Neo's Sad Grow Log

:smile: One of my all time fav movies :stuck_out_tongue:


Week 4.

Group shot

Oaxacan bx x chewie

Choc trip x lemon thai

sanfune x berry nice plants. These are all starting to flop over and prob become a disaster by the end. They smell berry nice though :stuck_out_tongue: .


There all monsters better start organizing a trim party looks like a lot of work in your future.


Hay @neogitus i got my scissors


Haha. Thanks @Papalag @ShiskaberrySavior I’m stuck trimming by myself it’s probably gonna take me an entire week. Gonna need an army but don’t have one :stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe my friend Freddy can help me with the harvest/ fan leaves lol


Some close ups of the sanfune x berry nice plants and a few of the oaxacan bx x chewie

sf x bnp

oaxbx x chewie


Week 5. Some are starting to go downhill. Fucked up leaves on most plants. Some worse than others. Hope they can hold on another like 5 :stuck_out_tongue: I’ll probably take off a bunch of the affected ones when I’m not lazy. My runoff EC was higher than my input so maybe I’ll scale back on the nutrients. The pH of runoff is within 0.2 pH of my input. Temp 80-84f lights on. Around 60 RH. Light off 69-76f 45-60 RH. I wonder if its my high EC causing the issues or my feeding practices (too much/too little/too often?) or maybe something else altogether.

Group shot.

Choc trip x lemon thai.

Oax bx x chewie

Sanfune x berry nice plants. All flopped over everywhere but looking and smelling nice.


Looking good otherwise, I’d guess over fertilized with the tip burns


Week 6. Runoff EC was high af so I filled the res with mostly tap water and a bit of leftover nutrients on the bottom. After it is almost empty I’ll measure the runoff again and see if it goes down. If it does I’m going to reduce the feed until the end.

Just my luck something always has to go wrong. My 'replacement" light for my other one who’s driver crapped out awhile ago just crapped out on me too. It was probably my fault but still. I don’t know if this one will be an easy fix. I don’t have what I need to try to fix it (an 8 port connector, I only have up to 5 port leaver nuts) so I’ll have to wait and order some on amazon.

The port on one of the lights melted so I’m guessing either a loose connection somewhere on the wires in the junction box or damaged tinning or insulation. Not sure I’m an electricity noob. After this grow is done I’m gonna have the re do all the tinning on my wires just to be safe. Nothing more annoying that a light fucking up while it’s mounted to the roof and taking the driver down will get drywall dust all over the nugs. Not sure if I’ll just leave it for the next 2-4 or so weeks or try to fix at least one of the lights after ordering the lever nut 8 port connector. Frustrating though. One of the 2 lights on the driver works but I can’t run one at a time either so 2 are out of commission for now. Maybe that’s one of the issues. If I didn’t notice one of the lights having a loose connection or an issue for days then it makes sense that it could have melted.

Plants are still going downhill probably from buildup but at least there’s not too much time left until the end.

Choc trip x lemon thai

Oaxacan bx x chewie

Sanfune x berry nice plants. Looking real nice but been slumped over everywhere for some time now. Hopefully they don’t mold on me they’re all pretty dense so far. Smell really nice. My cell phone doesn’t really capture the colour very well everything is a yellow tinge like hps for some reason.


They don’t look bad at all to me, though. I’m sure they’ll turn out great.

How far along is that Choco Trip/Lemon Thai again? I was just re-reading that Doc D thread from the very beginning, saw someone said their Choco/A5Thai finished between 49-56 days, which seemed crazy-short to me.


They’re all around day 44 since flip. I’m hoping they finish at 9 or so weeks because they can probably hold on that long but if any longer than that I’m a bit worried because they’ve been going downhill for awhile now and now one of my trays is only half lit again because of that damn light that had the arcing/ melting connector (and that was a replacement already for another light who’s driver shit out on me).

I found an 8 pin connector on Amazon I’m probably gonna order and try to fix the light but I’m super shit when it comes to electronics haha.

Still looks better than my last grow and the first 4 or so weeks were growing like crazy but now it seems to have stalled. Guess the buildup in the media/ who knows what other issue stalled them. Even with that though I still feel farther along for this time than my last grow so hopefully can have a strong finish with little to no botrytis this time instead of losing like 1.5lb of big ass buds :frowning:

I’m probably gonna try cutting off branches and hanging them instead of cutting the whole plant and hanging it whole. Also in the few days leading up to chop I’m gonna cut them off from water for 2 days so they “die” in the media and put the RH in the drying area if I can down to 40 for 2 days and then back up to 60 for a slow dry after that if I can to get the water activity low enough so any possible botrytis doesn’t spread any more. Wish I had a water activity meter but too expensive for now.


Okay. I don’t know anything about hydro, but it sounds like you got a plan haha!

Yeah, that sounds like more what I would expect. I was pretty surprised when I read that 7-8 week finish for those Choco Trip/A5Thai plants on the Doc thread. I’m super-curious to see what you think of your Choco/Lemon Thai smoke.

I just did that with the very last plant from my last grow, the Ancient OG x Dragon Energy, always hung the plants whole before that. It didn’t seem to be detrimental at all. Shit’s tasty as fuck and it hasn’t even cured for two weeks yet. I only broke it up because I thought there might’ve been a PM issue, I’ll probably still always hang everything whole, but it seems like hanging in pieces works fine, too.


Hi neo

Thanks for sharing your grow great job as always
Your to hard on yourself they’ll be fine your a great plant caretaker

I really like San s gear

I plan on running some next grow so I’ll be picking your brain for info if you don’t mind



Appreciate the kind words. I can get overly frustrated with my grows sometimes haha.

I just went in there today and they’re looking sad and I really hope they can hold on till the end and hoping they don’t take too long to flower. The sanfune x berry nice plants is looking and smelling super nice my cell phone doesn’t do it too much justice. I just clipped off a tiny ass lower maybe a joint or 2 worth to hopefully quick dry in 5 or so days so I can test it out.

Smells like some kinda berry candy and is super dense.

I like sans stuff too I always have at least one strain of his going if not a whole grow full of em :stuck_out_tongue:

Any idea what you thinking of growing for your next run?

I have some tk/choc diesel x chewie (chewie=stardawg/sour d) that were too small and shit looking at the time when I flipped my room that have been in veg the whole time. 3 plants and they’re pretty big now. I was thinking about trying to clone a bunch of all 3 of them which I think are female. I’d veg the clones until they’re big enough and fill my entire flower room with them and do a run of just that. I’m also thinking of throwing those 3 mothers in a large ass container and taking them outside to the backyard in may. With the head start they’ve gotten I’m sure they’d end up being absolute beasts by the time October rolled around if they survived the weather. Kinda paranoid about my neighbours hating though. Chem/diesel strains tend to stank like a mofo haha. My neighbour 2 doors down has grown a plant the past few summers but it’s been tiny and doesn’t smell :stuck_out_tongue:


i also don’t think its that bad. just keep on, keep’n on.
it looks like you’ll end up with a ton of smoke, bro :heart_eyes:

bnp x fune = “berry nice fume” should show a mixture of tropical fruits
and red berries (mostly rhaspberry), covered in a layer of sweet candy.
flotimes are fast around 7-8 weeks with ample yields of balanced smoke
with strong potency (fune is a very reliable parent for all of the above traits.)

oaxacan bx x chewie (= chupacabra v2) will have hazy lemons
from charlie garcia’s oax and the diesel/chem-dad usually adds
a sweet-rotten meat-fuely-toffee-chem to it’s progeny.

bodhi’s cut of chocolate trip was fast, took only 7 weeks to be done.
(dutch flowers used indigo blue -their “diamond”-selection- to signi-
ficantly reduce chocothai-flotime. this translates to X’s made with
chocolate trip :wink: ). i hit that chocolate trip cut with a dutch flowers f1-
male and created the “lemon trip”-line grown here.

the ctrip was sweet and heady. no choco (imho) but very sweet and
great buzz, good yield and very fast flo. the LT-male had a strong lemon
stemrub and i liked his majestic appearance, grew very beautiful, like
a x-mas tree with a tiny bit space between his big clusters of balls that
had lemon candy trichs.


ooh, i would be intersted in seeing how the tk/cd x chewie does for you outside.
it was made inside, but i bet they monster out as well, if given the chance :slight_smile:
i’m not sure how to call it, lol … my wife likes “nuclear kush”, but i always think
“special sauce” or “extra gravy” :laughing:


i still have a few of any of those spare, (just
in case someone feels like growing some.)


Thanks mawwn. I think I’m too hard on myself sometimes haha. Especially when it comes to growing.

Always love the detailed info you give about the strains. The meat/fuel/toffee/chem from the chewie sounds amazing. I don’t have much of that yet(don’t think at least) but there’s some plants way in the back that I haven’t touched or been able to smell because I can’t reach them without getting my arms and elbows all sticky from the other ones :stuck_out_tongue:

The choc trip x lemon thai I think has that hazy lemon smell to it but I might have even somehow smelled some fuel or some super sourness to it too. It’s been awhile since I’ve smelled em though. Some of the oax x chewie are super sour lemon/lime though I really like the smell of those. Can’t wait to try it when it’s dried and cured.

I also love the smell of the berry nice fume and it’s dense and frosty af. Super berry candy with something else that I can’t really put my finger on.

The “short” flowering times on some of them actually gives me hope that I’ll be able to harvest em relatively soon without em going too much more downhill. Will be week 7 since flip in a few days.

I feel like I’m getting better each time though so I’ll eventually start doing the stuff justice :stuck_out_tongue: I’ve always liked the crosses you make. I’m still thinking about doing a whole room with some clones of the tk/choc diesel x chewie since I have 3 relatively big females in veg this whole time and I missed out from having em look sad before I started flowering the other 3 strains.

I walked outta my room the other morning and I could smell those plants from 2 floors up and they’re in veg so I can only imagine what they’re like in flower. Plus you said earlier that they’re strong af too so can’t go wrong there. I like the name extra gravy the best but nuclear kush and special sauce are good too haha. I may be biased towards gravy though with all the poutine I eat :crazy_face:

After that (or before depending on how the cloning goes) I’ll be popping that meridian haze, mac x gdp and the amnesia haze x alchemy. I’ll have a 4th pack to figure out to fill the room then but I’m sure I’ll dig out some san stuff that I have a pile of in the freezer :stuck_out_tongue: Was eying that sawa from hyp3rids but I might wait a bit for that, only have one pack.

I have a bunch of much older shit I’ve been holding onto for a rainy day.
chocolate ghost
chocolate puff
strawberry chocolate
wonka’s diesel
choco chiesel
lemon dawg
new york lemon diesel
shiva dawg
chocolate kush (guess that’s a parent to the gravy/ nuclear/ special sauce eh :stuck_out_tongue: )
choc trip bx
killer bee
killer grapes
double dipped cheetos
queen deez
tahoe sour
starship cheetos
silver diesel haze (5 pack freebie i think)
killer lemon haze (5 pack i think)
berry nice plants

If you haven’t seen much of any of those/ are interested in seeing more of any of em lemme know and I’ll pop one of those as my 4th pack :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


damn, didn’t i send you some killer cookies (gsc forum x killer queen) ??

well, that’s on ME, bro …
hit me with an addy and lemme hit you with some of those too.


meanwhile maybe pop some “tahoe sour” (= tahoe clone x sour d)?
those i have shared far and wide, but no one seemed interested in
growing some so far. which is absolutely fine as i always share
without any stings attached :wink: … but i am curious, haha.


Tahoe sour it is. I like tahoe and I like sour :drooling_face: Might be some effort to find it buried in my seed bin though haha.

No killer cookies, I can’t remember if that one was on sh or not. I got the other 3 from there (one is a 5 pack freebie I think though) if it was it was either sold out or I was too poor to get the other ones at the time :smile:

Appreciate your generosity as always. Maybe I’ll remind you next “share” since I got one pretty recently and still need to grow those out :stuck_out_tongue: Those killer queen hybrids sounded good I’m pretty sure I got 2 packs of each of the ones I have so if I fuck em up I still have a second try.

I forget who maybe @webeblzr Grew one of them out (killer grapes I think) and he said it had some stomach turning grape smell which sounded awesome to me :grin:


Hey Neo!! Yes, the packet of killer Grapes I got from Santero seedheaven, I found one plant that, got so stinky as I’d move around in the tent, and brush by her, I had to fight the urge to throw up, as it was so over powering. My extractor runs 24/7/365, I was still gagging.
As she dried it got a wee bit better. But it was still some of the most over powering smell I ever grew out. As you prepared it to roll a joint, it is so strong smelling.
The buds were stunning to boot. The heaviest grape smell and taste I ever crossed paths with.
I just started some S1’s from a couple of seeded buds.
Best to ya Neo!!


I maybe only have 4 strains of sand gear I need to order more

I’m jealous :flushed:. and drooling :drooling_face: atf he same time