Not Just Another Tincture Thread

i found this online Edible Dosage Calculator [For THC + CBD] - Veriheal might help me down the line lol.

so that calculator is saying from 28 grams of 20% thc i get 5600 mg and if i make 250 gummies its roughly 22mg each

I just looked at the calculator and it is assuming a 100% extraction which is not going to happen, 70% extraction is really good. Once you know your mg/ml you can convert that to teaspoons or tablespoons. A teaspoon equals 5ml and a tablespoon equals 15 ml. Three teaspoons equal a tablespoon.
So, using your 1 ounce of herb to 2 cups of oil = 8.17 mg/ml.
Teaspoon = 5 ml x 8.17mg/ml = 40.85 mg
Tablespoon = 15 ml x 8.17mg/ml = 122.55 mg

Say you’re going to make 30 gummies and you’re going to use 3 tablespoons of infused oil.
3 x 122.55 = 367.65 mg/ 30 = 12.255 mg per gummy.


ok that makes some sense to me now. and should be easy enough to use as a base line to learn how to dose myself to where i wanna be. awesome thank you

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If for some reason it doesn’t make sense when you get ready, let me know and I’m happy to help. :v:


much appreciated bud will do

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follow up question in relation to your cream man.

Do you harvest your roots fresh after cut? I have some pots that were cut about 15-30 days ago, i just cut the plant but left the stump with roots in the peat mix and forgot about them so they are 15-30 days old and obviously dried as fuck. can I use those roots or do they need to be processed right at harvest?

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I’ve processed (very) dried roots…
If you have a beast of a blender you can reduce the ‘lumber’ to a usable size.


  • easy to clean up the roots when totally dry


  • difficult to break down the dry woody material


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I’ve done both fresh and dry, both work. :+1::seedling:

Pardon my possible stupid question…
Is there THC in roots?


No, there is no THC in the roots.


My Lebanese hash tincture in 80% v/v Suriname rum

As experiment one pipette each cigarette with additive free tobacco.Let the alcohol evaporate of course.Smoking alcohol isnt so good for the lungs.


I’m trying a dry, mason jar + oven decarb today. 220F - 240F for 60mins.

Hoping for an easy method to ingest cannabis at night, maybe just use a spoon & swallow dry bud with some h2o.

Should this method work alright?


Shouldn’t be a problem if there isn’t much moisture in the buds. :+1:


How about loading it into some 000 gel capsules? Trying to get down dusty, dry flower…? Sounds chokey to me. But I am interested in how it works compared to other edibles.


@potpotpot I’ve mixed it in honey, but the caps the easiest to deal with… or put it on your pizza :slight_smile:


I think you meant to tag @Gonzo, but thank you anyway, cause now I’m interested haha.


Mix it into some peanut butter or another fatty nut spread. Lots of people will put that mix on a Ritz or Saltine. Look up a recipe for firecrackers. The second cooking isn’t necessary.
This will make it active very quickly. I can speak from experience, be careful with your dose! This can FUBAR you bad, lol.


I put some down a fruit rollup and made a taco


Holy shit dude, you just brought back some memories!
Yeah, we made firecrackers…Ritz if we had em, but more often saltines :laughing: Definitely did the decarb, and the second cook, because that’s what I read on ICmag :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
I made em all the time, but everything was eyeballing, so I got a little infamous because people would come to my spot and get stuck for 4 hours until they could move their legs again, or stop feeling like my couch was a water bed. :droplet: :sleeping_bed: :ocean: