New strain(s) on the horizon

I have a few I have been running for a bit now :wink:

Just sent you a list of the pollen I am holding…


I can see that being a great terpene profile!

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…and we have lift-off :rocket::rocket::rocket: The PICC-98 pollen took hold to my Durban Poison successfully…i was getting worried cause a week had passed and nothing was happening…almost 2wks later and we got something good going on!

I would look for more pods but I’m so hype that there’s a few that i kinda don’t give a damn…shit that’s good enough for me as long as there’s a decent male & female in the bunch then I’m good, hell we all good.

Get ready for Tapi-Tapi baby!
Coming real soon :wink::+1::+1:


Watching this


Durban poison x PICC-98 is a very solid choice, will be sticking around.

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I follow very carefully from Italy. I’m fascinated

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Looks good man! This is something I’d love to try in the future! I love anything with Durban poison. I love sativa‘s. What’s your plan with the Seeds?

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I did a gorilla auto X incredible bulk auto havnt grown the seeds out yet. A few days away from pollinating a copacabana auto from flash seeds with fem pollen from Mephisto Skywalker. The copacabana started flowering at 6 inches and is about 3 and half foot tall. Should make a great outdoor auto

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Tragedy struck…idk wth happened, I’m thinking the stem wasn’t strong enough to maintain…I woke up to find this snapped and hanging literally by a thread of stem material and too much time passed under my LED that there was no chance for “surgery” the snap site was already drying up so…hopefully there’s at least 5 or so good seeds that’s salvageable. Doesn’t look like I’ll be able to do the seed run I had planned, not until I see how this turns out.

UGH!!!:rage::triumph::confounded::rage: you can fry a egg on my forehead right now. Good thing my kids were sleep this morning and missed the amount of profanity I was putting in the air. I’m soo super salty. SON-OF-A-:face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:!!!


Make a clean cut and put some cloning gel or powder on the cut and put in in a container with a clear bag wrapped around the bucket. It should survive and grow roots


No soil?..

Soil or grow wool should be fine . Just make sure soil is wet before puting it in the soil. I’ve broken a few branches over the years and that’s what I do to save them for seeds. Should work for you as well.

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Can I sit her outside in indirect sunlight?

Yeah I would put a bit of shade cloth over it so it doesn’t get too hot.

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Keeping my :crossed_fingers:t6:


This turned out to be a male…but he’s a healthy one so he qualifies for pollen extraction.


I got high hopes for you @Hashton_Kusha!

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Thanks bro

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It didn’t survive.

Here’s the Tapi Tapi beans I was able to salvage from the thrip attack, clearly not enough to barter with hopefully these are viable so I can get some f2’s outta them.

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