Not Just Another Tincture Thread

Yes, but… Freeze everything first, then combine frozen ingredients, shake and continue to follow instructions, as indicated above, here on @ReikoX’s killin thread


So I can’t use a plastic container?

Or can I use a glass with no lid?

  • I forgot the Mason jars.
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Plastic is fine. My alcohol comes in plastic bottles and thats what I use.

I find it works a LOT better to use an over size bottle/jar or what ever rather than pack the bud in tooooo tight. That way you can shake it around if there is some extra room.

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Glass is preferred, there are many kinds of plastic. You can do a drinking glass with tin foil.


glass is ideal especially in higher alcohol concentrations, and some plastics are alright to use such as pet and hdpe as we also arent storing them long term .

Edit: dammit @ReikoX beat me again lol, leave to pour a drink and come back and hit post and there you are lol


So I put 3oz in one cup no lid and 3 oz in another cup no lid. Also placed the remaining 5 liters in the freezer.

both 3 oz cups turned to slush.
5 liters no change yet.

I am assuming the slush is a indicator of a low alcohol %. That sucks, glad I only paid $25usd for the 5 liters. I am gonna take it to the warehouse to use for cleaning I guess . I am gonna leave the jug in the freezer to see if maybe I can freeze the water and remove it to increase the %. But I am going to wait untill I get a confirmed 95% before I put the bud in there.

Or that water has entered your alcohol due to the lack of a lid.

Always cover alcohol and remove any air, to keep it fresh.

There are lower alcohol approaches in this killin thread too!


good call! I am gonna put some more with lids :+1:

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Ok, so, with lids the alcohol didn’t freeze.

I am doing the reduction now

Like a orange brown or goldish color. Filtration takes a while.


Do you have any pics of the product prior to putting it into the alcohol. Damn its red.

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Interesting color!

Its possible your alcohol (no lids) was absorbing the moisture from inside your freezer. The RH in the freezer will go to 100% when you open the doors. If you have a frost free freezer, it will drop back down when the frost forms on the coils, but that could leave time for the alcohol to absorb a good bit.

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No, after the oven it did darken to a more brown but not burnt. Smelled like weed from a dry herb vape.

Some solids appear to be forming now that the alcohol is starting to evaporate.


Some on this site feel the container that is used for de-carbing should not be covered.

If it is covered, any vapors that do not escape will return to a liquid or semi-solid state if they are allowed to cool and remain trapped in or on top of the product.

I always cover up with a double seal of aluminium foil when I de-carb.

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Interesting. Thats the first time Ive heard that recommendation.

I think @ReikoX does not agree. Hoping to hear why.

Reduction took forever. Was trying not to reflux.


I’ve done both and both work. If the starting material was completely dry, I had no issues. If the material still has moisture, covering it traps in that moisture. This added moisture can cause problems with separation and/or pulling more chlorophyll.

If I am concerned with preserving terpenes etc, I do not decarb in the oven at. Instead I use the natural decarb method. The oven is usually used for topical and edibles.


Ah, I became alert right at this point.

Years ago, I saw a chart of what evaporates at what temperatures and IIRC at the temperature the oven is at to decarb, a fair amount of things like smells etc will evaporate away. If possible I would like to avoid doing this.

I am quite interested in decarbing for extraction without using an oven, would I already be doing this with a good cure?

Also, is the quality of extracted product affected by not using an oven? Positively, or negatively

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How does the final color look to you? I will try it tonight.

Another one of those 180 that make me more confused to cover or not to cover.

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