Sort order whilst on a category

hi there overgrow… im loving the site and was curious is there a way whilst im searching a catergory. I click either top or latest… but to get to the least top or the oldest post replied to do I have to scroll all the way and just keep scrolling or can I edit the time catergory to search latest or top within a specified time not the presets.? its cool if not… ill keep scrolling… ive had to dig the mouse out for the laptop tho…

You mean you want to click on topic and go to either first post or last post?

Yes that is possible…

Click on topic title to go to where you have stopped reading last time (can be first post if you haven’t read that topic yet).

Click on the last activity column to go to last post.

Click on the number of replies to go to either first or last post. (selector will be shown see below)

The Top section has filtering by date:


You can also use search for more features…


yea so with the year date bit on the lower of that picture… can I change the dates myself whilst searchin…? so im in the indoor catergory I then change the next box to none… it will then automaticly refresh… now ive got the option of latest or top… which is the latest replied to so im on that but is there a way to search it topic related so it will show me what the oldest topic is regardless of posts views etc.?

upload date… that’s what I was thinking off… also when I was on about editing the year date… I meant so I could search and look before that year but with a time for example I just want to see whats been posted between april may 2019…?

Try search to do this kind of searches…

I’m not sure what is the use case for this and I don’t think that our platform supports this kind of search…

Be specific… What exactly do you want to achieve?

I would like to see the first post posted in theory and not by the last time someone replied…
so I click into a category and its got the latest topic in that category regardless of activity so when it was posted.? is that making sense?
and how does the TOP button work is that based on views or a ratio?

Why would you want to do that?

well why not?? it be interesting to see the first posted topic and what it was about… and work back through the years to here now… surely or isit just me? I was wondering if there is like a sort by dropdown

recently updated (LATEST)
start date (of a topic)

I don’t know when I click the TOP instead of LATEST how the TOP searches or categorises is that most views to replies or??

if I could screen snip and draw around the areas and explain it would prob be easier I dont know wether im putting it across properly.?!?

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like the search button and it coming up with stuff im lookin for is really good… but im on about… im sat here for a few hours just browsing… so id like to have a look at most of one catorgory but if it was date listed I can go ah ive read everything from jan 2018 to feb 18… tomorrow I can have a look through the following month… the next day etc until im up to date…

@LemonadeJoe thanks for your response but im semi happy with how im looking now… ive found out about clicking the activity button twice helps in what im after well baked :man_facepalming:

There is no way to sort them by when they started… Only by last activity. Lately updated are likely to be more relevant, that is the logic behind it… We want members to react to actual topics rather than old topics. Old topics are mainly accessible by fulltext search or by cross-links from other relevant topics or by tags (you usually follow the subject of the topic and are looking for more topics on the subject).

Views, replies and likes have impact on sort order of TOP topics.

Haha, good luck reading whole Overgrow :nerd_face: :thinking:
But that is not how 99,9% of users use our site.

It is also not needed because if you read logged in our system knows what you have already read. Titles of topic you have already read are greyed out.

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