No Genetic Difference Between "Indica" and "Sativa"

I don’t have any Indian strains, only African and middle eastern landraces. Swazi gold is from Swaziland Africa, obviously, and the Afghani hash plant is obviously from Afghanistan. I also have pure Afghani Mazar-i-Sharif, and pure Kwazulu, but in all honesty, even the “pure landraces” are not “pure”, the only thing that is “pure” is the original plant before any evolution took place. After evolution happened in the plant, is when variations started, different mutations for their area, and environment. 28 million years of evolution will do that.

proove please. Then you didnt read all the biologists lecture. Adaptation is a suspected factor. so if you bring afgani to africa, after years and years adaptation makes it african acording theory.

Ok then dont take how indian becomes genetically similar as a hint, what might happen at any other place in the world. thas allright.

I personally, as a very very concentrated icmag reader, believe anything is nearly gone at origin. And i have said that before robert clarke published his indian study lately.

28 million years of evolution is my proof, or are you saying that these strains have not only not changed, but have been around for 28 million years?

This is literally what I am saying, if you take an “pure” sativa and take it to a different environment, after hundreds of thousands of years it will evolve into something different to be better suited for its environment.

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Im not claiming anything, just to make it clear. one can interpret alot scenarious from the Indian testresults. of corse.

I didnt say it changed. I said something more particullar: norther indian bacame MORE SIMILAR to souther indian, almost undistinguishable in some cases. said robert clarke.

And he SUSPECTED hybridization, but it could be for a number of other reasons, like evolution from climate change, the strain was younger so had more verity and is now becoming more stable, contaminated samples, etc, etc.

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To be clear, I’m not claiming that there is no difference in the plants, because there are. I’m only saying you can get “indica” effects out of a sativa, no matter how pure, and visa versa, it just depends on ripeness of trichomes.

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I agree. I’ve been thinking on this a long while. Where does this “deep side” come from? Could it be these types had Indica ancestors, at least in part? There is a direct water highway from Central Africa ( Malawi)to Lebanon, ( the Nile)which has “Indica” phenos. There is also a water highway from the mekong lowlands to the highlands of the Mekong in Yunnan where we also find "Indica " type plants. We find them in Cambodia as well. Not saying this is what has happened, but I’m thinking on it…

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oh thats a deep question.
I have heard so few smokereports from the 70s to judge. wich are coupled with an exact enough location. No idea… Probably you are better in seeing those patterns emerge, cause you listen to a more “attached to location” smokereport.

its probably a bit like “what was first, the Eg or the Chicken”. thats what i can add. In my experience fat equatorials also coexide with Hills. See, thats egg versus Chicken. were fat genetics imported to the equatorial mountains, or was it same heritage, different selected. Atleast i see this correlation of hills. cand say if rivers and traidingroutes correlate. If so, then its one point for you! and fatleaved traits coming fom northern heritage! but consider only or rather to take notes from 70s lines imho.
ATLEAST that would be my exclusion factor, not necessarly exclusion factor but probably…


I give you credit for the correlation of african fatleaved congolese and german soliders in the 50s. i give credit to all your historical knowledge @upstate . probably one day we can approve or not approve hybridisation in the 70s landraces. or the opposite probably we can approve acclimatisation and hence “inbreeding” as a factor.

One single thing i can say: yes there is a fatleaved Cambodain 70s sample, and cambodia is troughout lowland. but not enough to jump on your hybridisation theory, but one sample there is. collected from mel frank


You always have some of the best answers.
I’ll smoke your weed bro because you know what you are talking about.
The majority of others are just repeating what they read on the net with actually doing it themselves.

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No its doesn’t become an indica, or sativa based on how you feel. Just saying both can make you feel the same if taken at the right time to do so.

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merci bluetri

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Since it seems that trichomes development has much to do with effect differences, Is it possible to look at harvested weed under a microscope and see if it was pulled too early?


I certainly believe so, but what might be too early for you or me, could be just right for someone else.


That’s interesting. I was under the impression that the first Haze was an accidental hybrid, and that no one is really sure of the parents. Lot’s of speculation, though, lol!


For sure brother. I like how you think as well.
Let’s take my plant.
@ solid white trichs it can easily put a person to sleep.
Does putting a person to sleep equate to a narcotic body high? No.
I let this plant amber some to lessen the psychosis effect of the solid white trichs.
Any more than a slight bit of amber, the plants produces a leg numbing effects that makes the smoker want to get off their feet. I try not to let it go that far, but still produce enough of a body effect to give me goosebumps and make my toes tingle.
Since I have been growing it for years, I know the perfect time to take it so the high will be exactly how I like it.


In the end, no matter the strain, this is all that matters. :+1:


I’ve always read it was a four way combo, but that would take some years to make. . What happened to all the seeds made on the road to haze? Is this where conflicting reports come from? For instance, and I don’t know this, pure conjecture. If Colombian was the base let’s say, with Mexican, Thai and Indian added later, the early crosses on the road to Haze could be Colombian dominant. A breeder could easily select his favorite Colombian phenos, and after many generations of inbreeding it shows as Colombian on phylos. I think someone said Haze was only bred to f3 or maybe f4 before making the rounds. Still a ton of variation to work with at that point. There were no backcrosses to my knowledge, just selections.
@romanoweed i have a chunky bud Cambodian to work with at some point soon. Rock hard buds apparently, but long flowering. Interesting genepool.

For years peak potency was( is) when the resin glands turn milky. This should be the standard the high is judged on to avoid any differentiation in this regard at least.What are the effects at this time? I picked my pot with clear glands for years to avoid a heavy high. Good trick if you can’t grow long flowering plants. But I’ve flowered these Sativas well past peak( 2-3 weeks) potency and they remain uppity, just a bit dreamier. It loses its “zip” kind of… That rush. But they were not sleepy. Many amber glands at this time too. Malawi, Thai, Oaxaca…
During the landrace years up til 75 or so, almost all pot was Sativa landrace. Ask the old guys about their first experience with Afghani. None of them forget it. It was a totally new experience for most of them. So different from the Sativa High they had known…So different, it’s since been mixed into countless sativa genepools.


How about let’s get High!!! Sounds like it might be this or that @Floyd what is your favorite? If it smells like gasoline I’m down.

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