Nevil passes and the seed drops start!

I’m sorry but you must have a hard time understanding the language of the documents you are posting because they do not support your thesis.
It states exclusion for hemp from the csa based on thc content and always has. The recent clarification confirms that seeds fall into the hemp category and there fore are not part of the csa.
There is also the fact that you are strictly speaking about Laws in the USA when there are members here from all parts of the world.
Oh and as much as I don’t like Dave you should not be posting peoples personal info online , that’s kinda like ratting somebody out.


yeah so if you actually read the 2018 farm bill
it states that it amends the wording in the controlled substances act to reflect the changes that seeds are legal, and any part of the cannabis sativa plant that is under 0.3% thc is legal hemp and not (illegal) marijuana.


Most people like me who are financially challenged, grew their pot from bagseed of dispensary weed that they bought legally. And, they trade and are gifted 90% of their collection of seeds. And, guess what? 90% of my seeds are still left, ungerminated, and become only collector souvenirs.

If I were buying hundreds of seeds and not using them to breed for a seed business, I might also be nervous. If you aren’t breaking any of the obvious laws, then you have little to worry about IMO. That was the goal of decriminalization; to remove the demand for black market product. It works for me. I’ve had cops in my yard. They know where I’m at. I’m at home, minding my own business and not breaking laws. The cops here are fine with that.


Just got some critical haze seeds from mr nice, via the wonderful member @misterbee !

Very excited to grow something so close to nevilles body of work


Here is a statement from the DEA regarding seeds. Now this is at the federal level, and not the state level. Every state is different. Also the US Post Office wants proof that any cannabis material sent by US mail has been TESTED to be below federal levels. And the federal level for hemp has since been raised to below 1% THC from 0.3% THC (last I looked anyway).

U.S. Department of Justice
Drug Enforcement Administration
8701 Morrissette Drive
Springfield, Virginia 22152

January 6, 2022

Mr. Shane Pennington, Esq.
1115 Broadway
Suite 1218
New York, New York 10010

Dear Mr. Pennington:

This is in response to your email of November 18, 2021 in which you request the control
status of Cannabis Sativa L. seeds, tissue culture, and any other genetic material of Cannabis
Sativa L. under the Controlled Substances Act (CSA). You state that the seeds, tissue culture,
and other genetic material have delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol concentrations of not more than
0.3% on a dry weight basis. The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) conducted a review
of the CSA and its implementing regulations with regard to this question.

Title 21 of the United States Code (U.S.C.) § 802(16) states that the term “marihuana” means
all parts of the plant Cannabis sativa L., whether growing or not; the seeds thereof; the resin
extracted from any part of such plant; and every compound, manufacture, salt, derivative,
mixture, or preparation of the plant, its seeds or resin. Such term does not include the mature
stalks of such plant, fiber produced from such stalks, oil or cake made from the seeds of such
plant, and any compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture, or preparation of such mature
stalks (except the resin extracted therefrom), fiber, oil, or cake, or the sterilized seed of such
plant which is incapable of germination.”

The CSA excludes from that definition “hemp.” 21 U.S.C. § 802(16)(B)(i). The term
“hemp” is “the plant Cannabis sativa L. and any part of that plant, including the seeds thereof
and all derivatives, extracts, cannabinoids, isomers, acids, salts, and salts of isomers, whether
growing or not, with a delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol concentration of not more than 0.3 percent
on a dry weight basis.” 7 U.S.C. § 1639o.

Accordingly, marihuana seed that has a delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol concentration of not
more than 0.3 percent on a dry weight basis meets the definition of “hemp” and thus is not
controlled under the CSA. Conversely, marihuana seed having a delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol
concentration more than 0.3 percent on a dry weight basis is controlled in schedule I under the
CSA as marihuana.

Likewise, other material that is derived or extracted from the cannabis plant such as tissue
culture and any other genetic material that has a delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol concentration of
not more than 0.3 percent on a dry weight basis meets the definition of “hemp” and thus is not
controlled under the CSA. Conversely, tissue culture and any other genetic material derived or
extracted from the cannabis plant having a delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol concentration more than
0.3 percent on a dry weight basis is controlled in schedule I under the CSA as marihuana.

If you have any further questions, please contact the Drug and Chemical Evaluation Section at or (571) 362-3249.


Terrence L. Boos, Ph.D., Chief
Drug & Chemical Evaluation Section
Diversion Control Division

Pot Sistemak is a giant seed conglomerate located in Spain. They own a bunch of seed companies for all kinds of agriculture, not just weed. They own Dinafem, Humboldt Seed Organization (HSO) and La Mota, also all located in Spain. Dinafem, HSO and La Mota were all busted wide open by the Spanish Guardia Civil (police) over two years ago now after years of investigations and they have shut down all seed sales. Dinafem, HSO and La Mota all have this notice on their web sites: “We are unable to process any orders until further notice”. They all sold their seeds worldwide. The issue is in Spain is that you can legally sell Cannabis seeds there (and export them legally), but not for profit. HSO is basically a scam. They have fancy web sites claiming to be all about growing weed in Humboldt County with pictures from there, but they are in fact located in Spain and owned by Pot Sistemak. They have nothing in or to do with Humboldt County or weed growing there. HSO is not to be confused with other legit Humboldt Seed companies like The Humboldt Seed Company which is located in NorCal. But HSO would like you to confuse them. All three companies have active web sites, and all three have the the no can make any sales notices. Coincidence? Nope. Big companies, big busts. I have heard that HSO opened a new site in Austria, but it is still a scam.


Well, with a Democrat majority in both the Senate and the House for 2 years with demented Lets go O’Biden as president, NOTHING HAPPENED regarding legalizing weed. No federal legal weed laws. So I fail to see your case here. Before this clown show, TRUMP signed the legal hemp bills into law. More than any other president has done for cannabis, ever. Like him or not.

O’Biden has made it his political career on being anti-drugs. Just look at all the bills and laws that he has put into place. They had 2 years to get 'er done with a majority in congress and the oval office, and they failed.


Cannabis policy of the Joe Biden administration

U.S. President Joe Biden stated in February 2021 that his administration will pursue cannabis decriminalization as well as seek expungements for people with prior cannabis convictions.[1] It can still be found on his campaign website under sentencing reform.[2] As of October 2022, Biden pardoned thousands of people convicted of marijuana possession under federal law.[3]

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it was 600 or so people whose records were impacted and none were released from prison. the federal government doesn’t charge people with possession very often. this administration has used the same tactic over and over which is to do something it knows doesn’t work, can’t work or will be repealed, but when covered in the media it seems very hip or cool. remember the vaccine mandate, but we all knew that wasn’t going to fly. all these are a ruze; disingenuous attempts to win our hearts and minds. if they give you legal weed you might not be interested in them after that. What do they gain by actually giving it to you…that is probably an important question to ask.


As long as half of the states are still against it, nobody will make it legal. It’s very complex. Right now, everyone is making big tax money as it is, so don’t look for any big changes anytime soon.


I always like joe-bama myself :joy: as in, “Thanks, joe-bama!”

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Even Oklahoma has realized it’s more profitable to regulate and tax than enforce and seize… recreational use is on the ballot in March…

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Just to touch on this, I believe a company called silent seeds is now carrying some of the genetics that were sold under the dinafem/hso banners. Some of the same growers are involved from what I’ve heard.

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I only got gear from Spain once…
Wasn’t satisfied with them…
What was your experience?

I’ve barely grown anything from Spain so I can’t really comment on that. Hit and miss I’m sure. I was under the impression dinafem had some of the better genetics from Spain. I Have grown Blue cheese Auto from them that was actually really good, and I’m not an auto fan.

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I thought ( probably naively) I was getting Maui…lol

Only one out of 6 seeds was worth keeping…

But what about nevils. Seed stash???

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Bloody hell that back in black uniform guy talks about nothing but feds on every post on every thread and on multiple forums.

Does anyone know if they’re still using the same NL5 mom & skunk dad or did they lose it like the G13 mom?

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