Non Political Things That Make You Go Hmmm.. *reborn* (Part 9)

I really like the British swear “twat” but it must be pronounced tw@.


Australian ‘cunt’ is another great one


This is an ant species where specialized workers keep a sort of “honey” inside their abdomens so they can transfer it to regular workers in order to keep them fed while they work.


Nothing stops a workers revolt faster than abdominal honey.


I’m sure we don’t want to hear about your butt furrowing. Unibrow furrowing, sure. Butt furrowing, not so much.

Now I need the fucking bong!

Ditto the British cunt. The American, not so much.

Perhaps, unless they’re in the Himalayas. Then it’s Yeti/Abominable honey.

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I am, for real, really sick with what you’d expect after a trip to Mexico. Definitely furrowed.

I knew an angry wizard and the called him the abominable yeoman.

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Sorry to hear you have the post Mexican squirts. Green apple trots? I’d be furrowed too.

When I lived in Canada, I knew a guy named George Yoemans. He was actually pretty abominable. He was my friend.

Time to make breakfast. Have a lovely rest of your morning (or whatever)!

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I’ll spare you the details but yuck.

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Ever feel sorry for the toilets at a chili festival?


They knew what they were getting into.

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cat types


There’s stuff going in there that chlorine can’t kill.

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Maybe so but that blue shit in the portable toilet kills bugs dead.

They certainly knew what was going to be getting into them!

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It’s a little chili in here. Let me borrow your sweater. And no, you won’t want it back.



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Not me. I use a special digit on my right hand for my non verbal

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Hmmm didn’t see a pic of my ex

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That makes for a very limited vocabulary. How do you say “please” and “thank you” with that one digit? :wink:


I think it’s thumbs up

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