Northeastern Growers' Corner

I’m a Hudson valley hound, sniffing around orchards as far as the eye can see.


I’m real glad NY just got on legalization so all our New York folks on OG can come on out and talk about it with us!


Got a corner for Vermonters here? :maple_leaf::call_me_hand:t2::v:t2:


@Dirt_Wizard and we are coming out and talking. It’s a beautiful new world. It’s really awesome not having to stay in the shadows. I’m so looking forward to seeing how everything goes here.


Hey, does anyone remember from 99-02ish the stuff that was circulating around the southern Maine region. . It was dark green, red hairs, and smelled something like Italian herbs. It was dense and clearly hard packed, but not brick pressed flat. It had seeds but wasn’t really bad. Good Mersh grade, before beasters flooded the area. I really wish I knew to keep those seeds in cold storage back then.


I found and are growing seeds from here gifted to me back in 98

back in 76 buying bags ounces for $25 lol tons of seeds toss them shit today I wish I had them 100000 seeds through the years lol


Hacienda Don Pedro, which calls itself a “cannabis generous campground and homestead,” hosted a “Reefer Madness” dinner party last year where the owners’ mom made free cannabis available to guests who wanted it.

Hacienda Don Pedro

“In early November, we held a [ticketed] cannabis pairing dinner right after the change in the law on cannabis gifting,” he says. “And we wanted to pair certain strains with certain dishes prepared by chef Michael Casanova of the Hoot Owl. We don’t believe in putting cannabis in food itself for these events, because depending on your metabolism, the uptake can vary, and we don’t want anyone to overdo it. When we found out that we couldn’t gift guests with the strains and essences we’d created, my mom saved the day, coming in with her own supply and gifting the guests, which is completely legal.”


Sounds interesting!

I am wondering if the m39 that was really rampant up here in the maritimes around that time was prevalent further south. I remember specifically getting some m39 (ranging from meh to horrible in quality), and some grapefruit which was similar in look to the m39 but just more citrus, as well as getting outdoor friesland.


Greetings New England Growers!

I’ll check in as the Cape Cod representative. But for the damnable winters I love the place and appreciate the ability to go Legal for the first time in my life.

Currently escaping the cold on vacation in Florida.



Upstate NY checking in. :cold_face:


Cape Cod is great. Used to vacation there, renting a home for a summer week from a couple that choose to live on their boat during the warm months.

Those ticks though …


The ticks are terrible in ny also. Most wood guys I know have Lyme disease. The tests for Lyme are terribly inaccurate.
My buddies wife got Lyme and started experiencing tingling and numbness on different parts of her body. She was diagnosed with ms.



Wife tooth a picture for history.


The ticks are really not fucking around these last few years, with the warmer winters they are not dying off as much and we’ve been getting them in the middle of long winter thaws. I’m hoping the current subzero weather does a good number on them this year and we have a slightly less insane spring. But yeah, Lyme is no joke and the precautions we have to take aren’t either. I rarely go off trail in the woods without using 15-20% DEET and Picaridin on my person, sometimes lemon eucalyptus oil if I don’t want to smell chemmy, but it doesn’t work as well. Permethrin treatment on the shoes, tent, and some pants. Summer weight hiking pants tucked into socks or silk weight thermals makes me like being out in January TBH. Can’t wait until we get another Lyme vaccine after they pulled the last one for absolutely no good reason.


It really is insane. We took our dog out 2 years ago for a walk. It was one of the warm spots in January. On the trails for 45 minutes. We took 13 ticks off


Im honestly happy for all the legalization though it hasn’t happened here yet. Im in the north east part of the US. Not quite as north as Maine. I am surrounded by legal cannabis and its legal medical here. It kills me they have growing facilities within 10 miles of me and they’re gonna tell me I can’t? Yeah sure.


Yes, @Greenfingers you must be livin’ free or dying, right! Wonderful freedom of douche-nozzle Sununu.

@Emeraldgreen that’s a great photo and keepsake! Yes, Cuomo couldn’t keep his hands to himself, thank god. I saved this graphic from the newspaper the day we legalized…the day the Communistwealth turned green!


I’m not sure about other states, but police in ny were told not to bother with minor charges. Nobody is going to get in trouble unless they have pounds and cash. My buddy’s cousin is a sheriff and he said that’s the memo that went out to all departments


NE growers corner might get buried this weekend.

Stromboligenisis - the need to make stromboli’s before the storm gets here;)