Two tents: trying to get stank from soil

Im using Agromax 4000 270 in my veg and four Agromax 3000 65 in my flower tent.
Im using a 3x3 for veg and a 4x4 for flower.
Ideally trying to time things right to dry in the 4x4.
Finishing up some chem 91 x sour bubble from Tony Green drying right now.
Soil is FF happy frog and ocean forest mixed, using FF trio but will probably try something else this time.

This run I have:
GG4 RIL dometop pheno bred by Tony green and reproduced by berserker, has a nice stinky gg4 stem rub so far, 5 gal:

Bubblehead x Violeta by loudog, stem rub is very floral with some sweet stink, 5 gal:

Ghost of nyc fem by humboldt seed org, extremely strong pine smell, 3 gal:

Hazy piffton x GG4 RIL from loudog, deep funky garbage smell on this one, 3 gal:

Bubblehead x kush from loudog, starting to get a sharp smell to it, 3 gal:

(Sour diesel x GSC) x GG4 RIL by berserker,
I ran out of soil so this one is growing the slowest but I plan on getting more soil soon, 3 gal.

Hoping to end up with 3 or 4 females out of the bunch. I am looking for recommendations on other nutrients to substitute for the FF Trio.


I’d suggest Jacks! It’s where I’m headed when I run through all these big ass samples Athena sent. I really wanna try it. Everyone I know using it kills it, simple , easy and wicked effective! Everything looks great and some awesome selections for sure! Love Loudog’s work as well as Tony’s . Definitely following along for this one. :facepunch:t2:


Jacks is awesome :clap:


Jacks sounds good, I will try to pick some up when I get more soil later today


I have a container of Jack’s 10-20-20 iv been using the past 5 years lol


I went with the jacks dynamic duo (20-20-20, and 10-30-20).
-Bubblehead x violeta is female and is now in the flower tent.
-GG4 RIL still can’t tell if it’s female or male, moved to the flower tent as well.
-Ghost of NYC fem also moved into the flower tent
I only let them veg for about 5 weeks before moving them to flower. Im trying to avoid overcrowding issues I had during my last grow after a 2 month veg.
Here is the flower tent:
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In the veg tent:
-hazy piffton x GG4 RIL is looking like a female so far

-(SD x GSC) x GG4 RIL is looking like a male

-bubblehead x kush is not showing any signs of male or female at this time
Here is the veg tent:

The Chem 91 x Sour Bubble from my first grow is curing well, it already burns perfectly, smooth smoke, the high is very energetic, its perfect for going to the gym after smoking. The flavor is really starting to crank up with a nice sour lemon bite.


I use Osmocote and Jack’s with an otherwise organic recycled soil and it’s been working great so far, I am seeing the quality of organic and higher yields from the salts


Jacks is working well so far. The price was great too.
My flower tent is coming along nicely.
Bubblehead x violeta is a vigorous lady, extremely strong stems, and getting taller every second. I like the structure but will probably end up having to super crop her.

Ghost of nyc still has a strong pine grapefruit stem rub, growing nice and steady. I like the sharp shape of her.

GG4 RIL Dome top is the most stinky of the bunch, smells clean yet nasty in a good way. She reminds me of Ganesha with all her arms.

My veg tent is a littke up in the air right now.

Front left is (SD x GSC) x GG4. Looks like a male, probably getting tossed but its smells and looks so pretty i have been letting it go to be sure.
Back left is bubblehead x kush, still not certain if male or female, doesn’t smell as much I was hoping.
Back right is hazy piffton x GG4, my favorite of the bunch, a stem rub makes my fingers stick together, the fan leaves and stems sparkle when I shine a light on them. The stems have a metallic purple color. The smell takes me back to some good bud I used to get around 2010. Looks female and will probably move it to the flower tent this week.
Little one with a bounty paper towel plastic wrapper humidity dome is a random white bag seed, I just threw it in the soil and it was above ground within 48 hours.


Bubblehead x violeta is looking like she will have some nice purple buds, she smells like a purple vitamin water.


Update on the veg tent:

Chem og x gg4 -
Fastest growing of the bunch, topped seconds before this photo

Mystery seed: the oldest of the bunch, growing bushy so I didn’t top, took off some lowers

Sour D bag seed:
An older seed, started slow but is starting to take off

Hazy piffton x gg4 ril:
Second try on this one, the first was male but showed a lot of potential, growing with similar structure as the first, needs to be up potted

(SD x gsc) x gg4 ril:
Second try, first was male. This is a very tiny plant just like the first one.

Light Gelato Fem:

I won these through a giveaway by @Andrane on here. I planted two, the one on the left is around a week younger and needs a bigger pot. Both are growing fast.

Shoreline ECSD:
Cool shape on this little sprout

Flower tent update (about 6 weeks in):
Gg4 RIL - starting to put on weight, had to tie up some leaning branches. Smells very unique, like a weird refreshing mountain air glue chemical.

Ghost of nyc (tall one in the front) - the stem rub is still piney grapefruit but the buds smell like church. Starting to frost up, this one is a few days behind the other two.

Bubblehead x violeta (in the back)-
Nice purple buds developing, smells like the taste of purple Gatorade with a little lemon.


Got some more soil and pots for the veg tent. The plants seem happy with the upgrade


Flower tent is going well:
Bubblehead x violeta on the left, RIL GG4 on the right. Some interesting purple shades on the bubblehead x violeta

The RIL GG4 smells delicious, very clean. The main cola is getting really fat.

Ghost of NYC is starting to get a really sharp smell to it, im liking the way it is developing


My veg tent has been busy, R.P. 104 (from @Going2fast ) and creme de la chem (my first auto) broke ground. OG Chem x RIL GG4 moved to the flower tent


Flower tent update:
Bubblehead x violeta ended up with an interesting purple/pink/silver color, its hard to capture with my phone camera but if you zoom in you can kind of see it. Has a distinct gummy bear and fabuloso cleaning spray smell. I like the way it turned out. I super cropped it so the main top is interesting.

Gg4 ril is a hefty plant, I regret not topping. Got a lot of fox tails on the main cola but none on the lowers. Beautiful smelling, no candy or fruity flavor, just good stinky stuff

Ghost of nyc has noodles for stems and was terrible at holding up the heavy nugs, im loving the color of the nugs and the smell. I think this will be some strong smoke.


My mystery bagseed plant has a fasciation mutation. Not sure if it’s male or female yet.

My sour desiel bagseed showed a female and my second try at hazy piffton x gg4 ril turned out to male again.
OG chem x gg4 ril and light Gelato are coming along nicely in the back on the tent


Not trying to burst into this thread, but if you want the dankest soil grown weed on earth, ditch the bottled nutes and switch to dry amendments. Gaia green is pretty expensive, but the results speak for themselves. Watch some of Mr Canucks videos on youtube. Dude grows fire!!! I use happy frog as my base. Gaia green 444 and power bloom, earthworm castings, fish shit, and the occasional compost tea. Your plants will be oozing with stank. Heres my Deathstar in organic soil!!! She is the most dank and pungent plant ive ever come across.


Got me. Following along. What version Shoreline ECSD if I may ask? Friend got a good first bean of a bx1 pheno we still keep after like 4 years of loving. I’ll be watching and hope it’s a girl!

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those look great. This round I only used Jacks All Purpose 20-20-20 with a little of Jacks Blossom booster in FF happy frog and ocean forest mixed. I will try the Gaia Green on my next run, the all purpose doesn’t seem too expensive. I have been wanting to try tea. Thanks for the tips, Im going to check out Mr Canucks videos.

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I actually sought out the Shoreline ECSD after seeing your thread on here. I’m not sure what version, the label just says Shoreline ECSD. Its been growing well, I topped it once. Here is a photo from today, its the one in the front.

Not getting as tall as I was expecting but I like the structure so far.


With the organic dry amendments, the more you re- use your soil and re - amend it, the better it will get. Its amazing watching your plants blow up when just giving straight water.