Not Just Another Tincture Thread

Did you put in the citric acid before you heated the sugar or after? I think my recipe says before and it should be after, or it gets a nasty burnt taste.

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I did it afterwards, I waited for the bubbling to stop, mixed it in the poured in the green dragon and flavoring.


I have had hit and miss results with the citric acid… I’ve thrown away more than one batch because of it. Lately I just use the sorbet powder as a coating instead.


Yeah probally a much better idea. I made a tester batch with no tincture, sour black berry with 2 teaspoons and it turned out great. But this batch with the 3 didn’t. So I don’t know it was because I used 3 teasppoons. Or if it’s because I should have poured the tincture in first and then added the citric acid. I’m gonna play around without tincture and try to figure it out. I’m thinking it may be the ladder rather than the former

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I’ve been thinking of adding goodies to my tincture. I’m sure someone has had the same idea and could give me some advice. For example: I keep fresh ginger in everclear in the fridge. Has anyone made a tincture using a “flavored” alcohol? Also considering elderberries. Any thoughts? Wonder if I could steep the dried berries and the cannabis at the same time…Hmmmm

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usually you have to cook the elderberries to get rid of the cyanide. Not concern trolling just making sure you don’t ingest potentially dangerous berries, though nobody has died from it, you just get really sick.

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Many thanks! I wasn’t aware of that. If there’s a will, there’s a way. I just don’t know if there is enough of a “will” yet. I’m sure it could be done, and it would be an interesting combo. Again, Hmmmm. I think I’ll try the ginger I have stored in Everclear first.

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Just mix it in with your Bourbon


@OleReynard I like the way you think!


That could be dangerous, but fun!


Oh ya, well I like your picture

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Life can be dangerous at times.


The single barrel Evan Williams is a real bargain…cause it’s Evan Williams…


I’ll drink to that


“The elderberries just can’t be consumed – they can be tinctured to extract the properties and then you discard the berries.”

I found a few references online saying the same thing.
I’ll give it a go and see what happens.


Only problem with that is the alcohol content is too low…


I just put my tincture in orange juice but hey…whatever works for ya. I like my whiskey too.


Hey @ReikoX
I need your advice. Heres what I did.
~8 grams of bud and a bit of sugar leaf trim. Total was 14 grams. Decarb, froze 24 hrs. Also froze my Everclear. Used 7 oz of the everclear and shook the piss out of it. Etc. like the recipe. Ended up with ~12 ounces of liquid. Hi Used a makeshift double boiler to reduce. It has been strained twice thru coffee filter. I reduced it to 5 oz. here are pics.

So my question is. Does it look right? If I use the taffy recipe in the thread how much should I use? The stuff in the bottom. Is that stuff that was too fine to be caught by the filter? Do I shake the jar before using to suspend all that stuff back into to liquid?


you froze everclear?


Looks good to me.

So the first thing you need to do it find out how much of it is a dose. This is called titration. I would start slow and work my way up.

Then you add how ever much is a dose for you (I use 1/2-1 ml per dose) times the number of servings in the recipe. So for example if I made a dozen cookies, I would add about 12 ml of tincture.

The stuff on the bottom is wax that has precipitated out. I would not shake it up and just leave it in the bottom of the jar. If you stick the jar in the freezer for about 72 hours, it may get thick enough to filter out. This is called winterization (see first few posts).

The everclear is placed in the freezer for 24 hours, but it won’t freeze in those temperatures. This technique is intended to reduce the water soluble chlorophyll by keeping everything in the freezer.