New place(again) new grow

Thank god for good ass internet weed


Hate to see it pal… Hate to see it

But I do like good chats! It takes time to get used to each other too, but you know that from the good ol’ barracks life, ah?

How do you like that WNC bud? I’m running out of my homegrown quick, and won’t be up and running till the end of next month. I wanted to try BlackTie, but they’re quite expensive.

It’s fire! They’ve got a nice selection too I just grabbed a sampler pack too, 4 8ths for less than $50

This one got me cause two of em were strains I had going when my house burned down last Xmas.

Trop cookies, and zangria

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I placed an order from arete and colorado clone co. You ever tried either?

Saying “I’m sorry that happened” probably doesn’t do much for you, but I really am. I believe I read you’re a vet, and if that’s the case, you deserve all the peace of mind you can get.

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I’ve bought from arete several times, really good herb each time. Never heard of Colorado clone company, I’ll have to check them out.

Welp early instinct was correct, grow chopped, begged family for help, hopefully moving by next month. This chick’s threatened to shoot me like 3 times now, one minute we’re cool the next she’s raging. I pray she finds peace, but I can’t have my own living with her.

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Bro what the actual fuck😭

I read through the thread and honestly there were red flags from the beginning lmao bitch it crazy, sounds like. I wouldn’t have called her a bitch if she didn’t threaten to shoot you…like over and over again lmao

If she had mentioned that she were a paranoid schizophrenic with barely suppressed rage issues from the start I wouldn’t have moved in, she’s a long time internet friend, we happened to need a place at the same time, but I guess even long time internet friends are still mostly strangers. Next time she threatens me I’m just calling the cops, I’m stuck here till next month though cause money 🫤 bitch was cool as shit for the two days before we paid the rent


That’s my biggest fear bro. I hope you find a decent spot soon. Some people’s kids man, smh

did you lose all your blueberry diesel seeds?

Unfortunately, sorry bro I really should’ve waited to see if things would work here before popping all those beans. Spent the last of my Grimm mintz and Gary Poppins too 🫤


I’m probably gonna hold off on growing till I’m in my own place solo again.

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PM me whenever and i’ll send a pack your way.


Thanks bro, will do.

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Gonna be a minute till I’m growing again, moving into a veterans halfway house Friday. Can’t smoke let alone grow there but it’s a good place to get my shit together. Gonna get back into the workforce too part time, can make up to 18600 on top of my pension.(wish I had figured that out years ago then maybe I wouldn’t have been living in a place with faulty electrical in the first place but oh well) then I gotta figure out where I actually want to live.


This might sound weird given the shit people talk about it, but maybe see if you can get some transitional housing up in Trenton? I wouldn’t touch Camden though. It’s an incredibly cheap city to live in, so best chance of getting your own place, and it’s the state capitol so it’s going to be full of services and other stuff for veterans. Dead ass quiet place in the evening and weekends since almost everything there runs around government office commuter hours, and there’s a lot of extremely beautiful outdoor stuff to do right in your backyard whether you like the woods or the water. I have ridden out of there up the gravel paths that run right from downtown Trenton up the Delaware all the way into New York State, that’s the Delaware and Raritan Canal Trail State Park, fuckin gorgeous the whole way up. It’s a rough city sometimes but I think you’d have no problems taking care of yourself there and just generally avoiding dumb shit that trips up most people. Just a suggestion but maybe ask someone about what’s up with that as an option see what they say. It’s an easy place to get back down to Philly or up to NYC cheaply, I knew a guy back in the day who worked there, lived in Newark, and we’d hang in Manhattan all the time, trains fuckin rock.

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Place I’ve got a bed reserved in is in York, I’d definitely like to be somewhere with public transits though I don’t drive cause my mind just starts looking for bombs the second I’m behind a wheel and that’s just an anxiety I’d rather not deal with :sweat_smile:


York is alright, real sleepy and quiet place, but you can get a $1.60 bus to Harrisburg every 20 minutes if you get bored there, not the worst place to land. Harrisburg has good rail and bus service to Philly so you’re not completely stranded without a car out there.

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Well the halfway house was a bust, and a shithole. Complained to the office that the door to the deck in the bedroom i shared with 4 people (4 bedrooms, 4 beds each $600 a month from each) got kicked out pretty much right after I woke up this morning. But I did get into an actual mental health facility and being a diabetic with a continuous glucose monitor on my phone I get to keep my phone. They help with hudvash(section 8 for veterans) too so with any luck I’ll be in my own place growing again soon.