Newbie Leakyear's 4x4

Beautiful pics!!

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I ended up letting the plants go a bit longer and I’m happy I did. The buds seem to have matured a lot with just a few extra days and I’m also seeing more of a fade. I think I could harvest any day now, but will probably be a couple more days until I can find the time.



White Cherry Truffle

Gelato 41 x PPP


Super frosty, just two more weeks! :grin:


Chopped everything last night. Excuse my lousy pics but the lighting at my place sucks at night.

This is the White Cherry Truffle - smallest of the plants but it was stunted pretty early on. Some really beautiful dark purples.

GG4RIL - this plant has some of my favorite looking colas. It just has an old school look to it.

Pancakez - I’m obsessed with the smell on this one. Super fruity and tropical, with really dense sticky buds. Unfortunately the lowers never really bulked up so if i run this again I will heavily defoliate.

The gelato x PPP cross. This plant has been the biggest of the four from the start but I did not grasp how much bigger until everything was hanging.

Really excited to try everything and see if I want to run anything again. Some things I want to improve on next run:

  • Defoliate way more. I was busy and didn’t trim as much as I should have and there is a good amount of larf
  • The Pancakez has some really weak stems outside of its main colas - I’d like to try adding silica to see if that improves anything
  • I’d like to move to a raised bed. Trying to keep watering consistent with four big pots all with different strains was a huge pain for me this run and I think moving to a bed would help with that. I’m also interested in SIPs, but don’t know enough about how those work with multiple runs

For the next run I am looking at running: Unicorn Poop, DJ Short Blueberry, and Khalifa mints x Kush mints.


Everything is dried and trimmed up. Overall I feel like this run came out a little mediocre. Was not happy with yield or bud size for most plants. I think this was due to leaving too many weak branches and bud sites - I should have defoliated a lot more. I think that my plants could have benefited from heavier watering as well. Some bud photos:

Pancakez - the smell on this is insane. Super strong, lots of fruity/tropical. Still got to do the smoke test but already really wanting to run this again just for the smell.

GG#4RIL - unfortunately pretty small buds across the board with this one. Still excited to try this because GG#4 has been a long time favourite of mine.

White Cherry Truffle - probably the nicest bag appeal of the bunch, lots of trichomes. This is starting to get an interesting funkiness in the cure.

Gelato x PPP - this one definitely took over the tent a bit and yielded probably double the other plants.