Nevil passes and the seed drops start!

Is there anywhere I can get Nevil’s old Swazi lines? Anyone have them still?

I’m looking for the HP1 x Swazi, or the African Queen (which presumably was a Durban x [Swazi x HP1] hybrid) released under the Sensi Seeds brand, but worked by Nevil in his time there.

The latter mentioned variety had a huge cultural impact over here. Seeds of that cross were distributed with the first grow guide written in our language, during the 90’s. I smoked it in the early 2000’s and it was one of my favourites then, as it produced an uppity, energetic high with no paranoia or bodily anxiety.


@FellaAndrene Check out the Swazi Myst or Swazipulco from @Guitarzan that @JohnnyPotseed has available, or the African Queen from Fleur Du Mal, which is Durban x Cinderella 99, I’d say.

On here there’s also @LonelyOC who has a line named Swazi Dragon:


Here is a pic of the Swazi Dragon plant I’ve been breeding on and saved as a cut.

I got one pack left Swazi Dragon x C4DDD(pretty much Chem D Bx3) which I called Dragon Drip if someone would like to try it out, throw me an dm.

Pz :v:t2:


Ah that’s great, beautiful plant! @FellaAndrene you should definitely talk with @LonelyOC hes in Sweden I believe and you’re Finnish, ya?

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@FellaAndrene Yeah, I’m in Sweden! I would love to help out if it’s something you’re interested in.

Pz :v:t2:

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Woa, there’s one thing that did not stick from Neville: seeds for cheap. 1$ 4 seeds! :crazy_face: And some people build empires on his genetics…


Hey guys. I did not read the whole thread because it is damn -long and I am short on time. One quick question. Who ( if any one) has “authentic” Neville’s genetics ? Thank you. :grin:

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@hempy might know where to find some of the gear


Mr, Nice seeds still has a lot of his work and some of old Sensi Seeds/ Holland Seed Bank stuff is directly from his genetics


I have access to the whole original the seed bank library

And will be listing some soon elsewhere. They will be limited edition collectors / breeders packs



Interesting. :thinking:

Take it with a huge grain of salt. He has a solid record of fabricating bogus genetic backgrounds for his lines.


Sounds too good to be true but I would love to know that stuff is still around. I’m hoping for the best medman!


Deep Ellum Seeds have a bunch of Nevil’s stuff kept pure: Profile of Deep Ellum Seeds - Strainly

I haven’t tried their stuff, but I’ve talked to @deep_rob about those lines and read all of his old posts - he has a wealth of information on these old lines and I’ve learned a lot of valuable stuff from him.

And it seems like that they have no reason to lie about this stuff: they were there, and they knew how to do preservation work, so they did it. And yet they are very humble about it. There are countless of others with no claim to having anything, with much bigger mouths.

Todd’s stuff from Greg is probably wonderful, too, but it isn’t the same as Nevil’s, how could it be?

Probably because of the anonymity, people seem to forget the social rules and mores that govern our behaviour in real life; and discussion is often hostile and anything but social.

On another note, I think often stories are just made up to fill the blanks. After all a good story adds to the allure of the seeds right? I personally take everything with a boatload of salt these days, people’s memories fade, they forget where something came from, or they want to claim it as their own because of ego etc. At the end of the day, the back story, the way they were originally obtained and even the strain names are interesting but kinda irrelevant to the end result of growing them. A product is always more marketable with a bit of drama and adventure in its history. At the end of the day, if any of these early breeders/seed collectors were able to see a little further, it’s only because all of them were standing on the shoulders of giants. The unknown anonymous keepers and givers of free seeds are my real heroes. Freakers is a good example.


I think he was bigger and more important to the canna community than those that bred the actual gems he collected.
Nevil had the balls of steel and the mind for business to be the first to open a seed bank.
He changed the world by collecting, mixing and distributing those various regional genetics to anyone who was brave enough to send cash in the mail and risk losing it.
I have the deepest respect for Nevil.




It’s such a shame he was never on any podcasts or videos or anything. He would have really documented things and set records straight from his perspective on pedigree’s, chain of custody, provenance, etc. we really missed the chances to talk to him.

i remember a friend going to Amsterdam around 94 or 95 and saying that there was a whole cannabis castle in Holland and it was where skunk, northern lights and haze all came from. I laughed it off like alright, seems a little fantastical, but little did i come to find out it was true lol!


Did a run of
Lambs bread x blue mountain)x malawi
That stuff had major pungent rankness it helps it’s skunky funk sage terps all the way through
It got crossed to Pakistani citral kush…also pretty pungent.unfortunately there was herm issues I still kept some seeds though