No Genetic Difference Between "Indica" and "Sativa"

I think 95%+ of the people that know the different effects each is supposed to have couldn’t differentiate the two in any way other than one is peppy and one is sleepy.

There was probably never a study done on this with real Sativa and real Indica


Pot is Crazy @romanoweed > Sorry but you are wrong man > Big Canna tried to reclassify Hemp for comercial purposes

Cannabis : Evolution and Ethnobotanic 500 plus pages > Robert Connell Clarck Free PDFCannabis Taxonomy


and in wich point am i wrong? i ment probably nobody tried to test (favorably in a blind test) if people can distinguish effects of real sativa vs real indica.

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  • One time we had unknown bud, but call it Afghani. 3 People we all just sat there for the whole 2 Hours Effect , wordless. Just sitting there.

  • Two Times we had pure Sativa . We 3 People were running around wich we rarely did on weed.

  • There are still special people with special experiences, but for 3 people this happend. Im inclined to think for a majority this happens. And we all had no idea about different effects really


I agree with totally ! I have an strong botanic side >

For exemple > Last November i participate in my first Cup > I was cheated for sure lol >
No way my Golden Tiger deserves the last.


Appearance = To See
Scent=To smell
Flavor= To Taste

Potency = To what ? No way for me distinguish Sativa x Indica

Good and Strong is very open…

I thinck it’s not impossible > If i smoke (blind test) 1 joint/week > Wake and Bake

With Charlize >>> Or some lifteddladies … do some job at Leafly

I’m triping > Sorry > First joint 1974 … Guerrilla 82 > Indoor 96 > Full time 14

Cannabis Network Mouse Trap

I invite you to my colorfull 23ºS Ocean Grower


Shiskaberry is a strain that rebukes that theory its a tall thinner leaf plant that is a late bloomer and has a trademark 80/30 indica dominant stone and hIgh


I’m sure there’s a few out there like that. I’m not speaking in absolutes, just 9/10 times it’s the case. It’s the rarity that would be presented as an exception but they do exist.


People are shocked when they smoke Oaxaca( in particular)with me. Even the people that are very sensitive and get tired after they smoke love it. They haven’t had anything like it since the 70’s in some cases, or never had anything like it in other cases. Its universally loved. Malawi was similar.
Before breeding my old Afghan towards a lighter high my friends would come over to smoke with me and my wife would look at me and roll her eyes. Within 30 minutes 3 grown men would be napping, head on the shoulder of whoever or whatever was next to them. Too many times to count one of them would still be at my house the next morning, curled up on the couch, lol.
A true 100% Sativa will get you up off the couch when you are tired, while a true Indica(Afghan) will put you on the couch when you are not.


Some will change when amber trichs are becoming prevalent, but not before then when the resin is at 100% potency. Only when the resins are degrading( chemically changing into something else) can you notice any similarity. Often, thc is breaking down to become cbn.


Yes and if you pull an indica early, you get the same effect as a sativa.

After a nurse administers medication to a patient, that patient has to be observed for 30 mins to see if any adverse reactions occur.
That’s every patient and every medication because you never know when a patient will have an adverse reaction to a medication.
We are not all the same and medicines don’t affect us the same. And due to our differences in chemical makeup, some of us are more affected than others.
It’s well known in the medical field that you cannot predict what a medication will do for a patient. Even though a medication may be deemed as safe, and for many it will be. However, the only way to truly knowing how safe a drug is, is done by observing the patient’s reaction after the drug is administered
In other words, one man’s sativa, is another man’s indica.
Thc is more powerful than most people give it credit to be. There are plants that easily produce more thc than the human body can tolerate. As with any drug, once tolerance is exceeded, the effects on the the body can be devastating. Thc is no exception.
The problem with drugs, there is now way of predetermining a person’s tolerance. We all know that a new smoker will experience something totally different than a seasoned smoker.
A fulfillment of mine is watching seasoned smokers freak out or pass out from just a few hits of my bud. Lack of tolerance is the reason they do this. Yeah they smoke a lot of bud, but each plant produces its own chemicals.
The chemical difference of different strains will often have a newb effect on the most seasoned smokers.
I have also noticed that smoking on different plants of the same strain, can lessen the effects of tolerance because of the slight chemical differences plant to plant.
By smoking the same plant for over 5 years, i have learned a lot about how bud effects individual users. Free weed = no shortage of test subjects.
At first I wound note if a person would have an up or down reaction to the smoke. But then I noticed how a person would have multiple reactions which ranged from manic (up sativa high) or depressive (down couch locked indica high), to euphoric, or maybe psychotic disillusioned type of effects that give a smoker visual and time distortions. For lack of a better word, “the trip”.
Therefore, the psychedelic, mind altering, effects of cannabis is different for every individual who uses it.
It’s preposterous to claim to know how cannabis will effect the next guy. It’s also presumptuous to claim to know the effects of every strain or every plant of a strain. Testing one plant or 1,000 can only give us a generalization of the effects that it can produce.
Also, just because your bud cannot produce crazy psychedelic effects, that doesn’t mean that mine cannot. Lineage is everything.
For those who think all bud is the same, keep fooling yourself. The difference between 60’s 70’s buds is the 50 years of strain development by that particular breeder. Your skunk, ain’t my skunk… that’s because cannabis isn’t as general as people will lead you to believe.
I talk too much. The reason some of your can’t relate is because we ain’t smoking the same “shit”.
Smoke something brothers. Peace :peace_symbol:


my 2 cents. Every plant has it own particular chemical recipe in the tricomb . We call this a chemovar which can be thought of the same as culitivar. You can find a huge range of chemovars in wild populations . so you can find higher cbd resin is some “sativa” plants and some high thc “indica” plants. Which this study is saying. Generally speaking different areas would have different average chemovars do to bottle necking and natural/artifical selection over the years. Leaf width has more to do with light levels and angle of the sun than chemovar. But if you want CBD rich plants you still want to look in some populations rather then others just to save time. Same with resistance genes. You have to go where it already exists to pull the genes as a breeder.


the only people that should judge sativa vs indica are the people who probably seen this alien thing called “pure 70s Sativa”. lol

roundabout at 17 weeks flowering you enter the real sativa territory
barney greenspoon

your bud had to look at least like this,

I heard pure Afghanis are hard to find aswell. Some old Afghanis might been pure lineage, but selected away from their dense growth, cause its more wet here than afganistan (moldresistency)


I have some Swaziland gold, landrace sativa, and if let go long enough it will still put you to sleep, I also have some Afghani hash plant that if pulled too early will give you a panic attack.


i said Lines from the 70s. and even then, try multiple 17 weekers (i mean landraces constantly showing17 weekers) . and then you can judge

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but yes, there are regions with special qualities in pure looking satties, that have a certain deep side, Malawi, and vietnam per ex.

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there is evidence how rare pure sativa is today: look how many seedbanks sell middleamerican lines… with just a hint of indica? and how many sell you thai?

, even landracelovers make a bow around real longflowering stuff, it sells 10 times more seldon

True landrace is true landrace, if the genetics haven’t been stepped on, they are the same. If the same people have been breeding the same strain in Africa over and over, then all thats happening is stability. I didnt get these seeds from a seed bank, I got them from their home countries. I have others as well, and I stick to, the effects depend on ripeness of trichomes. If you let a 17 week plant go 19 weeks, it will knock you out, and if you pull an 8 weeks plant at 6 weeks you will get a rush. The more the trichomes ripen the more thc you lose and it degrades into other cannibanoids, mostly cbn. Which is what gives you the lazy couch lock feeling. Meaning if you let any plant get a lot of amber trichomes you are in for a relaxing lazy high, and if you pull a plant with lots of clear trichomes, you will get a rushing sometimes anxiety inducing high.

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evidence says modern indian is probably contaminated. robert clarke tested modern vs old indian samples with the result that modern indian was very much more genetically similar in itselve . (he compared southern with norther sample, wich were genetically way more similar in modern samples… hence suspected hybridsation)