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Beautiful plant @buckaroobonsai! That blue dream im growing was a freebie blue dream fast from NASC (north atlantic seed co). I honestly wasn’t expecting that out of a freebie seed. The zkittlez in the same tent was a bit behind at first then just hit a growth spurt and has dusted the blue dream ever since! The zkittlez has somr absolutely massive and wide leaves probably as big as my face! I pulled 2 that about lived their life put and were starting to show slight signs of deficiency so they got chopped but absolute monsters!


Sorry I ran out of replies yesterday but im currently smoking on godfather OG just burnt thru all my gelato. I’ll look into those STLgroups thanks for the recommendation


Be active use up your likes and you’ll be able to participate in giveaways and such! I believe you can still trade seeds even if can’t get to the threads. Just offer what you have for trade or looking for in this thread and people will respond. Welcome to the OG!



I’m so happy to see you here brother :raised_hands:
It’s CB23
If you ever need anything just shoot me a message


Welcome to the Greatest Show On Earth :earth_africa:! Nice boutique of buds. I will be following this grow. :wink:Once you get your wings🪽 DM me and we will talk about doing some trading. :partying_face::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

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That’s a gorgeous looking plant. I have from @Tracker his Blue Dream 6 which I look forward to running. Blue Dream is a strain I’ve grown three times with not much success. Once it was my fault, the other two times the genetics were not up to par.


@LoveDaAutos This is a cut from the BD(JD6) plant in my current outdoor. This cut is the mother of the Dream6 seeds which are selfed BD(JD6). This cut came from a pack of Blue Dream S1’s. My friend JD selected plant #6, hence JD6.

The structure and foliage looks a little weird on it right now because it started flowering when I put it outside, and then it reveged. If it’s not reveged, it looks a little more lanky. Here’s a pic of BD(JD6) in a local buddy’s outdoor last season…

The leaves are not as narrow as @buckaroobonsai’s, but definitely they’re not fat/wide leaves.


That picture on the bottom is at least pretty damn similar, nice :+1: