Not Just Another Tincture Thread

Isomalt is great. You can make it in bulk then melt it down later and add your GD. It remelts @ 250° which is just right then it hardens back. You can keep it at 250° and easily pour it into molds. Real easy to work with. magiciendisparait (2015_10_01 04_32_03 UTC)


I got the recipe for the hard candy with Isomalt from your post on the other site. Been looking for one for a while and it looks really good. Can’t wait to try it.


Good to see you around these parts @PSam :wave:


Thanks. Health issues not making it easy to stay active, even on my own thread. Still around, though. smiley on crutches (2015_10_01 04_32_03 UTC)


It’s just so easy to work with. The fact that you can make your hard candy base then just melt it down as you need it is invaluable to me. If you reheat sugar candy, it will never fully harden again whereas isomalt is just fine. It’s a bit more expensive but not too bad.


Omg yes I can’t believe I forgot about sugar glass :flushed::woman_facepalming:

Edible glass and all that. My brain always sharts on specific names when I’m away from home. But yeah that’s what the bottles in theatre classes are made from when made for breaking over someone’s head in a scene. It looks like glass, breaks like glass enough to work, and you can make a bottle out of it that isn’t yellowed from caramelized sugars.


When I can get a handle on how this first batch behaves at room temperature for a pepper fermentation(taboo for some I know) ill post my results. It takes a few weeks and I’m near the end of learning it acts like a sourdough, so I should expect half dilution to maintain a stable emulsion.

It uses seed gels and gums both with an immersion blender as the only luxury that doesn’t cost much tbh. No off smells unless you hate kimchi lol


I’ve used different things I’ve learned from PSam’s thread, and what I’ve read here to make tinctures, FECO, infused Agave.

I just read here about edibles perhaps not working as well as other consumption methods. These are my first 2:1 chocolates/white chocolate. They are very strong for just little candies.

And just my second batch of cannabutter, using Devil Cream cannabis. I truly hope it is purple.


My first attempt at making canna caps. I just want a second set of eyes to look over my dosage formula. I used 5.5 grams of 28% THC cannabis (Space Candy) in 2 oz of coconut oil. From that I made 55 caps. I figure that they are 28mg of THC in each. How close am I?


If you got 100% extraction with the coconut oil, then yes they would be 28 mg each. However, in my experience, the extraction is about 75% efficient so they are probably closer to 21 mg each.


Thank you @ReikoX . I didn’t account for losing some to the extraction process. :v:


Hey @ReikoX questions.

  1. Have you changed the process from your #1 post in this tincture thread?
    I bought he 100% cooking grade alcohol . Had the weed in the freezer after decarb for months. I got the alcohol out of the box and read the warnings looked at my gas range and just put the alcohol in the freezer. It was a good thing too as the contractor messed up and set the range up for natural instead of propane gas. Would have blown up the house.
    Any way I got the rice cooker never used one before Alcohol in freezer.
  2. Can the mixture be left in the freezer longer than 2 hours at the different stages?

Good call not to do the alcohol reduction on a gas stove. Using the rice cooker is easy. Fill it with water, put a washcloth in the bottom and the jar with tincture on top of the washcloth.

I wouldn’t leave the decarbed flower in the alcohol any longer than 2 hours. After you filter it, you can keep it in the freezer as long as you like before reducing. You may need to filter it again as the fats and waxes will separate after about 72 hours.


Thank You just asked as after I started no filters.


My tincture binding to sugar.hope its ok to post here.


looks good to me!
My grandson is running to town to get coffee filters for me!
:green_heart: :seedling:


Looks good! And of course its fine to share here!


Ohh bum, I have 200 grams been sitting in alcohol in the freezer for about a month now :confused: I guess I should pull my thumb out and run it though the distiller, maybe leave it in the jars after filtering so the waxes drop out of suspension like the last lot I left sitting in a jar for a month.


I don’t know why I was so scared and put it off so long. Not hard at all thank You @ReikoX.
I times everything by 4.
1 oz bud
24 oz Alcohol
Rice cooker

1st wash;

2nd wash 16 oz;

Final result;

8 oz finished Tincture.


You vaping that off or already done?

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