New to growing

So current situation is like this.


That’s exactly what I seen, as a first grow though I think he is biting off to much to do a feed regimen with synthetics, wanted to lend a guiding hand with more simple and basic till he gets a feel for plant needs

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These pics look much better like it’s taking traction and moving along, get em up potted and leave em alone for a week and let’s see how they look from there

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Sad reality… When you thought its easy to grow MJ.

Chin up brother…
We’ve all killed a plant or two trying to figure things out. The idea is to learn from our mistakes.


Send me a message with ur mailing Addy bud, I know ur in India and make take a lil time to get to ya but it’s worth the international stamp to me to get some beanage in ur hands and just did a fat run of feminized autoflowers

When at first u don’t succeed, try try again.
Unless ur like Yoda, then there is no try, only do!

We’re gonna get u dialed in bud and get things growing for ya!

While ur waiting for em to arrive, get a soil mix put together of 50% compost, 25%coco, and 25% perlite so it can be ready to use here in a few weeks to a month

Not sure if u have access to Dr earth or down to earth but if possible snag a bag of either

Try to also get ur hands on some earthworm castings too

Let’s get u growing some good weed to enjoy!


Imma leave this here, this is my successful soil mix build I’ve used for years with nothing but excellent results! I hope it can help!


@Ammypc this thread has become pure gold now…
I didn’t suggest you organics because i don’t know that much about them…
You better learn organics and teach me now buddy…

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Soil Organics is my specialty and is for the love of the quality smooth smoke at the end, always happy to share the knowledge and answer questions that may arise! Keep me in mind @alwaysnoob, I’ll help guide u down the right path when u need the help

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Thanks to everyone who’s helping me out, specially @AzSeaindooin420 for your generosity… Surely going to go organic way with your mix… Just a small request that i am not only new to growing MJ,i am even new to gardening, so you have to help me every step of the way…
Though i am going to post the progress here but still little eztra help would really get me going


Well get u down that road to ur first harvest bud! Trial and error is gonna make a badass grower out of u with time! Don’t sweat, u got all the tools and info ur gonna need right at ur fingertips!

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just harvested… Can you see trichomes… Should i cure it…


Sorry if you cannot see death of a plant with naked eyes… Parental guidance adviced.

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Day 15 it is… Still it has slow growth… Medium is seed starter by casa de amor… Should i finally transplant to pot for better growth…
Already watered, this pic was taken before…
Or should i wait and let it grow more in this medium.


@Dirt_Wizard here it is the post…


Idk about that seed starter. But I always start seeds in a an un-ammended medium or one with very little organic additives, such as worm castings. A basic potting soil will usually do the trick.
As far as watering goes…what others have said, very little. I either do about a half a cup in a circle around(but slightly away from) the base every few days. Or even a couple light sprays with a spray bottle daily.
It’s good to have some fails bud. Remember, they are only mistakes if we don’t learn anything! And I’d be will to bet at least half of us are guilty of over-loving our plants from time to time. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Welcome @Ammypc and thank you for growing and making this thread.

Thank you for helping @AzSeaindooin420 and starting him off with solid advice.

@Ammypc we’re here to support you all along the way.

I always have some sprouts dying, but that is how it goes in life everywhere, some make it, some don’t.

First get yourself regular seeds, let both the females and the males live and then you’ll have a big bunch of seeds. This way you never have to pay for them ever again.
Sow a small handful of seeds, 10, 11, 12 seeds in one pot!
Some will die, but the best ones will survive!

It’s much more fun and much cheaper this way.

Use organic potting soil, the mix @AzSeaindooin420 shared sounds good if you live in a very humid climate! If the heat is more dry then I would use 100% compost.

This is how I have been growing successfully for almost two years now:

^ The big black pots are fabric pots, I pour water in the container in the corner so the water is absorbed through the fabric from the bottom. If you use only plastic pots then fungus gnats can lay eggs in the bottom because they can enter through the holes.

In the ring around the small green and blue plastic pots I place kitchenscraps, grass, tree leaves, dandelion, thistle, nettle, … Never water there, that top layer will dry and slowly go down as it is absorbed by the soil as fertilizer.


Well said @Rogue! He is def starting from the ground up and never gardened before at all, I think he is trying to keep the project small because of the laws in India, hoping we can get him through a successful harvest first then throw the boys in the mix or mail some pollen to throw on his ladies 🤷


I messaged our new friend and offered to send seeds, the more to start off with, the higher the chances of success and the more fun it is!