Some threads can be pretty long, that is why our system keeps track of what you read.
You can easily use timeline on the right to go to last post in the topic. I don’t see any issue.
If you log after long hiatus, there can be many new topics (under New
tab) and updated topics. To keep track of updated topics, I’d recommend you to use topic subscriptions if you are not using them already. That way threads that are of interest to you are highlighted. What was updated since your last visit is viewable under Unread
And there are also bookmarks that you can use. (you can bookmark both post or topic)
Please don’t do that…
Sorry but this is the exact opposite of our current policy. Moderators are trying hard to limit the number of threads. We are trying to merge posts with the same (or 90% similar) subject into unique topics. Grow diaries have their timeline on the right side that allows to follow the topic continuously.
Everything should be organized under (preferably unique) subject (or under “garden”). There are many topics that are few years old and it is working pretty well.