Nevil passes and the seed drops start!

You are right about the open door concept except for the fact that Sam, wether a notorious liar or not, is a master breeder. You can’t discount his contribution to cannabis!!


What makes him a master breeder in you eyes ?
Please don’t say he invented selfing plants because that is a bold faced lie , people were doing research on that in the 70s and probably earlier then that.


Well, the statement was made based on his contributions to the community, not his person or private endeavors :wink:. The creation of Haze and the “haze movement” speaks for itself. Further he coined the term “Skunk” creating another movement, that being Skunky smelly weeds. Based on this I feel the label of a master breeder is a fair assessment…sure he may be a media sensationalist given to a little hype, but he can sure generate crowd appeal and probably has the largest following of people growing cannabis from his breeding program?


Anyone that goes by multiple names and hides his face is a stool pigeon Anyone that maligns people spreading vicious lies too hide what they are doing… especially behind a computer screen where he cant be held accountable either works directly unwillingly knowing or indirectly unknowingly willing for law enforcement. The royal Canadian police have been using this forum for its fishing hole for along time. Why would a seed company’s AG be selling seed in a place that is known for getting people busted? because they also work directly or indirectly for police. The CSA (controlled substance act) hasn’t changed one bit

Well I think “Sam the Skunk Man” has two faces. One which was in the media, and another with the growers and breeders.


What people talk about is the public image.


I would disagree , the term skunk was being used before he turned it into a name for himself and he has no skunky weed. Haze was also a product of a few different peoples work in Santa Cruz area he just took the line and continued it forward, this is from his own mouth.
The genetics he worked with have been used by several people but I think a lot more was grown from super sativa seed club and sensi seeds then what Sam had to offer. A huge amount of genetics were in the United States and a lot of people just bred with the seeds they could get locally.
His understanding of plant science and the amount of research he did would make him a master breeder but again he dident make skunk or haze the two things he hangs his hat on.


I’m not sure the point your trying to make at this point but the only person who dosent show his face is Dave and of course 99% of the members here.
If you don’t trust Agseeds or any other bean slinger for that matter then don’t order anything from them but I assure you the assertion that anybody doing that here must be working directly or indirectly with LE is incorrect and honestly a little insulting. You don’t know everybody here , there motives, or level of risk acceptance, to say something like that is just a broad assumption your speaking as fact.


That sounds about right TBH… :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


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I’ll give you the point on the skunk…if I remember correctly, the term Skunk actually came from the black community in LA, and Sam liked it so much he encouraged it and the breeding of skunky weeds :smiley:! However, I feel that with haze, you are short selling him.


He has said several times he hates skunk smelling plants and the acrid Afghans in general , why would he want them to grow it.
There is a lot of disagreement about the haze lines and that’s not a thread I care to recreate, you can find plenty of long drawn out arguments over Sam, nevil and the haze lines , who had what and from where etc etc etc.


Skunky as in strong smelling, very pungent, not sulphur smells…I think the the actual skunk smelling weed is just a product of the skunk movement…or simply gorilla growers using it to hide the crop and because of the strong smell it has been grouped with the other skunks.


That’s a whole different conversation you can find on here on any of the multiple skunk threads.
Growers using real skunk bud to hide there crops , now that made me laugh. Sometimes It’s interesting to hear others opinions but most times I find it exhausting. So many of these topics have been regurgitated over and over again from forum to forum it just gets boring to discuss.
If I had a penny for every different thought and opinion about skunk weed and og kush I’d be a rich man.


NOOOO! DON’T DIRECT TRAFFIC TO THE SKUNK THREADS! They’re the closest thing we have to trolls under bridges at OG! :wink::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::bear::rofl::skull:
Might as well bring up politics and religion while you’re at it!
The Holy Trinity of cannabis strain discussions that will incite a riot-
The Father: OG Kush
The Son: Chem D
The Holy Ghost: Roadkill Skunk


IDK the Trinity is probably Trinity :sob::joy::rofl:


the weed today cannot compare with the good Mexican the Columbian the Thai…The sheeba the panama red…The majority of weed today lack those quality’s. The idea of growing weed inside i call it shit where you sleep operation made it easier for leo to bust people…cant say your hiding when you order seed and equipment to your grow site like many many has done. especially when in the middle of a hot drug war a magazines comes out showing people how too inside advertising equipment and seeds…its the same as in the middle of crack epidemic someone opens a store to sell crack pipes and equipment. And or openly selling seeds thumbing your nose at leo…to me that is leo!

You do realize that pot is legal in Canada and half of the states in the US? Growing is legal, too, in many of those states. This is what the government wanted to do; take the black market money out of the equation.


you mean its decriminalized and decriminalized is not legalization…exactly the “black market” when you grow over the amount your allotted and when or if you sell your weed that’s a prison offense even if you are caught with personal amount with decriminalization that is a fine and drug rehab…and if you call that legal then im against it unless your a corporate provisioning center and thats the point …you let a bunch of corporate whores over take your industry. in Canada and the USA …

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The hemp bill contradicts what you are saying , seeds are no longer part of the controlled substance act, your local state laws are what is applicable at this point. Also germinating seed to grow high thc cannabis is still federally illegal but why would anybody buy cannabis seeds to grow , there souvenirs and dietary supplements as far as I know.

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The Agricultural Marketing Act defines hemp as, “the plant Cannabis sativa

L. and any part of that plant, including the seeds thereof and all derivatives,

extracts, cannabinoids, isomers, acids, salts, and salts of isomers, whether

growing or not, with a delta-tetrahydrocannabinol concentration of not more

than 0.3 percent on a dry weight basis.” See §297A of the Agricultural

Marketing Act of 1946 (AMA, 7 U.S.C. §1621 et seq.).

  1. The Controlled Substances Act defines marijuana as (subject to

subparagraph (B)), “all parts of the plant Cannabis sativa L., whether

growing or not; the seeds thereof; the resin extracted from any part of such

plant; and every compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture, or

preparation of such plant, its seeds or resin.” See §802(16)(A) of the

Controlled Substances Act (CSA, 21 U.S.C. §801 et seq.).

  1. The definition of marijuana explicitly excludes hemp as defined by the

Agricultural Marketing Act or “the mature stalks of such plant, fiber

produced from such stalks, oil or cake made from the seeds of such plant,

any other compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture, or preparation

of such mature stalks (except the resin extracted therefrom), fiber, oil, or

cake, or the sterilized seed of such plant which is incapable of germination.”

21 U.S.C. §802(16)(B

im sorry but to many people are getting tricked into doing something stupid and i don’t beleive its right to do that