How can I change my settings for how to view OG threads?

Hello all. When I open threads, I want to view a certain number of posts per page, but instead I am having to scroll down on 1 page. I cannot find settings to change this. Can anyone help me with this? Thanks!

As far as I am aware their isn’t a way to change it, but @LemonadeJoe will know for sure…

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most of the times i am on a basic speed connection so it takes a second to load every time i press the “end” button. In some very long threads, it can be annoying to reach to the last post fast.

maybe a browser issue?


That’s so people actually read the stuff before scrolling down and writing “I DID NOT READ THE THREAD CAN I HAVE FREE SEEDS”

Also, there’s a slider on the right side that lets you navigate all the way through.


ok that’s cool I never noticed the slider inside my page. Problem solved thank you


Yes, the scroller is infinite and topic is loaded little by little in batches of posts, there is no way to limit number of posts loaded in one batch (that is system wide setting based on its performance). You can use timeline to quickly get to newest posts…

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