Not Just Another Tincture Thread

Hey Reiko, have you done a post on passive evaporation? Anything to watch out for?


Thank you, my friend. I’m actually making this for my wife and brother, both who are non smokers, but are willing to give it a shot with edibles. Sure don’t wanna scare them off the first go.


I think I briefly discuss it in the “Natural Decarboxylation” post at the beginning. It should help preserve the terpenes or if you are making an non-decarbed (THCA) tincture. I like to put mine in front of my window AC as it blows dry air. :+1::seedling:


You did, thanks. I’m going to decarb as normal but I’m a bit apprehensive about heating alcohol because I’m not quite as spry as I used to be. In fact I can be downright unspry. Anywho, appreciate you taking the time as always.


It takes a lot longer, but still gets the job done. A fan blowing over the container may speed it up a bit.


Looking for some tips/advice on making an effective cbd tincture with cbd isolate. Or better yet if anyone knows how to turn it into that water soluble powder that sells for an arm and a leg :stuck_out_tongue:

I briefly tried to melt a gram with 30ml of beef fat (lol for taste I guess) and put some under my tongue a few times but didn’t notice any difference in any pain or anxiety. I also gave some to my dog and didn’t notice him being any more calm. Maybe my expectations are too high or I’m doing something wrong. I also didn’t like that much oil in my mouth (1-2ml) so maybe 15ml next time might work better so it’s more concentrated?

I’ve tried smoking it in the vapourizer also and can’t really tell if it’s working or not but I always smoke it with thc too and find my highs feel more body heavy when I’ve read it’s supposed to do the opposite.

I have like 20g so hoping I can at least get some use out of it or my dog who’s pretty skittish with people.

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I add isolate to MCT oil with a little heat. MCT is pretty easily absorbed by the body. With CBD I don’t notice dramatic effects, rather gradual ones from daily dosing.


:grin: :rofl: :joy: :sweat_smile:

Smart man. :slight_smile:

Hahahahaha! I resemble that remark brother.

Hey @ReikoX
How do you take it from this stage to Vape cartridge ready?

Link me please



Ove never successfully used tincture to make. Vape cartridge. The best I’ve done is a 90 day soak in VG. Even that left a bit to be desired in the potency department.

Technically, you would need a bunch of lab equipment to turn the ethanol extract to distillate. Not something a home user can do easily.


Thanks for your quick reply.


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right I was going to make a joke about his freezer, I put my everclear in the freezer as well…also my tequilia


@ReikoX if I’m using kief or dry ice sift- for calculation purposes, do you treat it like rosin, shatter, etc. And assume 60-65% thc and 100% conversion?


It really depends on the quality of the kief. I would go with 40% THC just to be on the safe side.


This thread is fantastic. I wish I had more time to read, but I gotta get back to work.

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I ditched the stand alone coffee filter a long time ago and now use an AeroPress saves a shitload of time and the final product is much better IMO ease of use to and makes a good cup of coffee :laughing:

Give it a go you won’t be sorry


hey that’s a good idea! I’ll have to steal it from you!


Best would be to make sure it’s winterized while there’s still plenty of alcohol (ethanol is needed in this case) to remove the waxes. Stick the solution into the freezer for two or more days undisturbed, it’ll let the waxes congeal and settle. Then gently pour it through two layers of coffee filter. Then dry it out completely. Once you have the shatter, there are many products you can use, including VG, to liquify it for vape cartridges. I personally used terpenes, very little is needed to have it work, while VG/PG has it mixed about 1:1, making it fairly dilute. I got a collection of East coast terpenes blends and unflavored.

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Please do I. It never really clicked until I was having a browse through BAS and saw an AeroPress and asked myself wtf are they selling a coffee press for?

Then it clicked, I went out and bought one that afternoon and haven’t looked back.

Really easy to do large batches without having to wait for the drip drip drip of a normal coffee filter that could take hours for bigger lots.

I use a very fine chefs sieve for the first wash then i do two through the Aero cause its quick and the results are exceptional.

I’ll post a pic in the next day or so