Philadelphia Ice Cream Cake 98 seeds are on d way!

I originally had these two outside but they started sexing unprovoked about two wks ago (maybe a auto trait?) But anywho, I moved them indoors inside my tent so they can hanky panky…checking on them every other day. The other day there was still no action until tonight when i took a peek and seen that my boy done bust his load all over shorty…I was thinking about pulling him cause he going on the decline now but hopefully he got a couple more rounds in the chamber.

Jizz everywhere!!!

Question, how long does pollen stay viable for? If it’s good for awhile I can sweep up the remainder and store it.


If you give it a few days to dry, preferably in a box with a desiccant, it can last for a while in the fridge. A few months at least, maybe years. @PhilCuisine says he’s used 15-year-old pollen and it was viable, if I’m remembering right.


Thank you.

Well, i guess I’ll get started on collecting the pollen that fell on the floor of the tent and screen out the plant material…luckily for me I have several silica packs I can use them to keep the pollen dry


I managed to get this much…hopefully it’s enough to cross with.

Now I guess I put it in the fridge with this silica pack until I’m ready for it


Nice man! I just used some black Lebanese pollen from early 2021, and it seems to have taken. We’ll see in another week or 2, but the pistils look nice and pollenated.


Yeah man my boy exploded all over her…like a scene from a bud porn movie! :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Hey I could use some seeds and polin

Update…she is definetly :pregnant_woman: y’all :+1:t6:. She took no time going into seed development, im kinda thinking she might’ve gotten pollenated a little early…but by the looks of things, these are gonna be some plump buddah babies. These are some fat seed pods.

That boy did good!


Okay so im thinking of a few names to call this intersexed strain here🤔…i mean its not the Gelato 98 x Wedding Cake that it originated from, right? Its PICC98xPICC98…so it’s different, right?
…or would i have to intersex it a few more times for it to develop/solidify its own uniqueness? Well shit that felt like a little tangent but anywho, these the names i came up with.

  1. 187 Sherbert
  2. Monsta Sundae
  3. Cookies Galore
  4. Cakey Bakey :point_right:t6: (my wife’s idea) :roll_eyes:

So it was two plants from the Gelato x WC and one was male and one was female? Were they regular seeds or fem seeds?

If they were fem seeds and grew pollen sacks, that’s not a stable line, that’s hermaphrodite. Most usually throw those away because they will throw nanners all over your sensimilla grow.

If it was regular seeds and it was a true male pollinating a true female, then it would be the next generation of the Gelato x WC, so probably f2 generation, idk if your first run was f1 or what.

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Um naw… I crossed the Gelato 98 with WC to get PICC98 and intersexed-that to get here, so they we’re regular males & females from the start of this “journey” of mines. I have yet to dab in the feminized aspect of bud growing…but anywho, i had them out in my yard and they started showing their nature(s) unprovoked so maybe by coincidence they both possess autoflower traits? Idk, but i had to move them in my tent so they can’t finish in private…and now we’re here.

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The term intersex is usually reserved for fem pollen or hermaphroditism in Cannabis. If you put a male and female together, you are breeding them or as its affectionately known as "pollen-chucking."This is the common jargon and why I was confused by your post.

So the progeny from this would be the f2 generation of your PICC98. F2 is the most diverse genetically. You will see all the expressions of the traits in those seeds.


Sorry for the miscommunication and thanks for the correction. Im still learning.


No worries man, I’m sorry if my tone came across as degrading or anything. Just trying to help you out as well in your journey.

This plant teaches us so much. That’s why I was trying to encourage you to go ahead and make your own collodial silver or STS and go ahead and make mistakes, it’s how we humans learn lol whether for good or bad.

Thankfully this community is awesome, so if you need help, someone will be there for yah.


Baked Cakes aka “Cakey Bakey” ftw, cheers


It’s been awhile but I think she’s in her final trimester. Contemplating about letting her slide for another month…idk yet🤷🏿‍♂️


@Hashton_Kusha You had a (x), therefore (F1) and your (F1) selfed!, so now you got (S1) “feminized with unknown stabilization”…

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what does it smell like? if it smells kinda cakey like batter then id call it cakey bakey but if it smells more fruity id call it 187 sherbert

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