No Genetic Difference Between "Indica" and "Sativa"

Like said i think the differences come from sideeffects. An Type of person that just responds best to afghani will not become shattered to the ground by smoking Afghani, and stay the whole night awake. And if he smokes Sativa even he might get shattered from the sideeffects. So also a sativa will make him rather sitting dumbfolded infront of a TV…

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I hink beeing shattered explains alot how people react on any given cannabis.

It describes how old Stoners complain about todays Weed often… They say they get wasted…
And it describes how Pure Indica lovers respond to a pure Sativa… They get shattered…

I think it describes the Deviation from the average

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We can be sharing a blunt. Even though I think it’s pure knockout.
There will be those to literally take off running after a few hits.
There will also be some nodding off too, but not every one. Some will be standing with a big ass grin and be spaced out.
All drugs can produce both a manic and a depressive state. It’s not clear what governs these effects. Many say marijuana just amplify the current state. Or it puts A person in the state that they are seeking to be in. Even though I gave them the same strain, they all tripped differently. It’s crazy.


The reason I think the sativa vs Indica distinction is worthwhile is just that it is a way to describe and categorize a very unique and diverse plant species. From what I’ve seen, the best weed comes from some mixing of both styles, but there is an art to it. You can’t just throw anything together and expect to get great weed. That’s silly talk. Things can go wrong, degrading lines of poly-hybrid upon poly-hybrid are evidence of this. Having more diverse and distinct lineage has its benefits and is what creates the best weed IMO.

When I had a crazy high tolerance (24/7 dabbing) I could smoke anything in practically any amount and never tell any difference. But, after taking a 5 year t break and coming back I can definitely tell the subtle differences between cultivars.

Recently tried some old bud that was pulled early and definitely had that mile a minute thoughts thing going on, very racy. Then tried some dark purple stuff that was freshly grown and it was just mellow as all get out, muscle relaxant, pain relief, etc.


Yeah… man I agree

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From what I could gather what they were smelling wasn’t just a different degree of piney, but there was a note they were detecting that had them both convinced the smell was much more synthetic than natural. Couldn’t understand what they were saying cause to me what they were describing didn’t sound anything like what I was other than we agreed there was pine in there. But yeah, tomato, to-ma-tow, potato, po-ta-tow haha. I can’t remember it offhand but there is a non-toxic chemical depending on your genetics makes you perceive the tast differently. Some taste it as salty, others sweet, etc.

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I’ve got a good friend like this. My man will sit right down and toke with ya though.


Smoking pot and getting high takes a lot of energy which can make you very sleepy on the “come down.” A simple way to test this. Don’t smoke for a few days (A week plus, preferably) Then after a few nights of good sleep smoke your weed. (Preferably 2 hours min. after a meal so digestion which also takes a lot of energy, isn’t in the equation) Then wait out the same number of days with no smoke, smoke the same weed, at the same time under the same conditions right after eating a meal and/or after a night of little sleep. My experience tells me, good sleep, good attitude, at the right time of day produces the best high. Then again, it may be due to becoming ultra mature. (Old :sunglasses:)


I don’t smoke a lot so for my two cents, Indica relaxes my body, where sativa gives me a head high. I prefer the body relax over the head high. :upside_down_face:


There’s an important paper, Cannabis Systematics at the Levels of Family, Genus, and Species by John M. McPartland
The naming of Sativa and Indica are extremely problematic, starting from the very beginning of their usage. Within the scientific community there is not a lot of consensus on how this nomenclature is even used, let alone what they actually refer to


Or so we think.:

That “article” is weapons grade crazy. If the ancients had string theory figured out why did their metallurgy suck so hard? You’d really think those capable of advanced theoretical physics would have at least mastered smelting iron but hey…there’s an “ancient civilizations” thread here if you’re so inclined lol.


Dropping a couple of graphs here for some additional things to think about. Type I,II,III banding:


i love graphs, but i dont understand this one. Has this to do with how Strains exceed thc Limits?

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Analytical test results from several thousand samples. Results shown are the measured THC and measured CBD. Notice the distinct bands with the middle band having balanced CBD/THC while the other two are primarily rich in either CBD or THC. The distinct gaps between each band suggests genetics are at play.

There are also interesting correlations to terpene production with a positive correlation for high THC and, possibly, a negative correlation for high CBD cultivars.


Added for more things to chew on with the indica vs sativa vs genetics discussion.


Yes @Zanzibar There is a genetic Classifiaction of Indica/Sativa. wich adressese Heritage… And it is confusing in itselve.

But Budtenders reffere to evan another Classification, wich simply adresses Fatleaved and Thinleaved… Actually it also adresses Buddensity i recall ?

budtenders speak often of FAT versus Thin.

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got it.
Thats actually unexpected.

  • Either we are seeing infact 3 Cannabistypes showing,
  • or we see a feature of Cannabis that it only knows Extreemes/or Balance …?
  • Or we See Humans choice for either Extreemes/or Balance. :upside_down_face:
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Makes me wonder if that only applies to first generation crosses, since that’s a large majority of strains that are tested.

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Much of the classification and taxonomy has to do with morphology of the plant = fat-leaved VS thin-leaved, structure, etc, as well as what has more or less CBD, etc. And let’s not forget the R-word!