Neo's Sad Grow Log

“lil” stretching going on lol.
Pic 1, 3 is mostly all oaxacan bx x chewie besides the one short one which is a choc trip x lemon thai
pic 2 is a joint picture of the sf x bnp and ct x ll trays.

pic 5 is also choc trip x lemon thai. I found a male in there late so the room isn’t taken up anymore a bit empty.

Pic 6 stretchy mofos are the sanfune x berry nice plants (san’s sanfune selection)

Haven’t had to open the window due to heat in 2 days. Seems like putting the intake directly on the floor (instead of pointing slightly to the window) and down one speed has helped the temp hover at 82f and stay there all night.


More pics. Sanfune x bnp

Choc trip x lemon thai

Oaxacan bx x Chewie


No kidding with the stretch on those SanFune x Berry Nice Plants, lol. The one looks like it’s trying to climb the wall! :joy:

Incredible growth the past month, great work NeoG! :star_struck::clap::ok_hand::smiley:


Looks great neo :+1::+1::+1:


Another week gone by.

Group shot

Choc trip x lemon thai

Sanfune x berry nice plants

Oaxacan bx x chewie


Awww man, @Papalag beat me to the :heart: button!! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: haha, that ol’hippie is a quick one! Lol

@neogitus what in the jungle is this?! :star_struck::exploding_head::heart_eyes:
You’re gonna have a room full of rocketships when those are done! :rocket: :bangbang:


Haha, I sure hope so. Either that or a room full of mold :joy: :cold_sweat: :disappointed_relieved: :sob: :scream: :confounded: :persevere: :disappointed: :sweat: :weary: :tired_face:

Has barely been 2 weeks since I flipped to flower.


:green_heart:…that´s quite a jungle,you´ve grown there @neogitus :lizard: :sloth: :snake: :parrot: …don´t get lost in there :flashlight:
you mentioned mold…crossing my fingers ,bro!!!


Thanks mawn. Only 6-8 weeks ish left to go and gonna be paranoid the whole time :stuck_out_tongue: I see fat buds and get scared now haha


Increase air flow and just keep checking them

All I hear in my head is welcome to the jungle by guns and roses when I look at your tent lol


I had that problem 2 grows ago my blackened oranges suffered greatly

4 massive buds I was sick over it :rage:

I hear uv light helps to kill the mold and insects , not sure about bud rot


I had my first issue this bud mold this year, on the buds in the back, touching the wall.
Made me sick. It was the first time I got big heavy solid bud. We got 90+ degree humidity for 2 weeks between the normal 20/30 R/H.


Week 3.

Oaxacan bx x chewie

Chocolate trip x lemon thai

Sanfune x berry nice plants

Some leaf issues I noticed a week or so ago. I noticed some burnt tips and edges starting to form on the plants. The sanfune x bnp have it the worst so far.

Raised my feed from 1.25 to 1.5 hopefully it doesn’t continue on like it has. pH is 5.5 input. 6.2 ish runoff.
Numbers are now:


Damn! They all look pretty far along for only being in week three.

What’s Chewie?


Chewie is manny stardawg x rez sour d ibl from @santero . Hope I got that right :stuck_out_tongue:


Ooh, that sounds tasty! And crossed with a Oaxacan? Very interesting.


Those plants look stunning! :star_struck:
I love the thick and luscious hairs on them :heart_eyes:

:thinking: Are you going to be doing any defoliation? Looks like they could use some, with all that growth. Might be difficult with the net and how dense it is in there. How many plants do you have in that room? I would’ve lollipopped the shit outta them before flipping, but with the issues you were having with the ph and watering I guess that wasn’t really an option. Still not too late to get in there and clear it out a bit for better airflow and light penetration.

With how much bud is about to explode outta that room I would consider putting 2 oscillating fans in there, if you can fit them in the middle, one pointing at each side.
Make em dance! Lol


Hi bro
Personally I would lower n at this stage
I like the ph at feeding to be 6.2

And if I may ask how close is your light ?

Just MHO


Thanks. Probably not gonna bother doing any defoliation this run even though they could probably use it. I can’t really reach the back of one of those trays/ they’re all sticky af and would just end up driving me mental at this stage :stuck_out_tongue: I did actually lollipop em at some point not sure how much but I’ll try to take some pics when the lights go on later. The saggy ass branches make it look like they go down longer than they do I think. I have 4 plants per 4x4 total of 16 plants. They’re in 1-1.5 ish gallon pots of pro mix HP.

I def need more fans but I’m too poor and don’t own any oscillating fans haha. I’m def gonna need more for next grow if I can for under the jungle since I have most of the top with airflow.

@Papalag I agree that the N is slightly too high but I would have to lower Ca and everything else if I wanted to lower the N and I’m worried about causing more problems. I was at 6.0-6.2 pH most of the grow and was having issues until I lowered it. My runoff pH a few weeks ago was 6.7-6.9 ish. Not sure if it was the nutes that were raising it or the plants taking up tons of food or the lime being activated too often from watering too much but I’ve gotten my runoff down to around 6.2 so far but I still think the media might be slightly higher than that.

I’m kinda trying to go off the feeding of the MORR nutrients I’m trying to eventually get my hands on and I’ve been learning lately that under high power LEDs the plants actually need way more nutes than I ever would have thought (they recommend 3.5-4.5 EC) and I’m currently lower than that although my N is slightly too high because I’m using Jack’s 5-12-26 atm. I want to switch over if I can get some store to carry the MORR flowering formula though so I can raise the Ca levels even higher without getting the N way too high.

With the MORR the numbers at 3.5 EC are:

and 4.5 EC it would be (not sure if this is for with added co2 or not but might be)

Nutes are supposedly based off of 10+ years of combined tissue analysis data from many facilities/styles of growing. Should check out josh_neulinger on instagram so you don’t think I’m totally crazy :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: The grows are impressive to say the least. Even someone who I’ve been trying to learn from for ages (jidoka or sacredcowconsulting on ig) said the nutrients are so well done that he changed his custom blend that he’d been using for 5+ years to be more similar to theirs.

I’ll check how close the lights are when the lights go back on. I think some of the stretchier buds might be closer than 12 inches (not positive) but the lower ones are almost definitely further than 12. I have the lights maxed out at like 720W per 4x4 and the canopy is getting like 900-1400ppfd. Probably a bit overkill for not having extra co2 but seems like my growth has been faster than it’s ever been so far this early into flower so I wanna see what they can do even tho it’s probably not that efficient electricity wise.


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