No Genetic Difference Between "Indica" and "Sativa"

Aww, you tried tho❤️

Collar bones are getting closer, but you have to go a little deeper. Maybe try closing your eyes next time :kissing_cat:

If you got something to say, say it. I don’t have time for cryptic nonsense.

If this some chakras and moonbeams headybrah talk, though, do spare me, please lol.


Consider yourself spared then :v:

I communed with the spirits with my third eye. Much intent. Such manifest. Felt it right in the heart chakra while doing kundalini yoga. Hot kundalini yoga. On mushrooms. Along the right lay lines. Under a full moon, when mercury was in retrograde, on top of an old Indian burial ground.

Anyway, long story short, the Lemurian spirits told me the differences in “sativa” and “indica” are overstated.


I missed the part in the study where it said indica and sativa, or cannabis varieties in general, give the same effects?

I personally think the alcohol analogy is not great. We know the endocannabinoid system is stimulated by multiple different types of cannabinoids rather than just the ethanol in beer. It makes complete sense to me that different levels of these will affect you differently. Not only that, ethanol effects can vary from person to person. For instance, many Asians carry a gene that prevents them from producing an enzyme in the liver to synthesize the alcohol. They just get sick. Effects from cannabis come down to body/brain chemistry, and cannabinoids IMO.

That being said I would imagine the placebo effect does make a difference. Our expectations will always colour our reality. Also our state of mind can have great effects. Anyone who has done psychedelics can attest to that.


I have been around a big table with such people and their entire heads turn beet red.


This is also very true. A buddy of mine got some shrooms, ate them before a show at the Hollywood Bowl a few months back and said they were awesome, but “no visuals.” So of course I was like,”Can you get me some?” haha. Ate some with my girl and my friend Natalie and I was getting HARDCORE visuals, even though I ate the same dose (1.5 grams) that my buddy did. Walls breathing, colors everywhere, at one point in my bathroom, I thought I was in, like, Morocco or somewhere haha, everything looked “golden.”

They were good shrooms haha.

Everybody’s brains are different. And everybody’s response to anything they ingest, whether it’s weed or shrooms or acid or a gawddamn hamburger is different. I will say, though, that I can definitely tell the difference between certain weed strains. Some make me happy, some make me hungry, some make me wanna go for a hike, some make me wanna sit on the couch and watch tv and eat some chips and queso. Or whatever haha. But the ones that make me wanna go for a hike aren’t necessarily narrow-leaved cultivars, just as the ones that make me wanna eat queso and watch tv aren’t necessarily broad-leaved plants.

Can of worms, @vernal, can of worms… I might actually stop “watching” this thread, because I’m certain it’s never gonna end haha.


I have yet to get visuals from a hamburger :joy:

Except that one time I got food poisoning.


Where are you getting your burgers from? I got the hookup… haha.


Pollo Campero in El Salvador. I think it was the unwashed vegetables. Or the tainted water the vegetables were washed in.

Seriously. I’m glad I always travel with hydralyte.

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Well said. My sentiments exactly. Hell I run from a cup of coffee because it gives me nightmares.

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I personally thinks this all comes from a time when scientist were trying to classify these plants, but without any type of communication with others that was studying the same plant. Plus you add in it was a time when science was still learning for lack of a better term. I guess it’s always learning.
I wonder how much time passed between someone in say Europe was studying cannabis, was compared to a study going on in say Asia. I can see how they each think the other guys work was/is bullshit.
Look how we have ALL called these indica/sativas, that was the published diatribe.
Now that I read this articles words I can give credence to there is no differences, except for terps and maybe oil values. Not much of a screech really.

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I don’t know… I feel like I have smoked Maui waui and had an energetic buzz… like really energetic… then turn around the next day and smoke say God’s gift… the gods gift clearly had a Sinking calming feeling that made me tired and heavy all over after a while… the Maui waui immediately made me feel more awake and alert… maybe we haven’t researched enough… maybe other people’s research Is too narrow scoped… maybe the reasons for the different effects on different individuals are chemical balance differences in the individuals… I believe sativas do make me feel more on the high end of high… not the low end… and vice versa … just my experience… and I pay very close attention to the way I feel… kind of the same difference as someone qho can pinpoint what ingredients are in food vs someone who just eats like a pig and doesn’t hardly give a chance to taste or distinguish the flavor differences… I completely disagree with no difference between the 2 because I have absolutely experienced exactly what it was supposed to be like… not had it all be similar… and me just falling to placeboistic claims… definitely not in my head in other words… too prominent of a difference


Maybe I was unclear. I agree that different cannabis varieties have different effects on me. I imagine its to do with how the different levels of cannabinoids interact with our own systems and the unique chemical makeup of every persons brain. For me NLDs typically make me more uplifted, but I won’t discount someone’s experience that says the opposite.

But I also think all our realities are coloured by our expectations and experience. Do I think placebo plays an effect on how we feel, probably… but I also think cannabis is a far more complicated mix of chemicals than say ethanol and we don’t fully understand yet how it affects us. Its very likely that it is more than just THC and CBD that effect our high.


So not too long ago I decided it was time to show my grandma who has never consumed pot in her life some weed just to gauge her reaction. Keep in mind she’s never even seen or smelled it (or has at least been consciously aware of it.) I had gotten some Chem OG from a local dispensary. To me, Chems don’t smell like any sort of chemical cleaner at all. I just smell mild pine and earth. My girl swears this one REEKS of Pine Sol or some sort of cleaner and is overpowering but I strongly disagree. Still just a pine tree with a handful of dirt to me.

Go over to grandmas house and break open the jar for her and ask her to describe the smell. She immediately grimaces and says cleaning chemicals. Point being, if smell alone is an indicator that everyone’s experience is unique, then there’s no doubt the interactions of various cannabinoids between individuals both isolated and in different combinations can’t be generalized by the physical features of a plant alone. Not to mention, delivery method will also impact the experience (i.e. the conversion of THC to 11-Hydroxy-THC in the liver when consuming edibles.)


but pine and chemical smell is very a similar thing?

i believe the people telling everything is the same, kind of. They just describe the degree of Similarity.

I also believe that sativa makes people calm… but here we are again in a different-word-descrybing-the same thingy probably.

pure Sativa makes me calm too. haha. But calm doesent adress energy, it rather adresses the absense of STRESS… Wich can be a sideeffect of cannabis…


IMHO indica/sativa has always been a HUGE oversimplification.

So many factors play into the effects:
–method of consumption
–body chemistry
–set and setting as with any mind altering substance
–balance of psychoactive chemicals (cannibinoids/terpenes etc) in the consumed portion
–age of the sample (affecting the above)
–body chemistry
–placebo/nocebo effects from expectations

That is a huge amount of variables. I have no doubt that changing any of these can cause mild to moderate changes to the experienced high. Sorting those out is much more complex than two categories with little to no difference.


i can listen to fast trance or plays similar music, but im calm… and i can play justin bieber and i freak out

No, it isnt an oversimplification to say that…
I think its like i already said: some TRUTHS can still be missrepresented.

And if someone says: Sativa makes active, no mather what Strain, no matter who you are, And indica opposite… Then its kinda uncompleete, or missrepresented.

Imho its not wrong, and is a tendency, with a certain degree of truth, but like said must be explained with other Factors, such as Heritage, and notion of individual perceptions.

So agian, a bad Hybrid makes me going up the walls, i mean inside… So thats very sativa-effect you could argue… But its rather Stress, not an effect of energy… And a real Sativa makes me very calm.

I give 10 people a bud off the same plant and all 10 will describe different effects, and different smells, as well as different tastes.
At a early age we are taught what the color red is, but that doesn’t mean that we all actually seeing the same color. It’s the same with cannabis we all have a preconditioned ideal of what we are supposed to be tasting and smelling and feeling. Even though we relate, it doesn’t mean that we are all experiencing the same thing.
Perspective is different among every individual. It has been proven that at no point will 2 people witness the same thing.
Given the amount of different opinions in this post, it’s quite obvious that the same thing goes for cannabis.

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