i said a while ago, last year maybe?, that we would drop some of the northern lights.
Given the nature of this thread and out of respect for the community, i felt i should reiterate our desire to carry Nevil’s northern lights… my worst fear is that we’re percieved as another Todd…
I came from the closet and from forums, so the opinion of y’all (the inner community) means more to me than what the mainstream thinks. we’re tryn to be as respectful as possible. we dont believe people should horde genes; we love NL and want to share it with everyone.
I wouldve dropped these NLs when Nevil was alive, i just didnt think there was a need for it and that what i had wasnt rare. and to be fair we did move NL stock and flower on and off, for a couple of decades before he passed, but just not in the mainstream…
it was only after he passed away that realized we what he had is uncommon… at that point we felt obligated as stewards of these sacred genes, to share it with the rest of y’all.
we’re only releasing the ones that you cant get. and we’re putting them out as regular seeds so that anyone can breed with them if they want to, and carry on the tradition.
the NL1 and NL2 are IBLs, the 5x2 is an F1 Hybrid. i used my SeedBank NL5 and and Dr. Danks NL2 male to make the 5x2 as an F1. both parents are true and IBL so its a real f1 hybrid…
and later in this fall, we will drop our fourth and final reissue, the G13xNL2, as an bx cross (g13nl2 x (g13nl2 x nl2)). i had to do it that way in order to make regular seeds, as i only have the female g13nl2…
Our goal is introduce these lost classics to the next generation of growers so that they can continue to preserve and spread Nevil’s legacy.
The NLs are a passion project of mine and its very humbling to be able to bring them out of the shadows so everyone can enjoy them.
I was talking with Dr. Dank the other day and he was thinking we could eventually offer these as female seeds… but thats a way’s away… and even then we would offer them as regular seeds also. like, as breeders packs or something…
I’m still searching for some of the other NL numbers… if i find them, we will make them available as well.
Any critique, advice or opinions on my handling of Seed Bank gear are welcome. if there is a more respectful way to stock Nevils old SeedBank gear, we are all ears… tag me so i’ll see it, or DM me.