Not Just Another Tincture Thread

Now that is an inciteful question…

We (folks at OG) use high CBD strains (type 3) to extract CBD.
Most commercial operations are extracting from hemp as a byproduct.

There are also type 2 plants around, 1:1 THC:CBD. They are primarily medical.



I’ll continue to decarb too. I read some study about decarbing for CBD. The temp was 260F for 90 minutes, iirc. This got me to thinking…

I’ll be harvesting 2 “Sebring’s Revenge” in a month. It’s a type 2 strain 14% CBD-13% THC. I’ll decarb 1/2 oz of each, at 240/40 & 260/90, make tinctures, and compare the Gummies made from each tincture. It may not prove anything, but it’ll be interesting to try. :man_cook:


I can’t wait to see results. This will be fun to watch.


I was a little enthusiastic in my reduction but will be using this to prepare edibles. :slight_smile:

It was easier than I thought.


Very interesting. Thank you
I never knew about type 1-2-3.

Any recommendations on type 2-3?

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I have a couple type 2s from ReikoX and Instg8tr but I haven’t looked into them yet.

Lately I’ve been running Dr. Seedsman 30:1 for type 3 CBD. I can’t run these concurrently with breeding stock as I’ve seen one rodalize in late flower and produce seed.
There seems to be new strains popping up every month now so no shortage of new strains to try.



You said it was getting older. If you have stored it at room temperature, its possible the CBD/THC has degraded to CBN. CBN is very narcotic and as potent as Valium on a mg to mg comparison. Does it make you very sleepy as well?


Yep, I took like a few mm two nights ago and I couldn’t keep my eyes open!

It’s been in bathroom medicine cabinet!

The first time it gave me a bad head ache , second time verycalm effect and a sleepy feelin


I took this much lol


When I do the decarb I always shoot for CBN from THC degrading in the oven. That’s what the sleepy time cookies are made out of.


I have been growing Sebs Rev for a couple of years now, unless he changed the Mother or farther they should be around 24% CBD and 1% to 3% THC.

A report I read a little while ago said the Liver has problems breaking CBD down, and topical, sublingual or smoking is the best delivery method for absorption.



Is there any available products out there that market towards CBN?

I have only seen THC and CBD.

Am I better off attempting to make it myself ?

I found one from California’…the woman would like To try it, she won’t go for the 3:1 I have that could have decarbed into cbn .

Overgrow is awesome. So many wonderful things to learn.

Thank you everyone, Great recipes and discussion.


I know Brownguy420 is making CBN capsules but I don’t know where they are available for purchase. In theory you could decarb a CBD variety for a long time to get CBN at home without adding any THC.

BadKittySmiles used a freeze/thaw technique that also made some sleepy time oil for me.


Thanks for pointing that out. If true, that makes this test even better. A head to head: 2 temps vs. no decarb There shouldn’t be much enterage effect to deal with.
What gen are you growing? I just copied this from his site.

Sebring’s Revenge F4
(High CBD Feminized)

CBD to THC: 1:1, 14%+ CBD & 13% THC
Profile: Sweet, floral, and earthy
Maturity: 8 weeks (from the beginning of no more than 12 hours of light.)
Yield: High

It’ll be interesting either way.


Looks like he has changed the parents, I have Gen 1 I believe. It was labelled up to 24% CBD and up to 3% THC and femized.

On my last few seeds now, tried making more last year, selfing the plant with STS, but it didn’t work. I am going to try again as these are very good, or find something else if these new ones are a 1 to 1 ratio. I use for daytime, so I don’t have to worry about driving illegally with a high THC level.


I started 3, #2 was a male :slightly_frowning_face:.

They were labeled Fem CBD seeds. I was surprised, but no big deal. I usually grow Reg seeds.


Which F generation did you find the male in?


They’re F4’s, from 2020, according to the sticker. He was def a keeper, but I didn’t have the space. Could’ve been a neat project.


Good to know. Thanks for sharing this.

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Made tincture w dry ice sift and winterized for the 1st time. Turned that tincture into gummies, there’s a noticeable difference- the waxes or oils, whatever gets left behind by winterizing- normally I don’t winterize, so that oily layer would float to the top of the gummy molds. Not this time. I think this is going to be my new way, especially if I have a lot of kief/sift.

I used 7 grams of sift and turned that into 160 gummies. Hoping for decent potency.