. Gawd damn. You’ll be out of trim jail by the time the snow is melting haha.


Lmaoooo, It’s ok, I run out of likes at least twice a day and I’m still an asshole :laughing:

:joy: You’re killing me man. As long as I get out of trim jail by the time planting season comes next year I’ll be good :rofl: gonna need some iron hands to trim all this shit though


Wolfpack f2

Blavender Glue starting to get some frost @santero

Deadband f2

G13HP f2

Plants were doing a nosedive a few weeks ago.Seem to be doing slightly better now and starting to grow noticeably instead of doing nothing. Checked my runoff EC and it was insanely high so I dropped my feed WAY down. I’m doing straight up 321 now with no extra additives. I’m also feeding only 3x per day. Once when lights go on, once before I pass out and once around 7 am. I was doing an extra feed before during lights off but I think it was too much. There was a few days where my RH dropped all the way into the low 40s. Guessing that was from my plants stalling and not really transpiring anything into the air.

With the feed being weaker my pH ends up around 6.1 instead of 5.6 with the strong feed so this is prob a bit better. I turned my dehumidfier setpoint from 60 to 75 so there seems to be less heat from it also. The RH has stayed between 70-75 since and the room is a few degrees colder. Still a bit too hot but I think that might have more to do with my airflow issues.

EC is now 1.5.


Some pics of the blavender glue and the g13hp f2.

g13hp f2

Blavender glue. Starting to get very dense. If I don’t get botrytis these plants are gonna yield a ton. Still no interesting smells at 6 weeks but still tons of white hairs and weeks to go.


Finally got around to dealing with all my stuff from last grow that was hanging for months. I just ended up half ass “bucking” it with my hands to save on time. Now at least the area is ready for my current grow in the next few weeks.

I really need to get bubble bags lol. Have about 9lbs of trim/airy buds from old grows/shake now that I just tossed into the freezer. Prob give a nice amount of hash if I was able to deal with it all.

Reminds me of this scene from blow :stuck_out_tongue:


That should make a nice stash of hash for ya.


Definitely a nice stash of hash :exploding_head:


My floppy jungle of blavender glue. I wanna say they’re roughly at 7.5 or so weeks from flip. Nothing crazy on the smell department yet just a very mild blue/powdery candy type smell. I’ve never grown any blue before so I’m not sure how it might change later on though. They are all super dense. If I don’t lose any they are prob gonna yield a lot. Some of the leaves are in bad shape though, hope they can hold on for a few more weeks at least. Prob doesn’t help that my lights are producing a bunch of heat at the canopy because my airflow isn’t the greatest (fans on floor instead of on walls, no intake fan just passive)


Some more close ups. Week 8 since flip

g13 hp f2

deadband f2

blavender glue

wolf pack f2


… wish,i had a bag like this :heart_eyes: excellent haul !!
great bud-pix too. enjoy,neo


Tried to take some lights off pics but they didn’t turn out very clear. Only took pics of the wolfpack f2 and a few of the blavender glue though.

I wanted to harvest everything in the next few days (week 10 since flip) but after cutting a few branches and quick drying them over a couple of day none of them really hit me hard so I guess I’ll have to hold on longer even though I’m worried about botrytis.

I chopped the g13 hps almost a week and they are hanging because I saw one of the buds was moldy af (was closest bud to door with very cold air drafts) so I just cut that head off tossed it and harvested them all. I put some in the volcano didn’t get me too high but hoping after drying better will hit a bit harder. One of my plants had micro seeds too so that’s pretty much a write off. Glad they were tiny, if they were huge I’d be pretty disappointed.

The blavender glue are the ones I’m most worried about since the buds are massive. After most of the grow smelling mild they are now starting to reek and frost up and I am really excited for them but who knows how much I’ll lose.

wolf pack. Looks less ugly in person haha. Was hoping they’d be done soon but still have a week or 2 at least to go it looks like.

Blavender glue


Have you considered decreasing your light schedule? Maybe shorten it by fifteen minutes or even thirty, might get them to finish up a little quicker. Looks good, though. Those Wolfpacks look a lot like @anon60559124’s, with those big calyxes and all.


I hadn’t considered it but maybe I’ll try shortening the day by 30 mins. I swear they look better in person :stuck_out_tongue:

I have a couple diff phenos I’ll be able to better describe when they’re in front of me but they range from skunky to fruity to candy and cleaner type smells. A few of them have those long stalk trichs that make them look fuzzy and frosty as hell. The pics don’t do it justice hopefully I can get something nicer later on. Some of them are starting to throw a bunch of white pistils again. Hope they can hold on. The crispy/shitty leaves worry me.