Neo's Sad Grow Log

It’s all good . That sounds horrible hope you recover soon.


My mobility scooter hit a rock with the front tire at Wally world Thursday, and it screwed it and tipped us over me and the mobility scooter went over. My right hip broke it right below the knuckle on the femur they call me a high risk of all the problems that I have and the heart attack they were waiting for my numbers to come back down to a normal And then they’ll operate but they’ve already scheduled it for tomorrow morning. It’s gonna be as good as it gets. They called me a high risk. Sorry this morphine has me repeating myself


Damn Johnny that sucks, but it sounds like you’re handling it like a champ. Best wishes and healing vibes!


Wow @JohnnyPotseed I hope things get much better for ya. Best wishes on a speedy healing process.


Last but not least iceberry gary from @hughdunno

Iceberry Gary 1
earthy , sweet pine / sour/lemon kinda og esque

Iceberry Gary 2
cookies and cream /strawberry milk

Iceberry Gary 3
similar to 1

That’s it for my most recent grow.

Next up will be:
Cherry slurpee v1(slurricane #7 s1 x trufflez) 1
Black Sparrrow (lemon bundt cake x trufflez) 2
Cherry Tree (cherrytini x trufflez) 3
Low Hung Fruit (sherbubba x trufflez) all 4 from @santero 4
Old Family Purple x Golden Hashplant from @Kyumonryu 5
Wookie Orgasm (orgasmatron 7 x wookie 15) from @bodhi 6
Sour Pina (sour banana sherb x pineapple sorbet) from Noble Genetics 7
Platinum Huckleberry Cookies x Testarossa 8
Smuckers Grailhaze x mtf/nl1 both from AKBB 9
Chem 91 x Banana Pudding from @Scallywag 10

Hopefully start up in the next week or 2.


Dam bud hope all goes well for you wishing you a speedy recovery.


I don’t know what you changed but the final product is rewarding you obviously ^^


those buds realy look great,neo…frosty as hell


killer looking bud bro! that second pheno sounds righteous


It looks amazing You’re in for a great smoke!


You hand trimming all this @neogitus? If so how (dry, wet, etc.)? If not, how?


Hand trimming (dry) the vast majority with a small amount of scraggly stuff bowl trimmed. I gotta stop putting everything stacked up in bags on top of each other though I feel like I’ve squished some a bit haha.

Hung everything 2 weeks -month+


Fuck. Hate hand trimming. Don’t wanna risk money on a bowl trimmer and have it not perform well enough.
You hang at your desired parameters (near 60/60?) and then just let them continue to cure like that, for that long? That’s essentially what I aim for - technique wise I mean.


Yeah it’s the worst lol kills my hands and neck. The only positive other than getting a bunch of weed is that I can put a dent in some podcasts/ youtube vids I’ve been wanting to get to for awhile lol.

The bowl trimmer is honestly trash but for the bottom stuff that I wasn’t gonna trim anyways works alright but still leaves tons of leaves and doesn’t look anywhere close to nice (this is a ac infinity one) I borrowed it from buddy but gave it back now next run all that stuff might just have to go into bubble hash. To my uneducated eye the blade looks too far away from the grates but I don’t know much.

I try to keep it around 60/60 sometimes it goes off a bit but for the most part it’s around there. Even after over a month some of the stuff is still sticky. I should look into those cannatrol parameters though seems interesting. For the first few days I usually have the dehumidifier running non stop to drop the rh as low as possible for the first few days (because I’m paranoid of mold) and then I just leave it at 60 until I’m ready.

I looked into the electric trimmers at one point but they’re way too expensive. Seems like they assume every time someone harvests some weed they make a million dollars to be able to afford that shit haha. I bet if weed was federally legal and samsung and big companies that make washing machines started making weed trimmers the price would go WAY down. Not that I wouldn’t accept one for free :stuck_out_tongue: but as a home grower who lives somewhere where 1 I don’t sell and 2 people don’t pay outrageous prices for weed it looks like I’ll be doomed to hand trim forever haha. Gotta love the green tax.


Exactly. It’s ridiculous. There’s a great “option” for one that I found on this site though. It (and its clones) usually around $450-550 CAD on amazon. There’s a manual version of it too. There was a video with a small commercial facility using it and giving tips on best use case. I think I downloaded the video, or it’s on youtube still maybe. I can share a link to it if you’re interested. I’ve been considering it. Trims wet or dry/semi dry.

So…what’s it set to? Continuous? No value? What does the room reach (room or tent? dedicated room, or tent? or just in your grow room?) rh wise? And your ac is just combatting the heat from the dehu, and keeping around 60*F?

Yea man. I do alot of “processing” while I harvest. But still have to go over everything by hand anyway. It’s just less annoying with less leaves curling over and clutching onto every fuckin’ calyx. I don’t even wanna grow varieties that put out lots of leaves, and leaves in annoying places.

PS I’m almost out of plant-prod. Might get some MB 0-20-46 or whatever it is.


I just set the dehumidifier to continuous. It will get down to like 45% 2-3 days. And yeah I’m usually running the ac for the house and the plants are hanging in the basement so it seems to hold onto the cold pretty well. I used to be really paranoid about my stuff becoming overly dry if I don’t trim it quick enough but if the RH stays at 50-60 it can hang for quite a long time (well over a month in my experience).

I cut the plants and hang them in sections too, no whole plants.

What trimmer are you talking about trimpro unplugged or something else? I’d be curious to see the vid.

What’s mb 0 20 46?

Edit:oh master blend lol


Not much going on ATM. Popped the seeds not long ago also added some fem ecto cooler x Topanga into the mix. I imagine I’m gonna have to cull some at some point but fuck it lol. Most of em popped through. Some runts / weird looking shit so far but to be expected. They started out really leggy because they’re far away from the light but seems to be slowly growing out of it.

Will be boring for awhile haha.