Not Just Another Tincture Thread

Hola @smokenhike

Would anything change
if I put more canna in a
bigger jar.
Most of my jar are 112gr
or more,
About your setting are you
on low med or high Temp wise ?




Maybe add a bit of time for a big jar to heat up, 5-10 mins if it has a lot in it? Or let it do natural release of the pressure without venting, to have more time under heat. I use a 1L jar to do butter, barely fits but it works. But I didn’t fill it up.

It is set for high pressure, which is the default one. I just press “Pressure Cook”, set the time, and let it go.


Also love the aeropress. Like a french press that has a better seal. Makes really quick work, no waiting.


You know it. Cut down my production time significantly.

I also use a very fine SS chefs sauce strainer for the first pass before the aeropress. Save’s all the mucking around with cheese cloth or whatever other cloth or method you’re using. which again helps significantly reduce production time and mess etc…


@ReikoX i just finished my first everclear tincture making and wanted to run by the way I did it and my calculations.
I decarbed 3oz of bud and cooled and split it into 2 mason jars in the freezer (42g in each).
I was trying to use the least amount of everclear, so first jar:
400ml shake wait 2 hours shake and strain. Then added 200ml for the second shake and strain.
Combined those and back in freezer for a day.
At this point I had 480 ml.
Used the 480 for the second jar and after 2 hr shake and strain ended with 350 ml
Put 225 ml fresh everclear shake and strain and combined now 600 ml. After another final strain through coffee filter at the end I have 570 ml
Is my thinking right that the numbers in the middle don’t mean anything but just the end volume so:
If 10% THC then
0.10 x 84000 (84g total) x .75 = 6300/570 = 11.05 mg/ml
If 15% THC then .1584000.75/570 = 16.6 mg/ml
So that should be the range of the tincture before any reduction. ???


Yes, that sounds about right for a tincture before reduction.


High folks, great thread.
I’ve been making tincs for years. I’m a geezer, and use it sublingually for aches and pains, and Mrs H uses it in her evening vodkas for the buzz. I don’t mind the buzz either!
I finish with a paper coffee filter, then a potato ricer, not as efficient as I’d like, and my hand strength isn’t what it used to be, so this Aeropress contraption got my ears pricked up! I could just sit on it, right :slight_smile:
I run 2oz’s in 500ml of Everclear. Would all the weed fit in the Aeropress ™, and squeeze out successfully, or would I have to do it in parts?
Do the metal screens screen out everything, or would I need paper for that? Would I have to clean the screen if I had to do multiple presses?
And, lastly, why decarb in the oven uncovered? I cover with foil crimped as tightly as I can. I figured it helped keep more of the more volatile terps in, and it definitely keeps the odor down. What am I missing?
Tinc on!


Hello !

I am finally on track for making my own extract / tinctures.

What I want is the similar tinctures to the commercialized ones with the “organic MCT OIL”.

Is that similar to the suggestion you make in the recipe to use the vegetable oil To smooth out the taste of the alcohol?

I have the two main ingredients. . … flower and ever clear.

I am going to do as suggested and make a test batch first… I have over 4oz of sugar leaf from my first harvest. . . .thinking about doing my test run with that.

Or would you suggest a smaller run with some higher contained thc flower ?


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Sorry to double tap. I found this post of yours.

I am planning on making a batch of tincture , an I guess when I have it made -adding it to some MCT oil to get the taste I want and delivery method “to help it be absorbed quickly into the body a.”

I ordered some glass droppers.

I have everclear 190 proof
Flowers + sugar leaf

I could really use a walk through !!

I did read the thread and found a few recipes / methods.

The decarb + shake method seems to be pretty good to me, then reduction though double boiling. . . .

Just hoping for some tips an some encouragement to get me going.

I’m only a day time smoker . But could really Use my medicine in a controlled dosage. via tincture in the evenings or as needed … blazing isn’t always an option . ANd i really want to harness the medicinal benefits


If I don’t decarb - can I still get some Medicinal effects without the psychoactive effects?

I’m not looking for a high really, more so medicinal.

I will do both.

ID really like to know and understand how To make the clear MCT oil tinctures. . . . Is it a heavily reduced tincture diluted with MCT oil?

I wonder if a cannabis mixed with MCT oil process could work ?


Yes, if you make a tincture without decarbing you will still get some medicinal benefits without the psychoactive ones.

To make a MCT tincture, you could use the solvent transfer. That is mix tincture 1:1 with MCT oil. Then reduce that mixture over a double boiler until you are back to the original volume of MCT oil. Another option would be to reduce the tincture all the way to RSO then mix that with some MCT oil and heat.


And maybe this will inspire you a bit.

I went to get some flavoring to make some of my hard candies and ran across this.

I decarbed about five grams of food grade rosin and added it to about 1/2 an ounce of ethanol with a bit of heat. You could use tincture reduced down for the same effect.

I followed the recipe on the bag and added the reduced tincture when adding the flavoring. It took a while to get it completely mixed in, but eventually it was homogenous.

They are drying now, from my sampling they are quite potent. My math was to make them about 3 mg/g but I don’t know how many grams the bears weigh. :rofl:

I will report back on their shelf life, if they last that long. :yum:


Well I guess don’t even need the everclear for My cannabis infused MCT OIL…found a recipe


You can do it that way too, many ways to get to the same end result. :+1::seedling:


Thank you so much Rico for taking the time to reply to my questions even though the answers do lie in the thread.

I just picked up my MCT oil I’ve got a feeling I paid too much as I got it from a weight lifting supplement store LOL.

One final question which is probably above but I have some wax paper that I was going to use in the oven for the decarb to line the pan with
Should I get some aluminum foil instead or do it right on the pan

Think that will be okay?


If it is wax paper, that probably isn’t suited for the 250°F decarb. If it is parchment paper, you are good to go. :+1:


Lol. - it is parachment paper :wink:


My late night order came today.
Before I could make my own with the MCT oil and ever clear I bought…no wonder all my money is gone…what is money lol

Okay I’m dove into the deep end

All I need now is. Digital thermometer… I have a meat thermometer. Some where

Just bought this slow cooker at home depot - how.does it look tincture group?

Also check out my gear.

Really thinking about doing a quick tincture wash .


I am slowly making my way through this thread and have been learning a lot! Thanks to all and especially you ReikoX. Keeping in mind that I am not finished reading through everything yet, I have a couple quick questions for you @ReikoX if you don’t mind. I am becoming quite a fan of your work. I enjoy your scientific approach and the way you run your set up. It’s very efficient!

  • Can you double infuse something? Like say an MCT oil. Let’s say I infuse 1000ml with 1oz of cannabis, can I strain and re-infuse another ounce into the same oil? Will it double the potency?

  • Hypothetically speaking, If you could decarb at a temperature in which you knew would stay absolutely constant throughout, what temperature would you decarb at and for how long?

Sorry if these subjects have been discussed within the thread, I am trying to read a little bit here and there when I have a few minutes each day and really just wanted to ask you this stuff for now. I will probably have more questions for you eventually haha.