Not Just Another Tincture Thread

Done, I started with 16 oz after the washes That was the ratio in the 1st post. Is that wrong?? I reduced 50%
:green_heart: :seedling:


Asking the wrong person .
Ya want to grow good dank with volume weed, no muss no fuss, I’m that guy.
Chemistry weren’t my thing.


I just followed #1 post. I know you reduce more in some of the recipes.


Well done!


I’m curious. I’m gearing up to test different decarb temps on CBD efficacy this week. Does anyone estimate the CBD content of their tinctures, eg. with a 20:1 strain? Would one use the same formula used for THC? Does it matter?

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You don’t need to decarb CBD. Just treat it the same as THC for amounts and ratios.


If you use kief instead of dried plant material would you still use 75% for the efficiency or would that number be higher?


Yes, but the kief is about 50-60% THC depending on quality. :+1::seedling:


Ok, that’s interesting, I thought it would be higher. Good to know thanks!

@G-paS You get great results and a quicker extraction using an areopress. Thats what I use. I got tired of the drip drip drip for hours on end.


Did you ever end up getting the recipe?
If not I’ll post it

I did, thanks.

Yay! I finally have a chance to actually add something useful to this awesome thread!

Here’s a great recipe for “Caramel Fire” vanilla expresso with sea salt sprinkles. This is the tasty treat that got me interested in GD in the first place.

(whoops, this reply was to an old question… sorry?)


That’s an interesting flavour combination… :thinking: :vulcan_salute:
(I’ll leave off the sea salt when I try.)

Thanx & Cheers

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Salt lowers the perception of bitterness. It makes sweet things taste even sweeter. Try sprinkling a little salt on a slice of watermelon or cantaloupe sometime. Mmmmm…

I know all too well that salt consumption needs to be watched, especially for folks with certain health issues, but it makes food so damn tasty!

In other news I made lemon flavored hard candy with tincture last night. It was my first time working with hard crack sugar mix and it was such a PITA!!! It goes from molten lava to rock hard in like half a second (I even set up a double boiler to help keep it warm). The worst part was my decision to wrap each one in cellophane which took a couple hours. I don’t see myself trying that again… although I am tempted to try maple syrup candies to share with the Canadians in my life.


Haha. That’s true, but also my favorite recipe. Did you use a thick bottomed pot? That helps hold in some of the heat and slows down the time to cooling.


I have a dedicated double boiler and started in that. I quickly realized that the sugar mix wouldn’t get to 305° sitting on top of the boiling water, so I moved it directly onto the burner. It is not a thick-bottomed pot, but once I got it to temp I set it atop the boiling water again to keep warm. What a mess! I do love the taste and texture I got. The final product is fine, but it’s so much more work than a dropper of tincture swished in some water - or a cookie with infused coconut oil. I’m sure I’ll forget how annoying the experience was given enough time and will try it again :slight_smile:


I do believe this is now my favorite lung-friendly method of consumption.

I decarbed the C99 cross in the oven, temps were all over the place. Black Dosi Fire went in the instant pot in a mason jar for 40 mins of pressure cooking and natural pressure release. Both turned out very potent with a lot of medicinal value.

Big thanks for the technique and info !


Hola @smokenhike

I want to know more

I just bought a pressure cooker
so you steam the canna

Please elaborate




Hey Bare, what a good excuse to make more.

Here we have some year old JOTI God’s AK47. Found some GAK x Lemon Skunk seeds from the pollinated preflowers, bonus !

Grind into 250ml mason jar. Smells delicious…

Screw the lid on tight and add to pressure cooker. I like to use boiling water to get it going quick, and fill it to the level of the buds in the jar.

Today I did 30 mins of heat, then released the pressure at 50 mins. I figure it takes ~10-15 minutes for the inside of the jar to come up to temperature after the cooker does :thinking:

Ready for tincture.

At this setting we should have just about the perfect temperature for decarb and it should be stable: High Pressure: 10.2–11.6 psi, temperature: 239–244°F. Most pressure cookers should be in a similar range. There is no smell until you open the cooker.

You can also throw it back in the cooker with some butter or coconut oil, or just add it from the start. I think it comes out stronger with a separate decarb & infuse step though. 7g and 1/4c coconut oil should fill around 65 00 capsules with around 10-15mg each by my guesstimate.